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Praises and questions


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Hello all,


I recently purchased Global and OpenLC NA. I must say that those two are quite a powerful combination!!! I also purchased KEGE. I cannot even describe how blown away I am. I live in CO and often go to the Eagle area. I am very very very familiar with this area. I also used to do mountain instruction and would go to KEGE. What has been done with that airport and the surrounding area is simply stunning. Really my hats off to the ORBX team.


Now for the question. I do not have vector yet. I just want to make 100% I know what it will do for my sim. I understand that it will fix coast lines and rivers (am I correct?), but will it place fairly obscure roads? In other words if I am flying over a mountainous area (say out of KEGE), will I be able to find a dirt road that I used to drive all of the time into the high country?


I guess my confusion lies in where land class ends and roads rivers tracks and other things begin. Yes I have read quite a bit about the layers (mesh, vector, LC etc). I guess Im looking at specifics and am very interested in what I will find if I get vector. Dont get me wrong, I'm 100% sure I will get vector, but based on funding, do I get KTEX or vector at this point?


Thank you all for working with a slow learner such as myself!

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VECTOR does place roads etc. in FSX and to a high degree they are accurate.  However old dirt logging roads etc. are not necessarily shown so the answer would be 'probably, maybe'.  VECTOR's manual has this:


What FTX Global VECTOR Does
If you are reading this User Guide you have likely already installed Vector and perhaps taken your first flight to
discover the difference. However for the sake of providing a documented definition here is what Vector adds
for the entire world:
Accurate coastlines, rivers, lakes and other water bodies. Vector uses new shoreline and beach
textures to add more realism which provides a more integrated and natural appearance
Motorways, freeways, main arterials roads, roundabouts – all with moving vehicle traffic and specific
underlays and skirtings to blend in better with landclass textures
Golf courses, city parks and forests
Extrusion bridges and tunnel entrances
Tram lines where applicable, railway lines and railway yards
Power lines using default models
Corrected airport elevations for all default airports
Ports and docks concrete textures
So the difference between what you had before and after Vector is quite remarkable; we like to compare it to
a complete simulator upgrade, similar to the huge improvement FTX Global BASE’s textures provided.


As you already have the FTX GLOBAL BASE which VECTOR requires I would highly recommend getting VECTOR.  Be aware that you will have to download three files VECTOR v.1.35, v.1.40 and v.1.45 install each in order to be complete.

Are you running FTX Central v2?  That should automate Library installation keeping your sim up to date.

I notice in your extensive signature that you still show the ORBX LIBRARIES V.150215.  That library is about 18 month out of date.  Latest ORBX LIBRARY is V.160708 be sure and download and install the latest library every time you add new scenery.

Speaking of signatures you are required to have just one (1) order number showing in your signature.  There is no need to show more than that and long detailed signatures just waste bandwidth.



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Thank you for your reply. FIrst you are certainly correct that my signiature is out of hand LOL. I was out of simming for about a year (bad divorce). So I did miss the original clean our signiatures up post. I did go in and try to do that but sadly Im not smart enough. SO if somebody has a set of directions I will gladly clean that up. Also I do now have the current librarys. When I installed Open LC NA it had me do that then (yes I do have FTX Central 2).


So I just did a long flight KBVS to KEGE. I was looking at the lakes and rivers etc and have decided I will go with the Vector. I think roads and rivers and power lines are important to me. I guess I will wait till next paycheck to get KTEX (and a few others of course).



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Wonderful scenery in the ORBX world isn't it and I am sure you will find Vector a great addition.


Try this for editing your signature, a bit like the blind leading the blind but I think this is how it works:)


1.Click on your user name in top right hand corner of the page.

2.Click "Account settings."

3.Left hand side under "Settings" click "Signature."

4.Your signature should come up, make your alterations and click "save."

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PlicPriest1 -


While any Orbx region, airport or product is awesome, I've found that Vector turned my NA LC product into a "near region quality" representation of my home state of Wisconsin, an area not covered by a region.


If you are not familliar with the area you're flying over, Open LC NA alone is great.


But to use my Wisconsin example, my local area was missing a part of a river that becomes a small lake nesr my house, and other river, road and railroad track detail.


With Vector - BOOM - it looked so very realistic - it was if I was flying above my living room.


So a good purchase!


That said, the best purchase I ever made was the Pacific Northwest Blue region and Orcas and other airports within it - so beautiful, As great as Vector etc are, I can't seem to leave the San Juan Islands and Victoria/Vancouver area - in part because the freeware ship traffic files and Larry Robinson's freeware ferry package really bring it to life - and the regions have upgraded airports vs default, even if you don't buy the add on airports.


My 2 cents!



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VH-KDK I followed your suggestion and I got that signature all cleaned up. Thank you very much!


So to all I did go with vector. What a download! Took about 2.5 hours. I havent had the time to really get into the nitty gritty of what it has done, but from what I have seen has been impressive. No it didnt quite get the mountain roads I was hoping for. It did however blow my mind with Glenwood canyon. This is a canyon that I70 runs through just a few miles to the west of KEGE. The tunnels and bridges in there really impressed me. That and now the river (Colorado) is now mostly complete. I saw just a tiny stretch that was discontinuous, but maybe it was my pc not quite catching up. Either way, so far amazing.


I now have the global vector and openlc na. I too mostly do my fsx in the PNW. KBVS is my "home airport". So now that I have awsome scenery, my flights to KEGE and hopefully soon KTEX will look great the whole way (even outside a fat region).  :D:D:D

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