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Trough at PAKT


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Well, just did a complete re-install, and at this point I have all of North America in place, and it's looking great, with a single exception. PAKT has a huge trough beside the runway. (in fact PAKT is on a plateau) I have tries all the usual, including removal and re-installing PAKT, to no avail..

I have run "Force Migration" in Central, and "Airport Elevation Corrections" in Vector, to no avail.. Ideas anyone? Teecee.

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Mate i did so much I truly cannot be sure.. I know that I re-ran central "force Migration" again and Vector elevation corrections, and I think one of those was the culprit, but I had run them prior to the problem being fixed, so what changed i have no clue..what was strange was that it was the only Orbx port in NA to have a problem.. Teecee

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