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Scenery not loading into P3D v4

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Hi guys, 

im wondering if anyone can help, I downloaded ftx central a few weeks back and got all my scenery downloaded and updated, it all worked fine for a few flights. I then went into the fsx side and downloaded all for that side as I still have payware that I want to use. Last night I purchased the a2a Comanche 250 for p3d and then realised that the scenery hadn’t loaded into the game, I’m not sure if this was the first time they hadn’t loaded, but it was the first load after the fsx downloads. Having restarted central and p3d I still have the problem. Any tips on how to get it working again? 

Many thanks 


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Hello Adam, welcome to the forums.

The scenery loads automatically with the sim, FTX Central is only used to install into your sim at purchase.

Check your scenery library in game and see if it matches the order below for the products you have.

Scenery order.jpg

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I've just re downloaded the scenery back into FTX central to see if this helps, in terms of the settings in FTX central what should be displayed under library insertion point if I don't own any other add on scenery apart from ORBX.

currently it displays as:

FTX: (at top of scenery library)

openLC : FTX

how do I check my scenery library in game for P3d?


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hi Nick, 

thanks for the reply. do you mean from the scenario screen or after you have loaded into a game? not very familiar with P3d as I've only had it a few weeks and am relatively new to flight siming.

Many thanks 


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