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[FORUM MAINTENANCE FINALISED] Most is done, little bits and pieces left to do...

Jay Kae

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It is now in RC2 mode, so when W7 got to this stage it was not far off and there was not much more done to it after final RC so, I am confident that the software is stable enough for our forums, I have been running it shadow on the side testing this for quite a while now :)

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Alot of hard work. Unfortunatly for me I dont like it. Looks like one of those washed out forums . I liked the boldness of the old one. the different threads were easier to see and distinguish apart. Everything has shrunk including the reply box. Yeh , I know , I can turn it up from 100% but then Im readjusting all the time.  Got those awful looking smiley things as well. Sorry , but I really dont like it,  but good to see theres no resting around here .                      cheers    :o

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hmmm, I am waiting for it to grow on me, has not grabbed me as yet, any possibility of the forums not having that border jay and the page stretching from one side of the screen to the other? the Herald Sun online does this and it makes me crazy! lol

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For me,,,  Sorry JayKae,, I,ll be honest ,  I cant cop this , and doubt it,ll grow on me . I,ve seen plenty of forums , simviation and NZAA to name a couple , and there,s plenty of others ,and they are  crap , very boring .  nothing stands out , very ordinary , Our old forum was purely str8 to the point , Bold and you knew where to go , too many different colours everywhere relating to different posts ?  sorry mate ,,  the emoticons look like a cheap version  of msn (and its free ) very ordinary and way to much lipstick !  hate them , and won,t use them .


  Vote 1 for our old forum back I say,,,,,

  To be honest when I first saw this , thought it was just an interim , while waiting to be blown away for the real deal !!!

  Appreciate you havn,t finished yet Jay , cheers

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I like it - looks fresh and professional, besides a change is as good as a rest. Why stay the same until the paint cracks and weeds grow? I say keep changing the look from time to time to see who still has a pulse and notices.  :P By the way, Jaykae, somehow you look even more sinister with this color scheme - contrast between bright and sunny and dark and dangerous I suppose.


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It could well be that the Orbx Theme is one of the elements that Jay is still working on (most of the "look" of the forum is just a skin that's applied over the bones).  1.1.10 to 2.0 is a pretty major update, and it might take a little while to get everything in, tweaked and settled.

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Thanks guys, of course things are not even close to being done yet. It will take me a couple of weeks for sure to get everything the way I want it to work and that is not even taking into account certain special requests that are worth integrating :)

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It is looking good but I've seen an issue or two. Triton's post, above yours has realy small text and the supporter image and signature look to be centred on the right hand edge. This us while viewing the forums on my iPhone while sitting at the airport. I'll look again once I'm back in the office.

Edit: I just noticed that the drop down forum jumper thingy at the bottom of the page is only showing the forum you are currently in. You can't navigate anywhere else. Again, I'm on the iPhone.

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Jaykae, nice work....miss the old look so far... can't wait to see the finished product when you're done with the 'Orbx' look to it. I can appreciate the fact that this new forum software performs better though.

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It is looking good but I've seen an issue or two. Triton's post, above yours has realy small text and the supporter image and signature look to be centred on the right hand edge. This us while viewing the forums on my iPhone while sitting at the airport. I'll look again once I'm back in the office.

Edit: I just noticed that the drop down forum jumper thingy at the bottom of the page is only showing the forum you are currently in. You can't navigate anywhere else. Again, I'm on the iPhone.

Seems like a Safari (yes I use a mac :P ) problem as I'm getting some signatures aligned sort of to the right here as well.

Otherwise I'm liking the new look :)

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