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FSX and Toolbar.


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Hi Every one. Some times when loading FSX it locks to the bottom toolbar when it starts up and no matter what I do it won't pop up, have tried every thing. Most times it's OK. Any body else had this happen. I run in windowed mode. All so, I expect this should be in the pay ware section, I thought every thing was ok but then found that Centrall Rockie mountains and Scotland and Wales the configuration file is missing and says to check that they are installed. I have checked and they are installed, well Ftx centrall says they are and have flown over them and they seem to be OK. All the other Configuration files are working. Cheer's Derek.

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In addition to Nick's excellent answer, here is something else that has worked for me when this issue happens ...


If you have the task bar on the screen and can see the Flight Simulator icon in the Task Bar, simply click on the icon with the left mouse button (nothing will happen, but by doing this you give the program "focus" in Windows) ... now press the Alt+Enter keys on your keyboard. This key combination should maximise or restore the focused window (in this case Flight Simulator) and bring it up on the screen.  If it doesn't work, simply repeat the process ... click on the icon again with the left mouse button and press Alt+Enter.

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Just to add to what freddy said - I found that hovering the mouse over the icon on the task bar displays an image of FSX in a very small window. then use the Alt+Enter combination and the FSX will be displayed on the screen. 

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