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Bought KTVL but no email receipt

Jack Sawyer

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Last night I bought KTVL.

I never received an email receipt like I usually do.

Im still waiting.

What's going on?  I don't understand.

I have tried three completely different email addresses.

I get constant emails from AVSIM using those addresses.

I can send and receive test emails fine.

Checked web mail sites on all three, nothing. Not in spam.

For some reason, I may be wrong, but I don't think the Orbx system is sending receipts and forum notifications.

I was going to buy several more on sale but now I'm not until this is fixed.


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17 minutes ago, BradB said:

Hey Jack , I bought several scenery's yesterday from the new site and got all of my email confirmations . Hopefully they will get it sorted out for you . :):)






What in the world is going on?

Are you receiving email notifications of posts?

I have tried my Yahoo email

I have tried my Apple .me email

I have tried my google email.

Absolutely nothing when it was just working perfectly three days ago.

This is extremely frustrating for me.

No other site on the planet does this 

I was going to buy four airports today but now I'm not until someone can help sort this out.

Good grief. Do you know frustrating this?


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15 minutes ago, BradB said:

Hey Jack - I visit the forum often enough , so I turned off the email notifications long ago . 

I just check the upper right side notification bell for any new activity .






I can do that John, thanks but it used to work.  And if I'm not mistaken I think AVSIM has the same forum software?  I get notifications from them.


It's funny how FTX 3 will know my email and account and let me buy KTVL and two others since the new FTX yet I don't get a confirmation email like I did with the first 2.


When I tried to change my email address to gmail of all things it STILL wouldn't let me do it and I was locked out of the forum because I was waiting for a confirmation email and never got it.


I don't even know how I got back on.  I sent an email to Adam and he said he'd PM Ben, maybe that's how but for crying out loud, I LIKE email notifications!

AND receipts when I buy something.


I will not tell you exactly what I'm feeling right now.


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Any news Ben?

I still don't have an email receipt for KTVL like I received for the two previous ones I bought.


And still email notifications are inop.

Im afraid to try to change email addresses because I won't get a reply from Orbx to acknowledge it.


So I'm stuck.

Cant buy more airports and can't get notifications.

please help

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Hello Jack,


I have just bought KTVL at Orbx Direct and the e mail receipt was in the hotmail junk folder immediately.

That's also where I find all correspondence from Orbx Direct.

I see your e mail at Orbx Direct is not the same as your forum one?

If you would prefer, please send me a PM and we can continue the enquiry that way.


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Wonder if it is a problem with your e-mail provider. I have Yahoo and now and then the mail they process just goes in a limbo for then arriving within a month or two (or a couple of weeks if I'm lucky). 


Think the problem is there (and don't know a workaround for solving it -  providers are something nasty to undertsand or cope with when it starts a problem)



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2 minutes ago, David Cecchinato said:

Wonder if it is a problem with your e-mail provider. I have Yahoo and now and then the mail they process just goes in a limbo for then arriving within a month or two (or a couple of weeks if I'm lucky). 


Think the problem is there (and don't know a workaround for solving it -  providers are something nasty to undertsand or cope with when it starts a problem)



I doubt it, I have tried Apple's .me email and it too won't work.  My email address will receive from AVSIM for example.

I was getting forum email notifications yesterday after Nick did something to fix it but now the problem is back.

Wish I knew.


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Hi Jack,

If you log into OrbxDirect and view your account all your purchases are listed there forever so you have a permanent record in the cloud.

We will be adding a function to allow you to generate a receipt and email it to any email account you like, so down the track you can obtain your receipts at your leisure.

Rest assured that your purchases are on file and safely stored, and we'll add that functionality ASAP ok?

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