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You want to put a screenshot up? Read this :)

Jay Kae

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tried all this and nothing happens ???

Sorry too much but Jay did a copy-n-paste of the guts of it

Have a close look at this from the Voz site - basically the same thing but IT DOES WORK - even an ol'fart like me got it to work on the second attempt because I outsmarted myself and did not follow the instructions properly the 1st time

Here is the link


Read it and then read it again so you dont stuff it up like I did 1st time around - its as easy as cutting your bloody finger whilst slicing onions when you are not paying attention

If you want to add a screenie on this forum - it is actually the 3rd button from the left on the 2nd row - now - come on Jack - even you can do it mate Posted Image Posted Image

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Guest J van E

Er... ???

Why not simply...

1. upload the pictures to www.tinypic.com (choose a file and click on Upload now)

2. you will get several links to the picture: copy the link with the IMG-code in it (simply clicking that link already copies it!). It will look like this:


3. paste that link with IMG-codes and all into your post right where you want the picture to appear and you're done.

Simple as that. No need to register to any other forum or whatever to get it done.

If you upload the pictures somewhere else, just copy/paste/type the link in your post, select it and click on the Insert image-button with the picture of a picture on it (right above the smileys, between the Insert flash and Insert hyperlink buttons) which will do nothing more than paste the IMG-codes at the beginning and end of the link. You can even simply type the IMG-codes yourself!!!


Posting this in this topic:


...results in this:

Posted Image

Hm, this explanation is already way too long, because it really is SO simple to do...! ;) (I think the OP is a bit confusing because it's talking about posting pictures on the VOZ's website... I know in this case that forum is only used to upload the pictures to, but it's too confusing for newbies, I think. My method is a lot simpler. I think, again. Maybe I shouldn't think that much... ;D )

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Er... ???

Why not simply...

1. upload the pictures to www.tinypic.com (choose a file and click on Upload now)

Main reason is because places like imageshack, photobucket and tinypic have the nasty habit to be unreliable and linkage not showing up for one person or the other,  whereas the VOZ Imagehosting has a 100% uptime, which I take great pride in. Of course people can do what they want but then when the links don't show, it is NOT supported. Only official linkage is supported as per the first original post in this thread.

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Guest J van E

Okay, that's cool. I didn't know that Tinypic.com apparently is unreliable. I will use VOZ Image Hosting from now on for this forum!

Still, in that case I'd like to rephrase the OP a little, because it makes use of the VOZ-site, which is quite confusing, I think, because in the end, we want to post pictures here! ;) I've posted quite some screenshots during the last years, but even I got confused when I read it, because I thought I had to register to the VOZ-site to post pictures here... So if you don't mind, here I go again, this time with the defenitive 'simple guide' to posting on THIS site. ;)

1. Go to http://www.fsfiles.org/imagehost/phUploader.php

2. Upload the picture(s) (click on 'Choose file', choose the file and then click on 'Upload file(s)': you can upload two files at once)

3. Copy the link that will be presented to you (if you have uploaded two files, copy one link, proceed to point 4 and then come back here to copy the other link)

4. Come back here, create a post or a reply if you haven't done so already, position the cursor where you want the picture to appear, click on the Insert Image button* (right above the smileys, third button from the left, right underneath the U-button: clicking this will simply insert the necessary IMG-codes into your post) and paste the link you just copied (the cursor will already be flashing at the right spot, in between the IMG-codes).

5. It will look like this (the number will be different of course):


* Instead of clicking the Insert Image button, you can also type the IMG-codes yourself: the button does nothing more than insert the codes and place the cursor in the middle.

That's it. Repeat this all for every image. As said, you can upload two images at a time, which is quite handy: Tinypic can't do that! ;)

If you uploaded the pictures somewhere else, you only have to follow points 3 and 4: just make sure you've got a valid link and that it ends up in between the IMG-codes.

You can click the Preview-button to see if you've done everything right (also handy if you want to type text near specific pictures and you've forgotten which link is what ;) ) before you click the Post-button.

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Yes, it really is that simple, except being a simple fellow myself and now having worn out the "V" key, I still can't find the screenies in Vista...

I have looked all over the place, but not obviously in the right one  :-[ .  Can someone please refresh my memory as to where they "should" be.

Thanks in advance.

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alltough the "V" key is a nice feature with fsX, downside of it is that it saves the files as bmp's wich for a bit decent screenie can creep up to more than 7,5 mB, hence therefore I use the Mgrab thingy as I can set the percentage, it saves them as jpeg and thus I end up with still clear screenies with a format of 1600x1200 that are around the 500~700 kB, wich saves space, uploading time and specially downloading time for the people trying to view them, not all have broadband DSL connections, one would be surprised of the amount out there that are still on dailup...............

not criticising anybody ...... just a tought ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

FSX saves the pictures to " My Documents\ My Pictures\ FSX "

      Took me awhile to find them too. ;D



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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm sooo envious of you smart buggers with your screen shots and I have to ask (what you will think) a dumb question.

Where do you get the pics from ????.I cant find any way of saving a paused shot and I've tried taking a dig. pic of the screen and uploading it to my computer. They look ok but are too big to upload to the forum and when compressed it sorta loses its effect so c'mon fellas, whats the secret ?

.....Lauriell      :-[

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  • 2 months later...

Yes, that's part of it, but you need to resize them to a usable size for people's screens, say 10" x 6.25" and change and save them as j-pegs at say 72 or 100 ppi resolution.  Then you will be able to use one of the free hosting outfits to post them into the forum.


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  • 1 month later...

1. Go to http://www.fsfiles.org/imagehost/phUploader.php

2. Upload the picture(s) (click on 'Choose file', choose the file and then click on 'Upload file(s)': you can upload two files at once)

3. Copy the link that will be presented to you (if you have uploaded two files, copy one link, proceed to point 4 and then come back here to copy the other link)

4. Come back here, create a post or a reply if you haven't done so already, position the cursor where you want the picture to appear, click on the Insert Image button* (right above the smileys, third button from the left, right underneath the U-button: clicking this will simply insert the necessary IMG-codes into your post) and paste the link you just copied (the cursor will already be flashing at the right spot, in between the IMG-codes).

5. It will look like this (the number will be different of course):


* Instead of clicking the Insert Image button, you can also type the IMG-codes yourself: the button does nothing more than insert the codes and place the cursor in the middle.

(J van E beat me to making one new one rather than the old copy of VOZ but.. I can't be everywhere all the time ;) )

Hi Jay...I went to the site to try to upload screenshots for a problem I'm having with grass-type road snaking through Brisbane with AU Gold.  Problem is, the screenshots get uploaded, but then no link is presented to me to copy (what you have as step #3).  The form just sort of re-sets itself.  Can you give any additional guidence on this.  I just can't past the point at which the screenshots get uploaded.  Thanks in advance.


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  • 5 months later...

I've tried to use the OZx Hosting today because I'm just a tad fed up with ImageShackUs.  However, the problem I have is that it not only is the link copied into the thread but when I press 'Preview' it still shows the link, not the actual picture.

How do I get over that Jay?

Incidentally, I notice that on the OZx forum that's the way they do it but it's no good for most of us because we like to provide some sort of commentary with the images.


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I thought I had already answered this for you Peter.

However, what you should bare in mind is not filling up the space so much as what the majority of people may be able to see on their screens without scrolling.  After all, the main purpose of putting up a screenshot is to show them to people.  I certainly wouldn't want people to have to scroll to see mine.

Truth is, as soon as I see a anyone's screenshot needs scrolling, I switch it off on the basis that they're only showing off what big screens they themselves have and not really to display their work!


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Not quite, John Y. The measurement you kindly provided wasn't related to this particular question. As to the rest,  I quite agree. Which is why I'm trying to find an answer. It irritates me when my shots are resized. A picture that fills the space looks so much better. I've now found a resizing tool which I think will do the job...

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  • 6 months later...
Guest J van E

I found another site for uploading pictures that's even better than the one in the OP:

- you can upload up to 10 pictures at once!

- you can (amongst others) resize the pictures while uploading!

- you can copy all the links for all the uploaded pictures at once!

- the links are 'ready for use' on this forum, so no need to manually add tags in any way!

- if you want full screen pictures to be seen online (which are too big for the forum, where the maximum width should be 1160 pixels), you can get links with thumbnails which link to those full screen shots in one go!

This new site beats the old one in every way, so... here's another 'tutorial': maybe it could be added to the OP...? (Or even replace it...? ;D )

1. Go to Xs.to

2. Upload the picture(s):

- click on 'Choose file' and choose the file: you can select up to 10 files.

- if you want to resize the pictures automatically, scroll down to Image Enhancement Options and enable resize...

Posted Image

...and enter the settings you want: you probably want to enable 'Maintain aspect ratio' and use 1160 px as a maximum. You can also (amongst others) rotate images or create borders around them (rollover options to see details), but beware that these options will be applied to all pictures!

- click on 'Upload now'.

3. Copy the link(s) that will be presented to you:

- if you have uploaded one file, copy the link from the box called 'PHPBB Full Size'.

- if you have uploaded more files at once, scroll down to the box called 'Hotlinks for Forums' and copy all the links at once.

- if you have uploaded large images (wider than 1160 pixels), scroll down to the box called 'BBCode(s) for Forum' and copy all the links at once (your post will show small thumbnails which link to the large pictures).

4. Come back here, create a post or a reply if you haven't done so already, position the cursor where you want the picture(s) to appear and simply paste the links you just copied! (You might want to add a return after every line/link: that will look a bit nicer on the forum, and of course you can add text wherever you want).

That's it and that's all. More simple, more convenient, more everything! ;D

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Have looked for a solution in the forum but can't find one. I use FScreen to take screenshots. How do I reduce the size to less than less than 1024kb as required?

The solution could also be a "sticky" just before or after this topic.

Cheers  Dan

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