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ObjectFlow message whenever I start P3D v 3.2

Jack Sawyer

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I am getting this message every time I now start P3D.

I cancel it.

What should I do?


"An update for the ObjectFlow module is available (new version:

Would you like to download and install the update?"


Does this mean FTX Central is now back up for migration?




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3 hours ago, h3pilot said:

I updated to the new unified installer Central several days ago.

I had the same ObjectFlow message today (P3Dv3.1) and just installed the update.

It seemed to work just fine.

Hi Matt.

Since no one in an official capacity here at Orbx has given me an answer on whether I should go ahead and try to see if the new Central is ready (perhaps they're busy) I decided to go ahead and try it.


It ran and showed both sims which is good, then it asked me if I wanted to upgrade Central and the libs file and the object flow so I did it all and rebooted and checked it again and am happy to say it has worked.  However, it remanins to be seen if NZ is fixed as I didn't have time to fly there and check it out.


Thank you for your replies and helping me.  I'm not good at this part of the hobby, I'm more of a pilot type, I'd rather fly than mess with it.  Sometimes it seems too much for this tired old dog to learn.


And with this knee surgery it makes it even tougher.


Best regards,



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2 hours ago, JS07 said:

... I'm more of a pilot type, I'd rather fly than mess with it.  Sometimes it seems too much for this tired old dog to learn.



I feel the same way.  My patience for tweaking and having to manually fix (or wait for fixes) for errors is a bit thin.

Not meant as a specific criticism of Orbx scenery, but of FSX/P3D and add-ons in general.


Glad the Central and ObjectFlow updates appears to have worked for you.

What is/was your NZ doing?  I happened to do a short flight out of Wellington this evening, which looked OK to me.  (My first NZ flight since the update to Central.)

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Not sure if the latest updates you mention rectified the problems in NZ (NZWN in particular) but Ed released hotfix for the NZ problems several days ago. Search the forum and you will find the post or click on Ed's profile/activity and you should find his post with the fix attached to it.

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That's the file I downloaded and installed into FSX and it fixed it.  Haven't looked at Wellington or Sydney yet so I saved that file.  I just read they either re-uploaded it or uploaded a newer one for the NZ/UA fix.


I posted some screenshots but they were not showing in my post I suppose because of the server migration.  I had water popping in and out and other texture anomilies on the tops of the mountains.



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