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Air traffic view list in fsx has double planes

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I was flying the other day in FSX and clicked on views in the menu bar in FSX Steam and went to View Mode, AirTraffic and noticed that in the list of planes, each plane has a double…. there are 2 of every plane. Then when I clicked on one of those planes, I get 2 identical planes flying in the air, almost one on top of the other. Very weird. How can I fix this and what is causing it. I really don't care but my concern is that the doubling up of planes may cause a frame rate hit. And if I did get rid of each and every doulbe plane, (don't know how)  how would that affect my plane traffic at airports…would the plane traffic be cut in half?


I have not installed any third party traffic software.


Please help.





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Hi Pete,


it's a known issue with FSX that, each time you force a scenery refresh during a flight, the sim will load another set of AI traffic; if you do it several times you'll end up with multiple instances of AI. The only way I know of to prevent this is to first set the AI sliders to 0%, then do the refresh, then re-set the sliders.


Cheers, Holger

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Thanks so much. I will try that. I did go on the steam forum but did not get any help there. I guess there are no extra unecessary plane files I can get rid of? I found, in a folder called roaming, there was a sim objects folder that has a list of plane folders that seem to be doubles of the planes in another folder, but the plane folders in roaming are empty folders. Should I get rid of those empty folders? Is that is what is causing this?










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Hi Pete,


a scenery refresh occurs anytime you open the scenery library menu in flight and click on OK, regardless whether you've made any changes or not. Also, there's a key combination that can be assigned in the controls menu that some people use when they get blurries or for scenery testing.


Aircraft folders by themselves don't do anything, it's the AI flightplan .bgl files (default or third-party) that would activate them. It's possible that there might be duplicates of those but I don't know how that would happen unless you copied them yourself. Moreover, the scenery folders containing those flightplan files would have to be active in your scenery library menu.


Cheers, Holger

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Thanks for your reply. I understand more about this now. I will try your suggestion re the refresh. I did not copy or make duplicates of any aircraft files but I wonder why there are 2 folders of sim objects. Those 2 folders are in different places on my hard drive. That is why I was thinking maybe there is a duplicate folder of planes because in the list of Air Traffic planes, each plane has 2…not 3 or 4 but doubled.


Anyway, do you know if I do have those duplicate planes and they are there for ever, does that in any way impact frame rates?


I think it would not.


Thanks for your help.







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Hi Pete,


I've only ever had a \Simobjects folder in the main FSX directory. However, I don't have a FSX Steam installation either, though I doubt it would have a need to place those folders in the roaming user directory.


FSX can work with external folders for AI aircraft but those then need to be registered in the fsx.cfg file. You could open fsx.cfg in Notepad or Wordpad and check in the [Main] section whether there are more than the following five default entries:





The active fsx.cfg resides in C:\Users\{Username}\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX. 


If those folders in the roaming directory are not registered in the .cfg then the sim doesn't know about their existence and thus they only take up space on your HD but won't impact loading times or frame rates 


Cheers, Holger

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Hi Holger


Here is what I found and maybe it is what is causing the double AI planes issue. In User..AppData..Roaming..Microsoft.. FSX..simobjects....there are 7 folders, airplanes, animals, boats, groundvehicles, misc, rotorcraft, and traffic.


Maybe this last folder traffic is the one causing double planes?? In that traffic folder are folders

called names like this: JFAI_A380  but these folders are empty when I look into them!


What do you think?


Thanks Pete.



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Hi Pete,


I've checked on my PC and have those SimObjects subfolders too. Turns out they are placed by the sim to hold usage data. For each airplane that you have flown yourself, the sim places a state.cfg file into the corresponding folder, which registers how many (engine) hours you've flown it; as long as you haven't used a particular airplane (as with most AI) the folder remains empty. In other words, these folders have nothing to do with AI traffic, only your own flights.


Is the duplicate traffic still happening, even if you just started a new flight situation? Have you ruled out scenery refresh as a cause as I mentioned above?


Cheers, Holger

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