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KSAN Area Ground Textures

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Hi all!

During the last sale, I bought KSAN. I previously owned the Southern California Region and had that installed already. 

Once installed, the area surrounding KSAN just didn't seem right. The color seemed off and the ground textures seemed "washed out," like there was a white-ish film over them. The rest of my scenery from all different companies looked just fine. It was only the KSAN scenery that was different. 

I tried uninstalling and reinstalling using FTX Central.

I tried adjusting the settings in FTX Central for both KSAN and Southern California.

I tried switching to a differing PTA Present and adjusting my current preset

... but all to no avail.


Here are a couple of shots.




Is this how the ground textures are "supposed" to look? Or does the coloring seem off?

Again, all my other scenery, everywhere in the world looks darker and more natural....

What else can I try?


These shots are taken in P3dv4.2 using Orbx Global, Vector, Openlc north america, Southern California region, KSAN scenery, PTA, REX 4 Texture Direct with Soft Clouds, Active Sky for P3dv4


I also have a couple more shots from different flights if those would help...

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Hi Tim,


Please after clicking on the "Home" button at the top left corner of this page, use "KSAN" as search criteria and enter it in the "Search" window in the top right corner and it should yield tons of info for you.  :)


There is also the below pinned topic.






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  • 4 weeks later...

I have this exact same issue with KSAN.  And I have alomost made a career out of troubleshooting the problem.


I would give a kings ransom to anyone who can come up with a solution.  Searched every post on KSAN and issues with blurriness and no luck with virtually every conceivable tweak.  Here is a partial list of these tweaks:


1.  Reinstalled FSX-SE...twice.

2.  Reinstalled Global, OpenLC, Vector and Libraries, and SoCal.  Installed these piecemean as well.  All work perfect EXCEPT KSAN.

3.  Configured the SoCal both ways (SoCal FTX Control Panel, checked box for SoCal & tried checking the box for an OpenLC install)

4.  Locked FPS at 30 (which by he way really helps with other ORBX installs,  but dodn’t solve this vexing KSAN issue).

5.  Pulled back on all settings..did see that at the ridiculous low Texture Rez setting of 1m, it will not do the spawning into grey blurry landscapes...but looks pathetically blurred (as opposed to blurred and uniformly grey tones, as the OP pics show);

6.   Tried installing just Orbx Libraries, SoCal  and Ksan (no other Orbx products but these) ....no change

7.  Tried various  AA settings in NividiaInspector..no luck 

8.  Made cfg file changes (lod radius, AffinityMask, BufferPools, etc)

9.  In FTX control panel, turned off all options (all eye candy settings)

10.  Moved KSAN to top of Scn Lib (Which Orbx places in 2nd slot by default... just below ORBX Libraries)

12.  Tried lower rez setting (dialed down to 1600 x 1280 x 32)

11.  Bit the head off a live chicken and fed my wifes cat (I have never done either before).


My Specs:


Win 10

i7-8770 OC’d to 5.1 Ghz (delidded the CPU - on air no less.  Dildding not as scarry as its been made out to be)


16gh mem

SSDs..one for OS, the other for Steam, etc)

Latest NVida driver 

No other add ons...just ORBX and FSX


In sum, when flying over any San Diego topography at almost any altitude, the earthtoned color ground tiles will spawn into greyed out blurry ground tiles...and downtown SD is pretty much all greyed out and blurry, as the OP screen shots show.  Prior to installing KSAN, no issues whatsoever....ground appearance looks great running the sim installed with Global base, OpenLC, Vector, Orbx Libraries, and SoCal.


Spent most of the weekend trying to get this figured out.  As an aside, LatinVR’s KSAN ver2 is excellent....and takes considerably less of a hit on FPS that ORBX KSAN.  But would really like to get the ORBX product to work as advertised.


I welcome any input ... particularly from those who are successfully running KSAN on FSX-SE.  Or is there anyone doing so? Tim (OP)....did you ever het this issue resolved?  


(To those of you who do provide a resolution to this issue, you will be spared when we take over your planet).











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