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I have a problem with kmry giving a big stutter. I dont know if stutters are the same thing as hiccup but i think its more of a hiccup and i cant find out whats causing it. I know its not the graphics card because ive tried multiple cards, and it cant be the cpu because my fps are out of the window. Back to main problem in KMRY going down the runway theres a big hiccup by the terminal whether im panning or not moving at all, then when i take off and pan there are several hiccups as if something is not processing something fast enough. My fps are high though so i dont know why its happening. My order number is 453624

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G'day there,


Sorry you are having trouble with KMRY. Before we get started, could you please let us know your Flightsimstore Order Number


Following that - could you please take a couple of screenshots of where you are having the problem - one at the spot near the terminal where you have the hickup, and another couple of overview shots (similar to this or this) so that we can check that everything looks like it should. 




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On February 10, 2016 at 2:07 AM, Jarrad Marshall said:

G'day there,


Sorry you are having trouble with KMRY. Before we get started, could you please let us know your Flightsimstore Order Number


Following that - could you please take a couple of screenshots of where you are having the problem - one at the spot near the terminal where you have the hickup, and another couple of overview shots (similar to this or this) so that we can check that everything looks like it should. 




Yes this my order number FSS0453624

this is where the big hiccup happensimage.thumb.jpg.44f6febfbeef7127b8548df3

i noticed some weird articles just floating it looks like pieces of the treesimage.thumb.jpg.48e9432c44ee12d0afcbb839

some in the terminal too if you look closely u can see it


I also have a building flashing in the city i circled it in red


and out of curiosity are the buildings suppose to be these colors? 



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23 hours ago, Jarrad Marshall said:

Hi there,


As Nick points out - the order number you have provided is allocated to another user, is it possible that you have more than one account/username here on the forums?



Mhhm thats weird im looking at my email right now and thats the order number. my name is Oscar Duran. Heres a screenshot of the emailimage.thumb.jpg.b0f840d849f8e1a60c251c87

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G'day Oscar, good to have you back. 


Before addressing the "hiccup" you've got, I'll touch base on the other points you asked about;


1. The particles in the air around the terminal are residually attached to the autogen pine trees in the background, whatever is causing this issue on your system is not limited to the KMRY area. Playing with your mipmap settings on your graphics card is the best way of alleviating the problem, also if you use any other 3rd party autogen replacement textures, try replacing these with the default ones again (it's a little hard to tell from your screenshots). 

2. The flashing red/green building is a default FSX library object mapped to one of our NCA autogen tiles. I can't replicate the flashing issue you are having, but some of these objects are known to have z-bias issues under certain circumstances, so we try to avoid using them as much as possible.


In regards to your performance issues, I'm really not sure what is causing the stutter as we haven't had any other reported issues at this location; unfortunately it's most likely caused by something other than KMRY. When trying to find a cause of a stutter/fps drop/OOM etc, I always recommend a systematic approach to isolate the cause;


1. Backup and delete your FSX.cfg to force FSX to create a clean, unedited version. You'd be surprised how many "tweaks" cause unintended performance issues. 

2. Download and install the latest ORBXlibs, then open FTX Central v2 and set your region to North America (or re-apply if already set to NA). 

2. Disable (un-tick) all other addon scenery items in your library aside from ORBX products.

3. Create a new flight (don't load a saved one) with a simple default aircraft such as the Piper Cub or C172. Use the default weather engine to load the "Clear Skies" theme. 

4. Turn off all AI aircraft, vehicles and boats. Dial back your water and autogen settings to zero. Ensure "Ground Scenery Shadows" box is disabled. 


From here, gradually bump up your settings, and re-introduce addons until you can find the cause. 




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Ok i just wanted to know if the particles and the flashing building might have something to do with the hiccup, i thought it could be a bad installation(even though i installed correctly) but u say no right?. Now I got a few more questions, can hiccups like that be hardware related, cuz as i said during that big hiccup(and the surrounding kmry area performance is choppy) when i pan to right after taking off the picture hiccups as if something is not processing something fast enough, and it just makes panning choppy around that area. I can say this only happens in kmry, i just dont understand why kmry is doing this. I cant even use the phenom 100 by carenado my fps are 20 and drop its unflyable. And for  the tweaks should the only tweak i should have be HIGHMEMFIX?




Does anybody else have experience with the phenom in kmry by any chance?

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Hi Oscar,


It could possibly be hardware related, but any particulars on hardware are a little outside the purview (and knowledge base) of these support forums. I too have the Phenom 100, and to be honest I have to say it is definitely one of the heaviest resource users on my sim. As I said, the best approach is to start with a "clean slate" and gradually introduce external components one at a time. Starting with a totally clean fsx.cfg and a default aircraft. 



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I feel like you are hoping to get a simple "this is how you fix your specific problem" answer - unfortunately we're not in a position to do that as it is unique to your system and setup. How my system handles the Phenom/KMRY combo is not going to be much help to you - our hardware specs, system setups, other addons, tweaks, GPU settings, weather, AI, external modules are all different, and are all going to factor in to that number. 


I did answer your highmem question - but I'll say it again - you should try using a clean FSX.cfg first, and then introduce it later to see if it makes a difference. 


I've given you a detailed checklist of items to have a play with - I suggest you take some time to methodically work your way through it. It will mean a little bit of time at your end to see if you can isolate the cause, but I guarantee it is far more likely to yield a result. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey so i found out a little more. I did a reinstall of win7 but turned off updates and installed fsx and orbx just on a win7 with service pack 1. after installation of a couple regions the old ftx central opens up and gives a Region Files validation report. I went to check the files that is says and yes they are missing in the directory that it says. Idk if theres a confliction between the old ftx central and the new one but the old pops up and gives me these messages pretty much all my regions. The other thing i found was that kmry might not be the problem because on the default kmry of the norcal region i get that same hiccup  at that same place. Now im thinking theres an installation problem with that region files validation report. 

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Hello again,


The installation process should always end with the installation of the latest libraries.

Depending on how old your installers are, you may well see FTX Central version 1

during the process.

Is is best to ignore any error messages that you might see until the process is complete.

The library installation puts all files into order and installs FTX Central version 2.

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I got scared after i saw the errors so i installed the libraries then continued installing the rest of my regions. Even after i installed the newest libraries ftx central 1 keeps popping up even though ftx central 2 is now installed. What if the error messages are right though? the files that it says are missing are really missing so what do i do? I tried reinstalling the regions but the files are still not there. And whenever i apply north america for example when i go to fsx, norcal is not at the top in the scenery library, england is on top even though i applied north america. 

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Until you have installed all your products you need not worry about FTX Central Version 1.

When they are all installed, then re-install the latest libraries and all should be well.


As to the scenery library, there is also nothing wrong.

The entries are arranged alphabetically and should be that way.

As far as FTX Central is concerned, there are only two settings for the scenery library,

Global, when none of the regions are active and any other setting, when all the regions

are active.


Would you make a screen shot of the missing files message please.

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I wasnt able to upload a picture because it says i cant upload cuz its more then 4mb. Its only for certain installers that the old ftx pops up but everytime it pops up it gives me this file validation report with missing files:


fsx file doest no exist



and the rest of the missing files are in the same location under texture, they are:









sorry for not being able to upload the picture i hope thats easy to under stand

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