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The Scenery, the Aircraft, the Weather...

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lol  ;D thanks guys ! Thank you very much Nick - i am using the 'normal' 32 bit FEX textures (no hi res beta). Since i purchased the program 'Volume Metrics' is my favorite. I took a lucky shot with a XG dusk texture set, it spilled a beautiful and strong light on the clouds. That was really a beautiful flight  8)

Btw - i saw some of your work earlier. Hats down, you are a true FS artist  :)

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lol  ;D thanks guys ! Thank you very much Nick - i am using the 'normal' 32 bit FEX textures (no hi res beta). Since i purchased the program 'Volume Metrics' is my favorite. I took a lucky shot with a XG dusk texture set, it spilled a beautiful and strong light on the clouds. That was really a beautiful flight  8)

Btw - i saw some of your work earlier. Hats down, you are a true FS artist  :)

I thank you for that info. I had used a set in the past that looked similar and just couldn't work out which ones they were. I've trawled the F1 forums trying to find images with these textures and a reference to the name, but to no avail!

And thanks for the praise, I've been admiring your work from afar for a good year and I'm ashamed to say, I've never taken the time to sign up and say "outstanding"  ;D

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After seeing your screenies heiko i have placed plastic coverings on my keyboard to stop the drool

and deployed a jaw catcher in front of my seat

Bloody magnificent shots mate ;D

and btw

when you upgrade i call dibs on your system hehe

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Thanks for your kind words everybody  :).

That's the Aerosoft Cheyenne, really a very well made model. Since i gained performance greatly with the new 174.70 beta drivers i get a very smooth ride with this complex model even with a weather scape like the one above. That was ASX real weather btw.

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Nope, not at maximum. Autogen was at very dense, water 2xHigh, cloud density at high and draw distance at 128 km. Bloom, ground shadows and aircraft self shadows are off. Car traffic 25%, airliner 40% and GA at 100%. With this weather and the complex Cheyenne with all systems running, i got about 25 FPS average. That with a single GTX 650/2000 at 1920x1200 resolution. Waiting for the next generation of GPUs...

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