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CYZD trees in FTX Global and UTX

Jack Sawyer

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I was doing the first Majestic Q400 tutorial flight today and it has you start at CYUL.  I didn't notice the trees till I started taxiing.  I had FTX Global set to Global, FSX Gold, Win 7 64, no add-ons at all in this area.  Anyone else see this and how could I possibly fix this?

Thanks, Jack







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Try this


Just install the latest Libraries again and then click on Apply to FTX Global in FTX Central again.


If the above suggestion doesn't work and then do the step below


If you are using AI traffic like MyTraffic - search in its directory for CYUL files - tell me what you see

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Thanks Airwolf, will try it in a little bit.

I use UT2 not MyTraffic.

Also, I have UTX installed as is it mesh?  Or something else?

But when I went to look at UTX to see if there were excluded airports it didn't list this one.

That's about the extent of my knowledge, Im really not any good at this stuff compared to most.

Will let you know...

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Right, well I downloaded and installed the latest ORBXLIBS, changed to Europe in FTX Central then back to Global and still have the trees.


Then, I ran the UTX program and figured out how to totally disable it and when I did the trees were gone.


So What do I do?  Keep it enabled and live with the trees on one airport or keep it disabled?  I don't know of a way to fix this and I am not going to ask the people where I bought it.  I have all the GEX's installed but from what I understand ORBX overwrites them.  I never uninstalled them.  I just live with it.  I do NOT like those people.


Can I say publicly what they have told me about ORBX?  It's not nice and now I no longer do business with them.

The person who owns it is rather rude.


So, does anyone know how to help in this case?


Thanks for all your help guys.



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Not to worry Nick, mum's the word.

All I can say is this, I WISH I had discovered ORBX before the other stuff.  It is so much more life-like and nicer.


One of the things I LOVE about ORBX is your support, you people here are always the most gracious and helpful folks in the sim community.


One last thing, is it possible to change the title of my post to remove CYUL (have no idea how I did that) to CYZD?


I sure do hope someone familiar with UTX Canada can help.


Best regards, Jack

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  • Nick Cooper changed the title to CYZD trees in FTX Global and UTX
5 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:

Hello Jack,

Thank you for the kind words.

Title amended as you asked.

I have added a reference to UTX, it may help to draw someone's attention.

Thanks Nick, you guys are awesome!

I'm SO happy that when I get back after going shopping with the wife I'm gonna buy O60.

And maybe SCA!

Man, my list is getting longer by the week!


Thanks for all your help, I really appreciate it.

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