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Pointsoft Pro ATC

John York

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2 hours ago, JohnY said:

Looking for an alternative.

Has anyone any experience of Pro ATC?


I have, John, and I always use it for airliners (as it assigns SIDs and STARs well). However, it also creates also GPS flightplans, so you can also use it for default airliners. I can comment in more detail if you like, just send me a PM or quotation as a reminder. Basically, I can recommend it.

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I use it. Sometimes I use PFPX to create my flight plan but Pro atc does a good job of that on its own. Updates with navigraph and the voice in it is not robot which is what I like best. Background atc is good too especially for EU. I have had it for over a year now and though it isn't perfect, I wouldn't consider the others and it does have a good forum for help. If I'm not mistaking you can try before you buy. Watch some you tube vids to get a feel for it.

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Thanks Stillwater.  I'll have a better look at it then.


I've got PF3 but its turned out to be more of a nuisance than help due to its inconsistancy i.e. sometimes it works (about 10%), more times it doesn't (90%).  When it does work its great but I just can't put up with the time wastage involved when it doesn't.



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I agree with Clint: You can use Pro-ATC to create your flight plan (or to replicate others, like I do with real ones). After that, it assigns SID & STAR (and changes this acc. to the weather...), so that it interacts well with the AI.

I just finished a flight to KDEN, which has enough approaches on offer...

To me it works in 95 % of all IFR situations, and the other 5 % can later be explained as the users fault...

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Hi John


I agree with what the chaps have written here - it is second to none for IFR flights and I wouldn't consider doing one without it. However, you should be aware that it is only for IFR. It has no VFR functionality at all. Just wanted to make sure you are aware of that fact before you buy it.


For IFR though it is really very good and very easy to set up and get going.




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Thanks Still water and Stu'


I'll get it after the next couple of weeks.  We're on holiday until then.


I'm not worried about VFR because with that you only have to put up with your own mistakes.  I do about half and half VFR and FIR so it'll be well worth it and I am used to that from Radar Contact.


I'll let you know how I get on.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I tried them but none of them seem as reliable as RC was.  However, because of the ridiculous IFR flying you get with P3D ATC I'm now flying almost exclusively VFR but use 'Flight Following' which I must say I find a good 'in between' if you see what I mean.







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Tired of wasting money had another go with Pro ATC thinking maybe it was me.  Same problem.  Simply won't load the flight plan!  All I get is a message stating; 'Flight Plan Import error. Unexpected Flight Plan Format'.


I've written to them and got a reply asking me to sent them the flight plan.  Sent that and now awaiting a reply but I'm not holding my breath.  I suspect I'm going to get a reply to the effect that P3Dv3.3.5 is not yet supported?  If so, I'll probably ask for my money back because they quite clearly state in their blurb that the product is P3Dv3 ready.



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4 hours ago, JohnY said:

Tired of wasting money had another go with Pro ATC thinking maybe it was me.  Same problem.  Simply won't load the flight plan!  All I get is a message stating; 'Flight Plan Import error. Unexpected Flight Plan Format'.


I've written to them and got a reply asking me to sent them the flight plan.  Sent that and now awaiting a reply but I'm not holding my breath.  I suspect I'm going to get a reply to the effect that P3Dv3.3.5 is not yet supported?  If so, I'll probably ask for my money back because they quite clearly state in their blurb that the product is P3Dv3 ready.



John, you sure seem to be a glutton for punishment :lol:

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4 hours ago, JohnY said:

Tired of wasting money had another go with Pro ATC thinking maybe it was me.  Same problem.  Simply won't load the flight plan!  All I get is a message stating; 'Flight Plan Import error. Unexpected Flight Plan Format'.


I've written to them and got a reply asking me to sent them the flight plan.  Sent that and now awaiting a reply but I'm not holding my breath.  I suspect I'm going to get a reply to the effect that P3Dv3.3.5 is not yet supported?  If so, I'll probably ask for my money back because they quite clearly state in their blurb that the product is P3Dv3 ready.




Well, John, asking the (few) people at Pointsoft needs some time, they used not to respond fast. But it seems at least you have a starting point. I keep my fingers crossed you get it communicating with P3D!

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Hi John,

I'm also new to Pro ATC, using P3D latest version. I don't have any problems with the software and the flightplans.

How do you create a flightplan and how do you insert it into Pro ATC? Could you post an an example flightplan that does mot work for you here? I could try it in my sim and Pro ATC.

(There are numerous ways to create a flightplan and a few ways to insert it into Pro ATC).

I'm sure we'll get your ATC to work fine! :-)

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Hi Jack


Well, Pointsoft themselves have now said the correction will be included in the next update.


However, having entered the flight plan into the sim and saved it,  I get the flight plan from; C/Users/jands_000/Documents/Prepar3Dv3 Files.


Now tell me how you get yours so I can try that?





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@JohnY, @jack-daniels: If I understand you right, you are trying to importing complete flightplans into Pro-ATC? I always do it the other way round: create my flightplans (ok, I use FSX) in Pro-ATC itself, and have Pro-ATC transfer it either into my plane (in case of PMDG, Majestic, QW or Aerosoft) or into the default GPS (in case of default jets). In rare cases I manipulate the flightplans generated by Pro-ATC by manually changing the routing (in the top right part of the Pro-ATC-planning window).

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Hi Stillwater


I've tried to transfer the  Pro ATC flight plan to the flight sim' and it can't/won't do it.


When I look at Flight Plan/Fly now it doesn't work.  If I try to export the flight plan it only gives me an FSX



If I try to use Load Saved Flight situation it brings up Saved flight Plans with nothing on it.


I've never heard of Aviasofts EFB Jack but if I can't get one into Pro ATC and then into P3D flight sim' there's no point in trying that.


Personally, I don't think Pro ATC is set up for P3D whatever they may say and if it is it certainly shouldn't be this complicated.





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When I was using FSX, I used VoxATC because I like the fact of using my own voice to communicate with ATC. Now that I'm only flying P3D, I miss that ability, and the only way to get it back is to fly VATSIM. I'm waiting and see what happens when VoxATC version 7 comes out for P3D does for me. I was considering Pro ATC, but since I use simBrief.com for my flight planning, I think I'll wait. Then again, I may be all wrong here thinking you can't use your own voice to speak to ATC with Pro ATC.

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Ok fellers.    I've finally got it into the flight sim'. It was something simple too.  I was trying to use the first page where it says Departure airport etc., instead of Flight Plan/New Flight Plan.


Don't really understand the need for that first bit.


Anyway, I've got it working so now I'll print the relevant bits of the 'Help' page and learn how it goes in the air!



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Well, I've got three problems.


1)  I can't register for their forum because I can't answer to last question on the registration form.  Talk about making customers jump through hoops!

2)  I want to fly the Embraer.  They have Embraer listed as an aircraft but keep asking for the model number which I would be happy to provide except there's no bloody space to put it in!

3)  So I'm stuck with either the Beechcraft Baron or a 747 which last I haven't got and don't want to fly anyway!









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Now I discover from the forum that only default aircraft are supported by ProATC!


No wonder I'm getting crashes and all sorts of problems while flying including Windows closing the sim' down!


Doubly fed-up and going to uninstall Pro ATX and going back to default ATC.  At least then I can get back to flying.



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You must be lucky then Jack because even though they show Embraer on their manufacturer list I've been trying to use it with my Embraer 500 and it crashes the sim' mid flight.



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I use PMDG and Airbus with flightplans created by Pro. In options are you going to the Paths to folders tab and setting the correct path to your aircraft folders? They have options to folders for all the major aircraft developers there as well as the sims. After you click fly now, you just check where you want Pro to put that particular flightplan. If you are flying the embraer, you can check Generate FSSX/P3D flightplans and you should be ok except you may not have copilot help with that plane.



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1 hour ago, JohnY said:

You must be lucky then Jack because even though they show Embraer on their manufacturer list I've been trying to use it with my Embraer 500 and it crashes the sim' mid flight.



Hi John,


I found a long list of Boeing & Airpus planes somwhere in the web some time ago, might be the Pro-ATC support page (edit: could be here:  http://www.pointsoftware.de/download/proatcx/import_acdata.zip / extract it to where ever you want. In PRO-ATC/X select "Data > Aircraft", then click the button "Import from file.").

Planes that are more exotic I enter manually, like this:



Unfortunately it is sometimes difficult to find the required data in the web, but they do not need to be totally precise. Most important is the rate of intended descend, and the runway lenghts.

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I've now gone back to PF3.  Works fine.  Does VFR and IFR.  Gives me a nice lady co-pilot (one of many alternatives) who takes care of my communications.  Brilliant directions for taxiing from the gate to the runway.  Radio communications between other aircraft and controllers etc.  Good directions from runway to parking.


It's not perfect but is a damn sight better than default.



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