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FSX Default Aircraft

John York

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I feel I should know this, but is there a way I can delete, or at least stop some of the default aircraft displaying in the panel that comes up to choose the 'plane you want to fly in?

I do use one or two very occasionally, but most of the time I fly 'planes I've bought.  The panel is full with ones I don't want and will never need (all the military ones and those with national identities for instance) and without them it would be so much quicker and easier to scroll down to find the one I want.

If you have an answer, keep it simple.  You should all know by now what a dullard I am! ;D



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Very simple John, go into your c:\program files x86\microsoft games\microsoft flight simulator x\simobjects\airplanes folder and click at the top of the box where it says create new folder, create one and name it "hangar" then just drag and drop any of the aircrafts you dont want to see in the aircraft selection menu into that folder and bingo, no more aircraft you dont want in the display window, if you want to use one again just drag it back into the aircraft folder.

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Hi John, I do essentailly the same as Aussiecop explained.  Some points to consider:

1. If the aircraft you temporarily remove are used as AI aircraft, they wont display as AI if you moved them to the hangar folder.

2. In some cases addon (especially freeware) aircraft reference and use files from folders in default aircraft.  If the default aircraft are moved to the "hangar", they wont be available to the addon aircraft.

Hope this helps.  Howard

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For any aircraft you don't want to see in the aircraft selection screen, but want to keep as AI go in to the aircraft.cfg, find the correct [fltsim.X] section and change the "panel=XXXXX" line in that section to "panel=OFF".

I'd suggest copying the line and keeping it either a line above or below as "// panel=XXXXX" (the "//" make it a comment) so that you remember what panel it was meant to be.

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Doesn't that just turn the panel on and off ? 

Oh as for the other aircraft  you can as Ryan suggested remove the ones you don't want displayed or rename the aircraft.cfg to aircraft.cfg.hangar  and it wont show no mater where it is  :)

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This issue has been discussed a number of times in these forums.

If you remove the unwanted aircraft to a separate "hangar" folder, then there are a number of other consequences:

- Those aircraft will not be seen as AI aircraft at any of the FTX airports.

- Missions using those aircraft will not work.

- AI aircraft in the FTX AI Traffic pack will have no sounds as they are all mapped to the default aircraft.

Turning the Panel to "OFF" either in the Aircraft folder or the Aircraft config file will take the aircraft out of the selection menu (ie. make it unavailable as a user aircraft) but leave it in place for use by the FSX system.

The actions required are as follows:

To remove the aircraft altogether - In the particular Aircraft folder, rename the folder 'Panel' to 'Panel_OFF'

To remove only selected aircraft variations from a particular aircraft type - Within the Aircraft config file, change the line 'Panel=' to 'Panel=OFF' There is no need to renumber the various [fltsim.x] numbers as FSX sorts this out for you.

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Graham:  I've been simming for years, but this is the first time this has been so well explained. I experimented with the Airbus 321, leaving only one default unchanged, and lo and behold the others were no longer there.

As I fly just about only add-ons, including the Wilco Airbus series, I can now remove most of the aircraft from the list, as life isn't long enough to fly them all ..  and like bad wine, there's no point flying a simplistic airplane when there is good stuff around.

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Well now chaps, that puts a different complexion on things.  I think Graham has the answer for my needs.  As I'm familiar with altering cfg's, I'll go with what can be the easiest to remedy ie adding '.OFF' to the 'panel' of the selected aircraft.  I can also do that to some of my payware aircraft too where there are a number of different models and I will only ever use one or two of them  eg The Beaver Collection!

Actually, I've used that remedy in the  'traffic' cfg to stop some AI aircraft displaying in add-on airports in England because they interfere with my MTX installation preventing MTX AI not only in the airport in question but also in those for miles around! 

That's probably why originally I said I felt I should know the answer!  ::):-[

Thank you all for your help.


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Well i personly dont see the point.

When you load the aircraft screen, press the middle drop down window(1 click), select the make you want to fly e.g PMDG(2 clicks) and all you have on screen is your PMDG aircraft.

So for the sake of 2 clicks you have only the aircraft you want to look at. Simple :)

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That's given the whole thing a good pruning! ;D  At least now I can find the 'plane I'm looking for without having to peer through a load of old dross I would never use in a month of Sundays!  I'm sure the aicraft menu is coming up a lot quicker too.  Not so much to load I suppose. 

If I ever find I want something after all,  all I have to do is remove the '.OFF' beside the panel and hey presto, there it is again.  Magic! ;)

I'm really very happy about this, so thanks one and all, even to Nyxx who thinks the whole thing a waste of time.  If he had that Aerosoft Beaver Collection he wouldn't think so.  That took up half the page alone! ::)

All the best


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It's not a waste of time unless you have a fascination with outside views.  Since I fly from inside the cockpit as in the real world, I spend maybe 0.0001% of my flying time checking out how the plane looks from the outside.  Therefore, I don't need more than a single example of each aircraft to choose from except in a couple of cases where the interiors are different such as the SAAB Safir.

Another thing I like to do is go into the aircraft menu and browse for a model that catches my eye for todays' flight.  I can't do that if I'm restricted to a single manufacturer's selection.

Finally, loading the aircraft selection screen is almost instant now whereas before it took a few seconds.  No big deal I admit but another plus for doing it my way.

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Nojwood:  its a bit of everything.

I only adopt the technique for aircraft that I do not fly at all.  And that is most of the defaults.  And I never touch eggbeaters, so I have kept only a few for my grandson who likes the up close and personal stuff.

The Caravan and the King Air aren't too bad so I have kept them (particularly as there is a more realistic airfile availabe).  But I have a wide range of Wilco airbus paints, and I choose a livery suitable to my planned flight.  Same thing for the Carenado 172, 182, and Mooney, the PMDG 747 and Jetstream and for these I have downloaded Australian paints with Aust regos.

You're right its only a pruning, but it is a little bit less loading for the computer to do, and maybe a small performance gain.

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Justo:  your 'little programme' when extracted does not contain a readme. 

I am sure it will be there after I run the installer, but I'd like to have a look at the functions of the programme, and decide whether it would provide me more help than just altering a few config files! 

Is it possible to make the manual or readme available in the zip file, outside of the installer.

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Justo:  your 'little programme' when extracted does not contain a readme. 

I am sure it will be there after I run the installer...

Sorry, no readme and no installer either. It's just a  10 Kb executable file that needs no installation and can be run from anywhere.

It follows Ggeccles instructions to remove any given plane by renaming its folder. To activate it again, the original folder name is restored. Quite simple, actually.

Best regards,


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Susto:  I notice the details on the download show a connection to Alejandro Rojas.  He built a really good Citation with some great animations.  All on a computer barely powerful enough to run FSX.

If you are part of that group then your utility will be great.  Thanks.

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