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No Buildings at EAFB main base, SCA region


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Recently installed and enjoying SCA region.


I noticed that my Edwards scenery displays the nice photo real/like texture but none of the buildings are present on the main base. The north base and housing area show fine, but the main base hangars are all missing.


My understanding is that the SCA pack should either provide or use the default Edwards buildings.


I have PNW, Northern Rockies, Central Rockies, NCA, and SCA installed. I had two airports that I elevated above orbx to display over the scenery but I have removed those areas and still show no base buildings.


Thanks for the help and great scenery!


EDIT: I have installed the latest libraries.

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I will poke around in the scenery folders. I didn't think the EAFB scenery was a singular line item under the scenery settings library. I assumed it was buried in the default folder. I will see if I can find an item for it. Do you have it as a separate item?

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