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SPAT at Concrete

Jack Sawyer

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8 hours ago, RJ said:

Exceptional images! :)

Thanks RJ!

7 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Wonderful shots and flying Jack.

You are obviously a hardened chopper flyer now.:rolleyes:

Thanks Martyn!  Yup, I told my wife the other day it felt weird to be flying a plane again.  They're a real fun way to see POI's.

7 hours ago, moonman said:

Great chopper shots here Jack!

Thanks moonman!

5 hours ago, Voyager said:

Wonderful views Jack.

Nice chopper and so nice flight too.



Thank you Voyager!

1 hour ago, mikee said:

Beautiful Shots Jack :rolleyes:

Thanks Mikee!

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