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Floating buildings in Carpenteria, So-Cal, P3Dv4


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Don't think I've done anything daft, but willing to be corrected. Seems to be a floating Mall and a few houses in these pix. Location first -




these are on the seaboard side of the green space



and these inland. They look ok at first glance but are actually floating well of the surface



(my first trip to Santa Barbara, didn't realise it was so exotic <grin>)

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Looks like you've been transported to that game Bioshock Infinite, it has all kids of floating buildings in it, quantum mechanics.


Andy, did you do like I usually do in this situation, I go to the scenery library, don't change anything, then go back to the sim.  It usually helps.  I think Mr. Nick Cooper told me this once, not sure.

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I see a few differences, the most obvious, apart from the autogen being on the ground,

is that your ground level seems to be 25 feet, mine 8 feet.

I see more buildings looking towards the sea with different textures






and less than you do looking inland and your additional buildings seem to have different textures also.






Could you have some other scenery active here?

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21 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:

Could you have some other scenery active here?

Hi Nick, no scenery in that area apart from So-Cal, OLC-NA. Your comment made me look and I did have UTX on the system in lieu of Vector but I've removed that now and am still getting the same effect. I am also getting the "ground textures morphing" issue referenced here -

- and I've done all the recommended steps from that thread as well. So a bit puzzled still, but I will check out how it looks in v3 and see if there's any similar stuff going on there next.


And Jack, Stewart, thanks for the suggestions but neither of those seem to make any difference here.


'Tis not a major problem, and like I said, I'm perfectly willing to accept that I've done something stoopid - it's just at this point I've no idea what!

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1 hour ago, Nick Cooper said:

UTX is the most likely cause


I'll see if I can remove UTX a bit more thoroughly before I consider a re-install, Nick. I had it 99% disabled under v3 (I was using it for some roads, I think) and it seemed to play reasonably nice there but it is largely an historical thing for me - I had it before I got Vector. But I guess it is probably the culprit, as you say. Thanks for the responses.

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1 hour ago, Nick Cooper said:

UTX is the most likely cause, I believe it can be quite hard to fully remove.

Hi again Nick, just to let you (and anyone else) know - I tried the same scenario on my v3 system and got the same problem/situation. However, when I disable my minimal UTX stuff on that system the problem has gone away so I will need to look at why it's not coming out of my v4 system cleanly.


Possibly time to remove it completely.


Stop Press. I'd stopped on the green in my first shots, and after disabling UTX the houses on the seaward side and the mall/office buildings landward have all come down to earth, but there are still some floaters further south. And my altitude is still showing at about 32 feet. So I guess I'm not done yet.

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