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looking for 2nd disk to install FTX open LC Europe


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While instaling FTX open LC Europe I received a message to use the next CD for completion.


I know this is wrong but I do not know what has caused it. I did copy all LC Europe 4 parts into one temp file since there was only 1 application  file for all 4 files was this right?

Need some  help to continue install FTX open LC Europe.





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While instaling FTX open LC Europe I received a message to use the next CD for completion.


I know this is wrong but I do not know what has caused it. I did copy all LC Europe 4 parts into one temp file since there was only 1 application  file for all 4 files was this right?

Need some  help to continue install FTX open LC Europe.





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You say you extracted all 4 files into 1 "temp FILE".  Are you saying you MERGED all 4 of those files into ONE file?  Or that you extracted each downloaded file into it's OWN folder, then...whatever?  That won't work.


Download the 4 files and put them ALL in one FOLDER.  Then extract them (unzip them) into 1 FOLDER also (it can be the same folder you downloaded them to if you want).  Use the "Extract Here" (or similar choice) from whatever extraction program you are using.  Do NOT use the "Extract Each Archive To Separate Folder" option (or similar). Once you get all 4 FILES extracted into the same FOLDER, then run the "1 application  file" (as you referred to it).  That 1 "application file" will start the installation process that uses all the other extracted files too (if you extracted them ALL in 1 FOLDER).


Your use of the words "files" and "folders" is confusing, so I tried to cover all the possible ways you may be doing it wrong.  As said by others above, you need to get all 4 extracted FILES into ONE folder, then run the 1 "application file".  It will use all 4 extracted files then.  (And you can delete the 4 DOWNLOADED files then too, or else you will have 8 files using double the disk space on your hard drive.  You don't need to keep the downloaded files if you keep the extracted files).

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Thanks for your help,


Problem resolved FTX open LC Europe installed,


After checking the downloaded files I found 1 file missing #6 was not there, downloaded files again and #6 was now there and install was complete.



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