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orbx lib's v160708 not installing need help

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ORBX LIB'S v160708 will not install. I have tried the update from FTX Central and also downloaded from ORBX website. I have copied them to a temp file and ran them as administator.

Programs run but do not seem to be installed anywhere. Still have v160528. Why.


More problems but I will ask this question first. Program not running may be the reason for other problems.



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Well.....I was afraid of this. Nobody choosing to help me with this problem.

Additional Information:


In FTX Central under settings/uncategorised products there is a catogory called

Orbx Libraries it does not open but if you put your cursor over the file it will report


"FTX AA ORBX libaries version 160708 8th july 2016" whats that all about? 

Where would this new LIB version be installed?


I guess I will not be able to fix this if nobody comes.



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Hello Nick,
I was hoping you might answer.  Nothing is working right now.

Let me begin,
To get the new library file v160708 I entered "FTX Central 2/Microsoft Flight Simulator X" (I fly FSX) and downloaded the file from FTX Central, 
after the file downloded I got this message:

ORBX|scripts\FTX Configureator.exe 
A decompression error has occured (#7)
File CRC mismatch- Data integrity error

When I tried to access "FTX Central 2/Microsoft Flight Simulator X" again I got this message:

FTX of Central has encountered an unrecoverable error. The invocation of the constructor on  type 'Orbx.FTXCentral_MainWindow that 
matches the specfied binding contstraints threw an exception. The details have been saved to your desktop as ftx_error_196.txt."


I can no longer get  FTX Central for Microsoft Flight Simulator X.

I also downloaded the new library file from the ORBX site ran the file but it did not show up on my desktop thats 2 attempts bolth failed still v160528 listed.
As I have been looking around for a way to find answer to my problem I found that message on FTX Central under settings/uncategorised products. by hovering my cursor over the location where it said ORBX libraries. over the location, But there is no file there only a reference to v160708. I assume the file should be on my desktop replacing v160528.


WORST OF ALL  I cannot get FSX to run any longer the program does not recognize aircraft files any longer and crashes.
I seem to have lost 15 years of Flight Simulator. I did try an older version of my fsx.cfg file, got the same problem.
I am afraid I am going to make it worse by trying to fix it myself




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Hi Spinker


Sounds like a corrupted download has led to unforeseen problems.  Hang in there, I'm sure there are many ways to restore your FSX and ORBX,though it might take a bit of sleuthing.  The aircraft files not being recognised seems a bit strange.  


I'll let others such as Nick Cooper manage this but if I think of anything I'll post suggestions as well.



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