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After KSAN install frame rate dropped to 6 fps


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Talk about a love-hate relationship! I love flying around my San Diego stompin' grounds, but I hate the horrible frame rate.


Suspect I've done something wrong, or something happened during install, I'm not blaming ORBX or Matteo to be clear. But I haven't found a solution and FSX is unflyable.


My I7 4.2Ghz GTX-580 rig should handle it OK. In fact, before KSAN install I'd see 45-50fps with lots of AI traffic and cars, fog etc.. Suspecting texture issues I reset FSX to 30fps but that didn't help.


One possible clue, for those who know more about these things than I do, is the frame rate is about 30 when the aircraft is sitting on the runway and I don't change the view. But start rolling or look around and it drops to 6 fps - this with clear skies, by the way - and then it slowly goes back up to around 30.


Yes, I've turned everything down in KSAN; I even have zero traffic in FSX, mid-water, normal autogen.


For the record running Win 10, FSX Gold, DX-10 Fixer, Orbx SoCal, TrackIR, SPADnext, AS16, REX Texture Direct with Soft Clouds. And yes, I did dig around in the forums here and Googled my brains out looking for a solution, but no joy. And no, I didn't change anything else; this occurred before the Win 10 update and problem didn't change afterward.


Thoughts, suggestions?

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FTX Central V3.1.0.2 settings:

FTX Entries inserted below SIM720_CRQ (it is top entry, add-on airport - if FTX is above it, the runways are under ground)

openLC entries: below FTX

General: all unticked


KSAN settings

SoCal mode

Terminal low

with static shadows

without static airplanes

with shadows under static aircraft

without 3d grass and bushes

without cars

less boats



renamed fsx.cfg to fsx.cfgOLD

Restarted FSX, crash, restart crash (new FSX.cfg created but empty)

Renamed old CFG called FSXold50fps.cfg to FSX.cfg no help. 5 FPS



Over KSA at 8000 shift-z shows [1.6 8.4 17.2] v14.9% (oddly, with scenery and autogen both maxed out [3.8 29.0 31.1] v116.3%])

Moved aircraft using FSX's Map to Oklahoma City, - 8000' shift-z shows 12.81 301.1 30.9] v0.4%

Moved to Seattle area with PNW installed  - 8000' shift-z shows [12.9 25.9 30.9] v14.6%

Moved to San Francisco with NorCal installed - 8000' fps 6-26 over 60 second period (shift-z shows [5.1 14.5 30.9] v16.8%

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Hi, I am not sure if my comment helps, but I installed KSAN last week. My typical 30+ orbx frame rate dropped into the low teens at KSAN. I was not too surprised as I do find that large detailed scenery (typically very big airports) really slow things down a lot when compared with my usual bush flying in PNW for example. I have had a similar frame rate issue with the biggest airports in Australia.


I have only flown at KSAN twice so I will need to go back and test it again.


Re your comment about changing views and particularly looking around - as you will know, this asks your pc to load lots of new textures - hence the usual frame rate drop. It then takes a short time to load everything and speed up again. So that is not too suprising.


One last observation - your GTX580 video card. Perhaps that is struggling with the demands of a large complex airport?

I am wondering if it could be a memory issue?






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I tried disabling KSAN before posting here, Doug. Problem went away, so I knew it was something to do with the KSAN add-on. And yes, I had run DX Fixer. But thanks for the suggestions. They didn't help me but may be useful to others.


Now running a GTX970, overclocked my mobo, and added back in every KSAN frame rate killer. Even the animals.


And I'm a happy boy. Frame rates are acceptable running around mid-20s and no lower than 15-17 but still smooth with no glitches or stutters near the airport--and that's with low stratus weather, typical for the area.


Paul's comments reinforce my discovery, and were helpful. Like KSEA, KSFO, etc. KSAN is demanding.


But WOW! 

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