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How talented are these guys !!!

John Giddens

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Outstanding video and virtual flying.  I believe they fly with all their computers tied together at the same location so there is no net lag.  The real Blues just finished their season here in Pensacola with the homecoming show in Nov.  They leave right after the holidays for El Centro, CA to start practicing for the 2010 season.

Brings back a lot of old memories for this Naval Aviator.  The Blues use all standard Navy formations tactics taught to every Naval Aviator... BUT... they do them with 36" wingtip to canopy distance.

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would never have thought that such a thing was possible in FSX, really amazing.

this is not fsx. It's Lock on modern air combat. The F-18 in FSX is so bad, it doesn't simulate flyby wire and the differential breaking is just the worst.
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To anyone who does not understand how dificult this is, do the following....

1- download FSrecorder (freeware) flight recording utility and install.

2- fly a basic circuit in a plane of your choice in FSX while using FSrecorder to record the flight.

3- play back your recorded flight as "traffic" then try and keep formation with your recorded flight.

4- you will find it alsmost impossible, and thats with a pre-recorded predictable flight path.


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To anyone who does not understand how dificult this is, do the following....

1- download FSrecorder (freeware) flight recording utility and install.

2- fly a basic circuit in a plane of your choice in FSX while using FSrecorder to record the flight.

3- play back your recorded flight as "traffic" then try and keep formation with your recorded flight.

4- you will find it alsmost impossible, and thats with a pre-recorded predictable flight path.


It's a heap easier to fly close formation in Lock on modern air combat than FSX.
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I do have Lock On, but have never tried any formation flying in it. I know that trying it in FSX is crazily difficult as i explained above.


Me and jack (VH-KDY) used to do formation all the time and pull it off. We even did it in the Mirage which would have to be the hardest to fly in formation due to the fact that it's a delta wing and if you do any maneuvering it dumps all of it's lift. But myself and jack managed to pull it off in close formation while in a barrel roll and loops. It's not to hard, you just need to practice and get comfortable. Incremental movements of trottle and ailerons is the key.
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I do have Lock On, but have never tried any formation flying in it. I know that trying it in FSX is crazily difficult as i explained above.


Guess again.... these are done by the KIWI's! (In NZ)



This is not recorded with FSRecorder but recored in FSX multiplayer!

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Good effort, and as the vid says "First Practice" but it points out the difficulty of formation flying in the sim.  While the planes were in the same part of the sky at the same time in the opinion of an old Navy pilot this is not formation but rather a group gaggle.  Within the limits of the sim it was well done but as I said its a very good example of FSX and/or FS9 limitations.  Straight and level formation IS achievable but tight acrobatics is another story as it does put a strain on most computers.

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i've been watching these dudes for about as long as i've been simming. (2yrs maybe?) what they do is the ultimate. it's like landing a dodo chopper on the hervey marina pontoon, settings on 5, but about 500 times harder. truly amazing. the "virtual thunderbirds" are probably just as good. i thought the music shocking too.......maybe "dean martin" instead? ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;) ;) ;) ;)


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I would love to have a dodo team that does similar crazy moves, would take some serious practice though.

Well I don't recommend inverted flight in the Dodo. You can get away with a roll, but it's not exactly elegant!  ;)

Whenever I fly with Patrick online in the Dodo, we always seem to end up with at least part of the session where he insists on flying crazy and trying to knock me out of the sky. It's all him you know, I try and keep it professional at all times!  ::);D

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