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Connie at Sydney

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1 hour ago, Jack Sawyer said:

But Fulvio, this is the upgrade to V4.  The plane is in V4 in these shots, it was released 1 July.

Jack, I was the so-called "sleeping beauty", actually :D

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3 hours ago, magic1 said:

Nice shots!

Thanks Magic!

10 minutes ago, Adam Banks said:

Well done, Jack! This should keep you busy!!! Get cracking on your career - you'll find you need to develop a completely different flying style!



Hi Adam, I've had her for a long time now in 3.4.  You should hear the people shriek when I went upside down, and I have some funny screens to post if I can find it.


Here they are, from my crazy antics.  I just wanted to see what would happen if you fly like a complete knucklehead.  I had to laugh.








He wound up in jail! :lol:

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