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Major problems after installing OpenLC NA


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I purchased OpenLC NA last night and FSX has completely imploded. Everything was working fine previously. I have FTX Base and Vector as well. I updated everything to the latest version, updated the libraries, and did the migration. Now textures aren't loading in most areas and it looks like I'm flying over a water color painting that's been left out in the rain, for the areas that do load, the textures look like painted burlap and worse than default, several HD textures that I previously had that worked fine with Base and Vector are now gone globally and not just in NA, there are locations where odd textures are being assigned that make no sense, like a section of desert in the middle of Spokane, and my REX TD HD theme isn't showing and I'm now seeing the default clouds and water which can't be changed. Also, FSX now crashes every time I end a flight. 


Any assistance would be appreciated.

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Well, after several more hours trying to get this to work I give up. I ran the force migration again and after the third time, it finally shows OLC in the library. The landclass issues appear to be fixed, but nothing else works at all. So no more desert in the middle of Spokane or golf courses on the sides of mountains in Canada. I also figured out that no other 3rd party scenery or weather addons are working now. FSX isn't showing REX, UTX, AS16, Shade, Accu-Feel, or anything else. Plus the ORBX textures refuse to load. They are either a complete blur, or look like a printer that's running out of ink. I also tried to re-install the 3rd party HD textures that previously worked with Base and Vector and they're not showing up now, like Azurafiles - What a Wonderful Snow


#'s 1 & 2 is what FSX looks like now. You can also clearly see the sky and clouds are back to default. The entire world looks like this now.


#'s 3 & 4 is what FSX looked like right before installing OpenLC NA.


Again, the only thing that changed was trying to install OpenLC NA. 



OpenLC Problems 1.jpg

OpenLC Problems 2.jpg

OpenLC Problems 3.jpg

OpenLC Problems 4.jpg

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Ok, I figured out how to fix the 3rd party addon issue so I got that working again. I then did an experiment with the textures. I took off heading north from KSEA and paused the simulation just south of downtown Seattle flying level at 200kts and took a screenshot. I waited and noticed that it was rendering the area, just really really slowly now. It took a little over three minutes to fully render the area. I then took another screenshot. 


Pic 1 is right at the pause, and this is what everywhere looks like now flying over it.


Pic 2 is after 3 minutes.


How do I fix this? Loading was fine before this.


OpenLC Problems 5.jpg

OpenLC Problems 6.jpg

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Disabling OLC fixes the texture loading problem so there's something wrong with it. With OLC on, I turned all the graphics settings all the way down and it was still doing it. Disable it, and textures look good again and load quickly at max settings.


Also, the 3rd party addon problem is back. No matter what I do, FSX won't recognize any of them other than Accu-Feel and UTX. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling, changing settings, rebooting, nothing. AS16, REX, and Shade are all missing in FSX and don't appear under the Addon Manager anymore. 


Any ideas? 

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Is OLC under FTX in your scenery library using the FTX Central v2 Settings, Tools, Library insertion point facility?

Are all your non Orbx addons above the FTX/OLC points in the scenery library?

Have you disabled UTX?

Have you installed the latest orbxlibs?

When you installed OLC did you then open up FTX Central v2 and let it sync and update?

Please answer those questions and respond and show a pic of the scenery library and we may be able to further diagnose the problem. Rest assured the problem is not insurmountable. 

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Thank you for helping. 


OLC is under FTX in the library. FTX (orange) is at the top in the #1 position and OLC (blue) is in the #2 position. 


Every other scenery addon is under FTX/OLC, and they so far appear to be functioning correctly, but I haven't had time to check most of them yet. AS16 and REX don't appear in the scenery library though. 


UTX is active and functioning normally. The only time it stopped working was after I first installed OLC and the migrations malfunctioned or something which spawned deserts in Spokane, golf courses on the sides of mountains, and a desert on top of several mountains in Montana. I did the force migration and after the third one, OLC finally showed up in the scenery library and all of those anomalies went away. However, there was no error that popped up after the first one failed so I'm not sure if this time was correct or not. I just know that OLC appeared in the library after the last try.


I do have the latest orbxlibs and they don't appear to be the issue. With OLC active, I disabled the new libs and nothing changed. I then reactivated them and re-enabled OLC and made sure there was no change. I then disabled OLC with the new libs active and the problem went away. Just to complete the test, I had both the libs AND OLC disabled and no problems. Reactivated the libs with OLC disabled and no texture problems. 


After downloading and installing OLC, FTX Central wanted to update so I did that and it synced and didn't have any error popups or anything. 


I also downloaded and installed the Vector update (1.45) and OLC update (1.15). Both Base and Vector were working fine before all of this. 


Her's a screenshot of the library from the FTX tool.


I did notice one thing though just now, FTX is showing up in the library and so is OLC, but Vector doesn't have a line. Not sure if it is supposed to or not.


OpenLC Problems 7.jpg

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Oh, one more thing. I did a test where I disabled all of the landclasses in UTX to see if they were competing with one another or interfering and causing problems, but having the landclasses disabled in UTX didn't change the OLC texture loading problem. 

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Something very odd about your scenery library pic contents. You seem to have many sceneries called North America plus one called Oceana.

All the addons should be listed individually. Any addon that is an Orbx/FTX addon will be within the Orange folder called FTX and your OLC NA will be in the Blue folder, but what are  the NorthAmerica & Oceana entries. There is no such thing as those, and there should be no entries with a duplicated name. I have P3D so there might be a slight difference in the layout but the default scenery entries for North America are labelled as Western North America,Eastern North America, Central North America, one for South America and one for Oceana, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Australia, Asia, Africa. But you have 6 North Americas

Also you need for testing purposes to disable ALL UTX entries via your settings page, when flying with OLC NA, not just Landclass. I assume you are talking about UTX USA? UTX  will definitely clash with OLC NA, if it is UTX USA that you have installed. 

Vector should show near the bottom of your Library Insertion point just above entry 1107Base approximately. You need to look further down.

UTX is both Landclass and Vector type data, so you cannot have it running at the same time as you have OLC NA and FTX Vector. Your sim is currently trying to read two sets of different data for the same thing and will get confused, resulting in it finally deciding which set of data to display and slowly displaying it. 

So: Disable all of UTX, every part of it, then enable OLC NA and Vector. Make sure you have the orbxlibs installed and enabled.

Try a flight.

Give me a list of your addons, first the Orbx one's and then the non Orbx one's and a pic oth total Library Insertion points (probably require several pics to ensure you show ALL the insertions)

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The 'North America' and 'Oceana' are mesh files and were working with everything prior to OLC.


I disabled UTX completely and it had no effect other than the graphical addons being removed and had no performance impact. The textures not loading with OLC enabled was still happening, and UTX was working fine with Base and Vector before.


For ORBX, I have FTX Trees, Base, Vector, and OLC NA

Non-ORBX would be AS16, REX Texture Direct HD, REX Soft Clouds, UTX Canada, UTX USA, UTX TAC, Accu-Feel, Shade, PrecipitFX, some 3rd party HD textures, Toposim mesh for North America and South America, and a ton of airports. 


I did notice a few things today:


First, there are two OLC NA files and every time FTX Central syncs everything it puts the orbxlibs file on top and enables both NA files (NAMERICA1 and NAMERICA2). Disabling both and leaving the orbxlibs and OLC NA Base file enabled doesn't have the blurring problem, so it has something to do with the NAMERICA1 and NAMERICA2 files. Textures load fine when those files are disabled but OLC Base is enabled.


Second, there must be something with the new ORBX files that's blocking all of the other 3rd party addons. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling several times and nothing is working. AS16 half worked for about 15 minutes once and that's it. It wasn't showing local weather info when I loaded in, but it was asking me to load a flight plan to get weather data and it appeared under the Addons tab, but then disappeared. The REX upper level clouds loaded twice and that's it. PrecipitiFX hasn't worked since OLC was installed. I tried loading a flight in the rain and it wasn't there. I looked under the main weather section in FSX and now there's 'orbx weather 1-7' in there. Could that be what's blocking everything else now? How did ORBX install a weather system without a prompt for me to disable it? This is getting really frustrating. 


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After messing around some more, I'm convinced that it's ORBX that's interfering with the 3rd party addons. Everything that is NOT weather related works fine (Accu-Feel, UTX, mesh, airports) and everything that IS weather related is not (AS16, REX, PricipitiFX). This started with the OLC install which included the appearance of the 'orbx weather 1-7' options in FSX.

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I am afraid I have run out of ideas here. The problem you have is rather unique because I have not seen it before.

I can only suggest you ask an Orbx guy to take a look at this.

I can only finally offer another experiment. Disable every addon in your scenery library except FTX and OLC. Don't run any weather or other programs.

See what that does. Regarding the orbx weather themes, they do not influence at all. I assume you have weather set to Customize rather than an Option since you have been using AS16 to generate weather?

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Yea, I was hoping someone from ORBX would have chimed in. 


I tried turning off all of the OLC scenery entries to disable the whole thing but it doesn't help any. Previously, disabling the NAMERICA1 & 2 files and leaving OLC Base enabled would solve the texture loading problem, so there's a problem with OLC loading its own scenery and texture files. Now it's not even loading any of the Base or Vector textures. Everything is back to default. All of Washington is a desert. Turned OLC back on and same problem. There also seems to be no way to disable the orbx weather so I can't even test that to see if it's affecting anything. Previously, I could just leave it in 'Fair Weather' and AS16 and REX would do their thing. When I put it in 'ActiveSky' weather, it doesn't load anything at all, the entire sky is blank. 


In addition, FSX is still crashing saying 'there is a fatal error' and it restarts FSX after every flight. And that's when it actually loads graphics and not a black screen. 


At this point, I just want to know how to uninstall OLC and get FSX back to where it was and get my money back. 


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There is nothing at all in OpenLC North America capable of affecting effects, weather, or Rex HD textures.

Do you still have the Landclass elements of UTX acive?

Have you at any point installed the latest libraries with the latest version of FTX Central and run the migration process?



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All of UTX is disabled right now.


I'm not sure where the orbx weather came from, but I don't see a way to disable it to test and see if that's causing a problem. It would be one thing if it was one addon not working, but every weather related addon isn't working and every land based one is, and them not working started when orbx weather appeared. 


I have the latest libraries, latest version of FTX Central, latest versions of Base, Vector, and OLC, and I've done the migration process five times now. I'm not getting any error saying the migration didn't work. I ran the migration troubleshooter and it said FTX Global migrated correctly and all files are valid. 

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Well, I deleted the ORBX folder in FSX and reinstalled Base and everything was fine. Reinstalled Vector and everything was fine. Tried to reinstall OLC and everything went to hell again. Deleted it and tried to reinstall again and now no matter what I do, it won't create the OLC_BASE folder, nor register anything other than the OLC_LIGHTS folder in the scenery directory. It also tried to block the weather addons again but I figured that one out. In addition to this, textures are now messed up all over the place, even after deleting all of the OLC folders in the ORBX folder and deleting the OLC_LIGHTS folder in the scenery directory. There are lakes covering airports now, airports underground, and rivers 100 feet off the ground and deleting OLC doesn't change anything. 


Here's what KSEA looks like now.


OpenLC Problems 8.jpg

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Hi there,


sounds like you didn't re-run the migration, which needs to happen if you re-install Global Base or any other older Orbx add-ons (openLC NA is already migrated).


What I would do is re-install openLC NA, then make sure the current Orbx Libs area installed -- https://www.fullterrain.com/support#Orbxlibs -- then run FTX Central and force the migration as described here: http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/117655-troubleshooting-unified-lclookup-migration-issues/  . That should ensure that all library entries are inserted and prevent display issues (assuming you don't have any third-party landclass active at higher display priority).


Only Global Vector alters airport elevations, openLCNA and Base don't. Following a new installation of Vector you need to run its AEC tool from the Vector control panel to deactivate Vector's elevation adjustments for airports with competing (third-party) adjustments .


Cheers, Holger


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Thank you very much for your help. Manually deactivating the affected airports in the Vector control panel worked. It was odd that they were fine until I tried to install openLC again and it started happening at that point.


After the sixth forced migration, openLC finally appeared in the scenery library. OpenLC Base seems to be working fine, but with NAMERICA1 & 2 turned on, the texture loading issue still exists. 


Other than that, everything else seems to be fixed.

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