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Problems with KMCO Orlando International

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I have trees sprouting up all over the place at KMCO, on taxiways etc. It's completely unusable as it is.


I have FTX Global, Vector, Open LC Europe, North America, and South America installed.


I saw a thread at AVSIM that said to make sure you have the latest libraries installed and run the migration tool, well I've done that and it didn't change anything.


Anybody know of a fix for this..?? Any info is appreciated.

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it look like we are seeing two very different versions of the same P3D default airport.

There are no FTX files for this airport, so what is the matter with yours is nothing to do with an FTX product.

Mine is in P3D v4, which P3D version is yours?



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P3D v4.2


This is a default airport, I don't have any add on airport sceneries running at all in P3D.


I have FTX global, FTX Vector and FTX NA, SA, and EUR Landclass. I also have HD trees but have not installed it P3D yet.


I have the libraries fully updated and have run the migration tool.


FWIW, I'm not seeing this issue in FSX Steam Edition......

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as I just mentioned, there are no files for this airport in FTX products.


here is the airport in ADE.








Here is my P3D version.




and here is what I see with only default scenery active.




I wonder why the airport background in your shot does not appear to fit the airport.

Possibly you might need to review your scenery library order.

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I believe you, I can only tell you what I am seeing on my installation of P3D v4.2


Here is another screenshot of KSFB, top down, the approach end of RWY 27L is completely surrounded by forest.


Again, this a default airport, I don't have any sceneries installed except for those I outlined previously.


This is very odd and I'm at a loss to figure out what the issue is.


I suppose I can take some heart in the fact that you said this is "by no means a widespread problem"  :D


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Please have a close look at your scenery library, or if you prefer,

attach a copy and I will.

What you are seeing is not only impossible for me to replicate, either with

or without FTX products, but is also not what Lockheed Martin intended you to see either.

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You want a copy of the scenery.cfg file...??  OK, I am attaching it....


I would be delighted for you to have look at it and see what you think.


FWIW, I have not noted any issues anywhere else, and I fly all over the place, USA, UK, Europe etc.


Here is a top down screenshot of Sarasota Bradenton Intl., does this look normal to you...??


Thanks for all your help Nick, I appreciate it. :)



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  • 1 month later...


To come back to KMCO.

I did apply the correction of the bgl files you gave earlier in this topic. Thank you for those. Though it made a big change in removing trees, I still have them on the apron and taxiways as you can see in the accompanying screenshots.

Is there another problem with KMCO or perhaps other airfields. The scenery sequency is in accordance with the one given by Doug Sawatsky.



KMCO after correction of bgl's top down.jpg

KMCO after correction of bgl's.jpg

KMCO apron before change of bgl's.jpg

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The last picture shows the situation before the .bgl correction (files from Nick). The improvement is clear, but not as it should be, hence the first two pictures.

I thought I clarify my request.



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  • 2 weeks later...


I still have the problem at KMCO.

It could as you suggested above be a wrong scenery sequence, but I am using this sequence for over a year without any issues.

Could you please give me a clue of what might be the problem here.

I have tried to find a solution within my limited scope, but to no avail so far.




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Thanks Nick,

According to you the problem lies in the sequence of the scenery. Which I thought that after years of mistakes I finally got that right.

I believe you straight away and try to do exactly as you suggested and report back. It should not be so difficult, one would think.



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As an afterthought.

I miss in my pictures the flattening green layer which is clearly visible in your pictures. I suppose that is the proof that it is a scenery sequence problem. The layers are not in the correct order?


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Your scenery library does look to be in the right order.

The problem with the airport was to do with Open LC and the airport background being suppressed.

The two files have fixed it for almost everyone else.

Can you double check that you have the two files from this topic, when you copy them into 

ORBX\ORBX\FTX_VECTOR\FTX_VECTOR_FixedAPT\scenery, make sure that there is a do you want to overwrite

request and that you answer yes.

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Hello Nick,

Thank you very much. I am glad that at least the scenery order is ok. I have learned something over the years after all, then. I will apply your suggestion soonest. Probably not to-day.




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Hello Nick,

Sorry to say but the result is minimal. I did as you suggested. It seems that some of the trees and housing have been removed, but the result is as you see in the pictures. There seems to be no flattening or whatever aerea as a layer under the airport facilities.

Any other suggestions?



KMCO 26-6 top down.jpg

KMCO 26-6.jpg

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Hi Nick,

That is really a pity, not only because this problem isn"t solved but also that there can be a difference with the same files and scenery order; that is really strange. Could there be something else I could have done wrong?

See, it is easy to go to some other airport and forget about it, but the intriguing thing is that two similar set-ups give a different result.



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964380703_scenerylibrary.thumb.jpg.84bda74ebff569adfddf92ef310a6907.jpgWhy are some entries of the scenery library greyed and cannot be moved. A few days ago I installed Traffic Global. Could that have caused this?

I am just thinking aloud.



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does Traffic Global install its own ADE files? You might do a Windows search for KMCO and show us what the results are.


Very often, these traffic programs do install their own ADE/AFCAD files which may be interfering with KMCO.


Just a thought as you seem to be running out of options.



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Hello Jack,

Thank you for your suggestion. 

I found a KMCO .bgl file from 2008 in the scenery library of Traffic Global. Removed it to another spot and tried the result.

Alas, no difference.



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