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Name That Tune 10

Jack Sawyer

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11 hours ago, Wakashi said:

Just call the local diner & I will pick it up!!! 555-CHIC

Original or extra crispy?

10 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Ah ha, got one.:P

I can get the Beatles ones Jack, they are right up my street.:D

Some wonderful views and a very chik colour scheme on your plane too.B)

Thanks Martyn!  Yep, I'll never get tired of the Fab Four.

28 minutes ago, jmbiii said:

My batting average  on these is just about .000

I'm sorry JM!  What kind of music do you listen to?

With your excellent idea I was batting .000

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On 8/14/2017 at 9:02 AM, Jack Sawyer said:

I'm sorry JM!  What kind of music do you listen to?


Everything from Bluegrass to Hard Rock to Classical.  However, too many hours around piston and turboshaft engines (even with ear protection) has decimated my speech frequency reception. Example - for the longest time   ". . big ol' jet airliner, don't carry me too far away." to me was  ". . being old in Carolina, think it's so far away."

So to me lyrics are something to be read while listening to the music. LOL.

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7 hours ago, jmbiii said:


Everything from Bluegrass to Hard Rock to Classical.  However, too many hours around piston and turboshaft engines (even with ear protection) has decimated my speech frequency reception. Example - for the longest time   ". . big ol' jet airliner, don't carry me too far away." to me was  ". . being old in Carolina, think it's so far away."

So to me lyrics are something to be read while listening to the music. LOL.

Sorry to hear about your hearing loss JM.  Being around military jets engines for 8 years then commercial make me always wear double ear protection.  Sometimes it works, sometimes now.  Especially around F-105's!

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