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I just bought openLC North America, I also have the terrain add one for western part of North America from orbx. I was wondering do I need to install the terrains now that I have OpenLC, what is the difference between the two? Also what is the installation order if I have to install both?



thank you,



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49 minutes ago, Akbaris said:


I just bought openLC North America, I also have the terrain add one for western part of North America from orbx. I was wondering do I need to install the terrains now that I have OpenLC, what is the difference between the two? Also what is the installation order if I have to install both?



thank you,



The Definitive Guide will probably help you.

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They are complementary, install both. The Western regions will be more detailed as explained in the guide pointed to by Stewart.  OpenLC NA does not have a mesh of its own (uses default) and needs Vector to be near the level of precision of a region.


No specific installation order required. the installers will know what to do ;).



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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Larry, I thought the US looked pretty good. FS Global is a little pricey and I was not sure I would get the bang for the buck. I'm still on the fence about it because Orbx has

taken my sim (v3.2) to the next level so why stop there. I guess I'm trying to talk myself into the purchase. That and I'm afraid what elevation changes might pop up like sunken

airports and the like.......Mike

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2 hours ago, Randall Coultas said:

I thought Global was required for LC NA?

Copied from the openLC North America product page:

This product requires FTX Global Base to be installed first for correct operation. FTX Vector is highly recommended.


3 hours ago, mike stout said:

Thanks Larry, I thought the US looked pretty good. FS Global is a little pricey and I was not sure I would get the bang for the buck. I'm still on the fence about it because Orbx has taken my sim (v3.2) to the next level so why stop there. I guess I'm trying to talk myself into the purchase. That and I'm afraid what elevation changes might pop up like sunken airports and the like.......Mike

If you add a mesh, you will find some elevation errors, regardless of what companies' mesh you get.  This is because some of the default airport elevations are wrong.  

The AEC (Airport Elevation Correction) tool in FTX central can automatically fix a bunch of airports so they match the correct elevation and will thus work with many 3rd party's mesh. There will still be some that are off, but they can be manually flattened.

The default USA mesh isn't bad, but some other parts of the world will see a HUGE improvement from a 3rd party mesh.  If you fly outside the USA or outside Orbx regions, I recommend a 3rd party mesh.  IMHO, the overall improvement is worth having to fix a few airport plateaus.

I use FreeMeshX.  It is free. :)


There are a bunch of mesh discussion threads.  Here are a couple I commented in recently that contain a couple screen shots: 



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I think there is some confusion here. OpenLC NA requires FTX Global Base (textures) but not Global 2010 (mesh) :)


The default mesh for the US is good.... compared to what it was in FS9. You can get a better one with a payware like Global 2010 or Ultimate or Toposim (FreemeshX has the same resolution than default for the US if I am not mistaken).  


Having a third party mesh is a big plus but it has indeed its drawbacks with numerous airports on a plateau or partially hemmed in small banks.I find that everyday flying in the OpenLC Rockies for instance. And it requires sometimes a lot of cosmetic surgery  to insert them properly in the mesh when they are not listed in the Vector AEC list.


In spite of that, I couldn't do without my 3rd party mesh (Ultimate) that I have for the entire planet. It really makes the difference.

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as usual, trials and errors with ADE and/or SBuilderX... or, chosing the right airport before starting the flight ! Many cannot be really corrected without disfiguring the whole landscape so I'd better live with the small elevation 



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  • 3 weeks later...

I seem to have problems with two default airports. KABQ seems to be about 100 feet lower then the surrounding area and KBOI has a few trees and building in the taxi ways and such. AEC does not seem to work for KABQ and I'm not sure what to make of KBOI which kind of sucks because its my home airport.  I read that airports can be manually flattened. Is there a program for that? Thanks mike

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Hi Mike,


The program you're looking for is Airport Design Editor (ADE) and it's free.  Search for it by name on the internet.  KABQ look OK here, I'm using default FSX mesh, but it is listed in the FTX Vector Configurator.  You MUST click "Apply" after you make any switch or nothing happens, that may be why it's not "taking".


I do see trees on aprons of KBOI and it may be caused by the latest OLC_NA files.  I will look into it.


Blatent advertisment:  KBOI is one of the CRM airports, if you are from that area you might want to think of picking that up.  Not only is KBOI included but 451 other airports as well.


Cheers, Neil

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Neil, I was able to fix Boise by buying CRM and I am glad I did. It fixed KBOI and the city looks as it does in RL. KABQ is another problem its still about a 100 ft. below the surrounding area. Its more prominent on the East end of the airport. I flew into KBNA and the same thing there as well however the Vector Configurator fixed it. Yeah!. So I immediately tried it with KABQ and it only went from bad to worse. Understand that I can fly into and out of the airport but it would be nice to flatten it because it does affect the

surrounding area. You mentioned the Airport Design Editor I feel it may be above my pay grade.  I almost forgot, I fly PD3 v3 and don't have any add on mesh. Right now I am flying only in the US and was told the default mesh was good. Thanks again Mike

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You will find that you have to manually disable KABQ in the Vector AEC tool. Running the auto config AEC puts KABQ as "enabled". Open up the AEC and in the left hand section "AEC is enabled for" type KABQ. It should show up in that column below. Click on it and it should become highlighted. Then click on the Disable>> sign and then Apply. It should move it to Disabled. I have just done a check of this for you and had to manually disable KABQ. I tried this for you with no 3rd mesh enabled so it is with the default mesh in P3D which is what you have I believe.

Hope this helps.

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