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182 around London

Jack Sawyer

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First of four A2A planes installed.  Works flawlessly.  All I need now is the PTA program and Doc Scott's preset and I'll be happier.

These A2A planes even keep the same hours as on the 3.4 version!  How cool is that?


Decided to take a trip from my favorite London airport, EGLC, London City to Heathrow.






It was bound to happen!



I must have been born upside down. :P
























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7 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Fine shots.



Thanks Iain!  London is an awesome place.

3 hours ago, Mark Abdey said:

Great set of pics Jack, with London looking very good with all the agn almost to the horizon.

Thanks Mark!  I don't have it set to the horizon, I don't think as my PC can't handle it.  I can test it again.

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6 hours ago, ydelta said:

Great set Jack, you will be jealous I guess if I tell you that I landed yesterday at City airport for real!

Heck yeah I'm jealous!  That's one of my all-time favorite airports.  What kind pf plane were you in?

17 minutes ago, aero-3fsx said:

London is a big complex city for modelling

Hi Aero, yes, it's a beautiful city with a lot of cool POI's just right for a helicopter too.

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5 hours ago, jjaycee1 said:

No upside down flying under Tower Bridge Jack?? What's up mate....having a bad day? I also note that Heathrow was empty... I expect it was one of those damn 24 hour strikes. Nice shots:)

Thanks JJ!  Not yet, but I will, I was having a great day testing the A2A planes.  Yeah, no Ai traffic yet because no UT Live and at this rate I doubt it will ever be released for V4.  Might have to wait till someone else produces a nice AI traffic add-on because I hate to fly in empty skies.

4 hours ago, stewart1 said:

supper shots  Jack you are just a show-off upside down again regards stewart 

Thanks Stewart!  Show off?  I'm a professional! :lol:

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