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An Aussie bird for Noel.


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Thank you Noel for your bird shots.

Great to birds from another part of the world.

Thought I would post some from time to time that I have taken.

The Galah is a member of the Cockatoo family and incredibly common. They are very noisy birds. Galah in Oz slang means someone who is stupid or an idiot.


These 2 shots were taken from the back veranda of my house.


A female coming to perch on the dead tree on my back fence. Sadly the tree has now gone with the birds that used to sit there.


A pair of Galahs in flight. The male has a black eye and the female red. Must have been quite a night!

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Very nice Martyn. We have nothing like those around here except perhaps in zoos.

I knew nothing about birds when I began volunteering at the wildlife refuge. Over the four or five years I was there I gained a lot of knowledge about them.

In my next life I would like to be a wildlife biologist. And wealthy enough to travel the world spotting birds.


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No Bassman.  I like being a human being.  Much more variety in a human's life than in the wired routine of a bird's life.


Birds can only do a few things.  Fly, migrate, mate, eat and be constantly on the lookout for predators.  Quite boring dontcha' think? (Except when running from predators).


In my life I was a jack of all trades, master of none.


EOD specialist - soldier - munitions handler - bomb loader - electronic technician/engineer - seismologist - weather forecaster - airplane pilot - fly fisherman - back packer - freelance writer and poet - freelance photographer - wildlife refuge volunteer - hunter - instructor - husband and father - flight and train simmer - model railroader - stamp collector - forum rat and an expert on nothing with an opinion on everything. 


In my next life I'd kinda like to keep it that way.



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  • 2 weeks later...

They have light grey wings, and sit facing into the wind on runways...

Stupid indeed.

Thank you Mickel. Also they play chicken with cars. They never win. Stupid.

As a flight enthusiast, In your next life wouldn't you want to be a bird (protected species of course), I know I would.

Thanks for your great photos Martyn and you Birdguy.

Thanks for commenting, the Galah obviously is no stranger to you!

Very nice Martyn. We have nothing like those around here except perhaps in zoos.

I knew nothing about birds when I began volunteering at the wildlife refuge. Over the four or five years I was there I gained a lot of knowledge about them.

In my next life I would like to be a wildlife biologist. And wealthy enough to travel the world spotting birds.


Thanks for commenting Noel. Always had some sort of interest in birds. Grew up in the country on the edge of London and so many different birds in our large garden.

In my next life I want to remember what I did in this one so I could do things very differently!

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One of my favourite memories of Aus was watching the galahs hanging upside down on the Phone wires with wings spread in the rain..communal shower.. Thanks for the great Photos..Teecee.

PS, anyone got any decent shots of the Black Cockies in the Territory? I remember watching them in great flocks, and as the turned enmasse they would flash their scarlet of bright yellow underwing feathers.. Magic.

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I remember watching them in great flocks, and as the turned enmasse they would flash their scarlet of bright yellow underwing feathers.. Magic.

That is one characteristic about large flocks of birds that mystify me.

I watch in awe as a flock of over a thousand backbirds coming down the valley all seem to rise and fall and turn en-masse. Like acting on command. Is there some sort of non-verbal. perhaps telepathic, communication involved here?


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