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ORBX scenery splitting, moutains and terrain moving

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Not sure if i am posting is the correct section. If not, i apologize. I'm beside myself and have not found a solution after exhausting all avenues to get this fixed.


Iv already done everything listed in this thread, https://www.avsim.com/forums/topic/522254-ftx-orbx-scenery-prepar3d-updating-reinstalling-troubleshooting/?tab=comments#comment-3735212


The issue continues without a resolution.


Today i removed all my shader files from P3Dv4 and regenerated the defaults. I was really hoping that this would finally fix the issue but it hasn't


It has something to do with ORBX but not sure what. I say this because after running a repair of P3DV4.1 and running a test flight i did not see the terrain moving and splitting usiing the default scenery that comes with P3Dv4.1.


Once i re-added the orbx scenery i started seeing the issue again. In fact this time i enabled everything and yes my scenery order is correct.


I even reinstalled BASE and VECTOR and spent a great deal of time yesterday doing the same to 80% of my orbx scenery. Nothing has fixed this.


I lost my add-ons in the process of doing this repair but that's ok, it just proves to me that its not an addon issue.


So right now i have all default P3Dv4 scenery plus ORBX loaded. Nothing more. No addons nothing else. All files even the .cfg files including scenery files have been regenerated.


Only thing i haven't done i reinstalled that whole damn thing.


Here is what im seeing.


In the distance i see the ground open up showing blue tick marks. As i move closer they close up. As i continue to fly more open up and they close up. Looking carefully i can see the mountains move as well. I cant for the life of me work out what this is or where its coming from. Iv done just about everything i can think of without seriously messing up my installation.


Searched online for others having this issue and could not find anyone else.


This started happening a few weeks back but i thought i was an old orbx scenery which was incompatible (last updated in 2014) but when i started flying with scenery regions i knew were fine before I started seeing this issue everywhere i went..


Also reinstalled the ORBX LIb. No go!





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Please review the below basics,


Ensure all of your 3rd party addons are at the top of your scenery library and above your FTX entries.

Then in FTX Central 3 Insertion points, move "FTX entries should be inserted below"  just below your last 3rd party addon.

Then move the "openLC entries should be inserted below"  just below your FTX entries. and click "Save".

Then run the "Force Migration" option.


Also, consider the below topic.






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Doug, i said i dont have any 3rd party scenery installed just default p3d and Orbx.

None of the link you sent helped. I already did the terrain replacement without any solution.

I just did it again, still the same results.

As for library order, its correct as you can see.

Any other suggestions?









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4 hours ago, mikie46 said:



Because they are part of the replacement default textures supplied with FTX Global base and need to be turned on.....also, the other default entries need to be left on.....and why not try with ALL the scenery activated.  If you are regenerating terrain.cfg files with large amounts of scenery disabled you will be causing yourself problems.


Why are you deactivating so much scenery? P3Dv4 does not have the OOM issues of the previous 32bit sims....

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I have tried it with everything in the ON position and this AM its still doing the split from KLAS to KSFO.

Im deactivating what i don't need, i though it would reduce the load times when your click FLY. At least for me it seems to startup soon than 10min.


Not sure what else to look for now. Iv exhausted all avenues now. Really frustrating. Hard to image nobody else has ever seen this problem?


To me it looks like a shader issue yet iv restore the original shaders.

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Im still wondering about those splits, is that where ORBX splice together the scenery? Also, are mountains supposed to be moving as you fly over them? Maybe its an autogen problem? How do you fix such a problem?

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I have never seen those splits before, and no it is not "where ORBX splice together the scenery". I would say those are where the roads and lights are supposed to be, but when you deactivate them in your scenery library ("AND WHY DOES EUROPERLIGHTS AND SAMERICA LIGHTS ALWAYS DEFAULT TO ON!!!!! EVEN WHEN I TURN IT OFF!") the sim can not find the missing textures so it renders a blank spot as such.


Maybe time to start from scratch? Your P3D install is probably a corrupt mess by now?

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Maybe so, maybe im posting in the wrong forum and should be looking at P3D as i reset all my P3D files today with no addons, no orbx and just the default P3D scenery files that come with the application and low and behold im seeing the same thing. Also, i doubt there should be roads and lights at the base of mountains out in the middle of nowhere. That wouldn't make much sense.

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On 5/31/2018 at 6:44 AM, Doug Sawatzky said:



Please review the below basics,


Ensure all of your 3rd party addons are at the top of your scenery library and above your FTX entries.

Then in FTX Central 3 Insertion points, move "FTX entries should be inserted below"  just below your last 3rd party addon.

Then move the "openLC entries should be inserted below"  just below your FTX entries. and click "Save".

Then run the "Force Migration" option.


Also, consider the below topic.







Doug, Holger advises making a backup copy of the terrain.cfg file in the main P3D folder. I'm running P3D 4.2...I know this is a no-brainer, but I can't find the terrain.cfg file anywhere in my P3D4 folder. Can you tell me please exactly where it is - or should be!


Thanks, Don

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3 minutes ago, donbrindles said:

Doug, Holger advises making a backup copy of the terrain.cfg file in the main P3D folder. I'm running P3D 4.2...I know this is a no-brainer, but I can't find the terrain.cfg file anywhere in my P3D4 folder. Can you tell me please exactly where it is - or should be!


Thanks, Don


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27 minutes ago, Doug Sawatzky said:

Hi Don


The terrain.cfg for P3Dv4 is located at C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\P3D v4.


Ah, ok, thanks Doug. I was following Holger's advice to go to my main P3D folder, which is on my F drive.



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If you read Holgers instructions, he has also put in red lettering "UPDATE: please note that with P3D v2.5 and P3D v3.x  the active terrain.cfg resides in C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v2 or C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3, respectively"



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Is it possible that the issue is related to the rate of speed you are going  650-720 kts (Mach 1+) at 3000-5000 ft ASL.  It is likely that the PC is just not keeping up with the refined mesh of ORBX areas and the higher demand of the autogen and textures in comparison to the default.  This would also explain the very blurry textures as well.  Might be worth flying over a different area in something a good bit slower as a test.


Hope this helps


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14 hours ago, Doug Sawatzky said:

If you read Holgers instructions, he has also put in red lettering "UPDATE: please note that with P3D v2.5 and P3D v3.x  the active terrain.cfg resides in C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v2 or C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3, respectively"




Ok, thanks again Doug. Yes, I did see Holger's note in red type - it refers to P3Dv2.5 and P3Dv3x...I'm on v4.2, so assumed that terrain.cfg would be elsewhere than C drive. Anyway, thanks again for the clarification,



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The P3D v4 terrain.cfg file is at C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\terrain.cfg.

The terrain.cfg fix for Orbx is even easier because when the terrain.cfg file is deleted, P3D simply replaces

it with a new and default copy.


In case your terrain.cfg backup has been corrupted, I attach a copy of the default which you should

place into C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4 and let it overwrite.


Then start P3D without doing anything else, use a slow default aircraft, the Maule is ideal, and see if the

problem has gone away.

Even if it has not, this will eliminate the terrain.cfg file from your enquiries.



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On 6/7/2018 at 1:51 PM, BrettT said:

Is it possible that the issue is related to the rate of speed you are going  650-720 kts (Mach 1+) at 3000-5000 ft ASL.  It is likely that the PC is just not keeping up with the refined mesh of ORBX areas and the higher demand of the autogen and textures in comparison to the default.  This would also explain the very blurry textures as well.  Might be worth flying over a different area in something a good bit slower as a test.


Hope this helps



Ye that would make sense but i have never seen the splits up until about 5 weeks ago. Also, i fly PMDG 737, 777 and 747's mainly. Never saw them with these aircraft's before. The fast jet was just to test the default with default scenery. I never seen the split issue before. This issue came about shortly after i did the last Orbx library updates. Thats the closest thing i can match to when i started seeing the issues.

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I understand,  though to make sure I think I would still do a test with something much slower.   When you are travel fast with a PMdg you are typically up in the flight levels which is a whole different animal from a LOD basis than Mach 1 at a few thousand feet.   The nice thing about the test is if it clears up the problem then you know it is a performance thing if it doesn’t you know for certain it is something else

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