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Asking here as have tried online but all I get is some thing to update the drivers which I’m a bit wary of. I’m having trouble with a Realtek HD audio driver on my computer, which I don’t need as all I have is a basic pair of Creative speakers. Think it’s to do with the motherboard. What happens is every minute I get a box coming up on screen saying I’ve just unplugged an audio lead when I haven’t. I have tried uninstalling it but it keeps reinstalling itself. I did find some thing online but it was an old post and I didn’t understand one part you had to do. It’s a Windows box with about six items you can press along the top and one of them is a security box which you have to click edit in , then there’s about four squares with a tick in each which you untick and then tick the other squares. I know I’m not very good explaining things. Sorry. Hope some one understands what I mean and can help. Derek.

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Derek, I will attempt to offer some assistance. My motherboard has a RealTek audio device/manager too. Whenever I plug in headphones, or unplug headphones for example, I get the RealTek audio manager window that pops up and tells me that it detected me unplugging/plugging in the headphones. The same happens whenever I unplug any audio device such as speakers, headphones etc. Also, in Windows 10, I get the notification to my system tray (bottom right corner of Windows Desktop) telling me that Windows detected that I plugged/unplugged a device. This is all normal behavior. Now, if you are getting these windows and you are NOT plugging/unplugging in audio devices, that it sounds like something is amiss, as you yourself have stated. Now on my system, the RealTek Audio device is part of my ASUS motherboard, so when I update the drivers for the RealTek, I get them from the ASUS website. So, in your situation, assuming that YOUR RealTek device is also a part of YOUR motherboard, then I would suggest you try checking the motherboard manufacturer website for updated info on this problem, and also for updated drivers for the RealTek device. Even though you are only using a pair of Creative Speakers, that RealTek HD Audio manager is the only audio management chip in your system, so disabling it is NOT something you want to do, IF you want to have sound. Don't let the words HD Audio throw you off. The RealTek device handles basic PC audio up to and including HD and Digital audio. So even if you don't want to use HD or Digital audio, it still handle your basic PC sound. Updating drivers is the most logical step at this point. The only other thing I can think of to check is to see if you have a loose connection, maybe where your Creative Speakers are plugged in, that is causing your RealTek to constantly detect an audio device being plugged/unplugged. 


So, sorry for typing so much, but trying to explain what I think is going on. Maybe I've only managed to confuse you further, and if so my apologies. Anyone else want to chime in? :)

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