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Hi support,  I enjoy the global base very much, and therefore decided to purchase the global vector yesterday...


Upon installing the vector, I tried flying from Adelaide to Sydney airport.. but I realizes the textures around these airports are messed up (have not tried other airports in Australia/ other regions).. basically it has water textures mixed with land textures around the airports, and there are trees on top of these (incorrectly placed) water textures.. not sure what causes this messy textures around the airports.. but when I tried flying closer, and directly over these incorrect water textures, the textures appear to load/ start loading to the correct textures (land textures)..never had these problems before installing global vector. please help soonest..


I am still planning to purchase the LC Europe product in future, I hope this problem with the vector will not remain unresolved/ cause me to stop buying or following on orbx products..

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Thanks guys please see my attached screenshots.. tried a few airports outside of Australia (most are okay) since first posted .. seems like only these airports in Australia (tried only Sydney and Adelaide) give me the terrain texture problem.


I really hope I do not have to remove and discontinue using global vector altogether as this product is quite expensive..and if so I doubt I will ever purchase another orbx product ;(



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Dear both, have tried both suggestions.. using the original backup terrain.cfg file in orbx folder, and also unchecked "frozen surface" in Vector configuration...unfortunately it did not work and I still have those horrible terrain textures in Sydney. Also I tested a few other airports in addition to Sydney and Adelaide that have this probem.. (both Melbourne and Perth have the exact same problem as Sydney and Adelaide in the screenshots..), All other airports including Auckland, Singapore, airports in China, Japan does not have this problem..


So it seems like the problem only happen to Australia region (or terrain textures around these airports)...but I have no other addon for Australia region...so I don't under why? I have also attached my Terrain.cfg files, not sure it is of any use to help in finding out the reason..any other files needed for investigation please advise.




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in the latest Vector Configuration tool, there's a tab at the extreme right hand side which has a box to tick if you have FTX AU installed - have you ticked this? Running Vector together with Australia was previously a problem, solved by ticking this box.


Not trying to teach you to suck eggs, but you might have missed this one.




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Hi didn't have FTX Australia, therefore did not tick the box in Vector. unless it comes with the base or vector... However have gave it a try and ticked the box, but again did not work.. latest attached in Sydney after ticking the box/ applying it in vector/ and starting FSX, seeing that it is build new scenery etc message starting up FSX..


Any other suggestion please?.. currently the Australia region (and observed that only around the airport areas it seems..) has this problem.


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