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Global or NA Regions


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 My Central is currently set to NA.


I went to two airfields in Tucson Az. where I live. I went to Tucson Int.(KTUS) and Davis-Monthan AFB (KDMA) For some reason both these fields are in very bad shape. I know there not in any ORBX region yet. There runways are there, but there's no way to tell they are default airports. Buildings,houses, trees are all over the place at both fields. I've never seen default fields this bad. 


My Default Phoenix (KPHX) is fine in either Global or NA Central selection, with or with out Hybrid mode selected


Than I changed my Central to Global and did tic the Hybrid mode. I also tried the Hybrid mode ticked and un- ticked. I went back to both fields and got the same result. I figured being in Global mode I would see at least normal default fields, like a stock FSX install. I have no idea how this issue got the why I described it.

I have no third party addons added in Arizona, other than the payware's ORBX has added.


Anyone have any ideas how to correct this problem?.





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I went to your two airports and put the aircraft on the active runway.  In both cases, there were the raised plateaus around the runway one often sees when the AEC is set incorrectly.  So I disabled AEC for both airports in the Vector configuration tool and both were fixed.  If you have Vector, you can do the same.


BTW I had NA ticked in FTX Central, but that shouldn't make any difference.



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I'm looking at the Vector Configurator tool now.


Both my KTUS and KDMA ICAO codes are showing up in the AEC disabled column. Mine are not showing any plateau issues. So. Something else must be going on causing the issue I'm having.



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I'm looking at the Vector Configurator tool now.


Both my KTUS and KDMA ICAO codes are showing up in the AEC disabled column. Mine are not showing any plateau issues. So. Something else must be going on causing the issue I'm having.





Here are some screenshots of the issues I'm having with these two default air fields







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Hi Grayrider,


Maybe a long shot, but have you set an insertion point to keep the Global entries below the FTX ones?


Or is there anything else above Global (e.g. freeware) that might interfere with those areas?

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Please search your FTX_VECTOR folder for KTUS and KDMA.

you should four files for each.

In particular,



If you have the airports enabled, they will have  a .inactive extension,

if disabled, a .bgl extension.


If you do not please report back.

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Not contrary to the guidance of Nick above, only to illustrate: in Orbx folder of your FS, you will need to have these four (4) files as shown below.





~ \ ORBX \ FTX_VECTOR \ FTX_VECTOR_AEC \ scenery \ AEC_KTUS.inactive

~ \ ORBX \ FTX_VECTOR \ FTX_VECTOR_APT \ scenery \ ABP_KTUS.inactive

~ \ ORBX \ FTX_VECTOR \ FTX_VECTOR_APT \ scenery \ ABP_KTUS_Default.bgl

~ \ ORBX \ FTX_VECTOR \ FTX_VECTOR_APT \ scenery \ APT_KTUS.inactive



~ \ ORBX \ FTX_VECTOR \ FTX_VECTOR_AEC \ scenery \ AEC_KDMA.inactive

~ \ ORBX \ FTX_VECTOR \ FTX_VECTOR_APT \ scenery \ ABP_KDMA.inactive

~ \ ORBX \ FTX_VECTOR \ FTX_VECTOR_APT \ scenery \ ABP_KDMA_Default.bgl

~ \ ORBX \ FTX_VECTOR \ FTX_VECTOR_APT \ scenery \ APT_KDMA.inactive




If you haven't the four (4), there is something wrong. It's necessary to investigate and get the configuration shown above.


If there are four (4), make sure they have these aspects (Extensions -> .inactive, .inactive, .bgl n '.inactve).


So it'll be fine.


Here a shot of KTUS, unfortunately the wall on the ground ahead of the runways 11 is due to the Vector artificially complete the wrong height of airport polygon in that position:





Here, KDMA:






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Nick and Voyager.


I went into my FTX_Vector_AEC and APT Scenery folders.


Of the four files that should be there as you mention. I'm only seeing one of the four files showing up for each default airfields?. 


I have no idea how this happened, since I don't have any addons in this part of Arizona.


I'm not sure what to do and how to fix this issue.I'll sure need some help, for sure.


I'm adding some screenshots of the two vector AEC/APT folders.









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You don't seem to have enough files in either folder.


Try searching again, this time, set the search up like these two.

Note that I have selected the folder and then typed the ICAO code into the search box at the top right.

Wait a few moments and Windows will then do the work for you.






If you then see the four files, come back.


If you don't, then you will need to re-install Vector.

This is best done by downloading the installer from

your FSS account page, deleting the whole FTX_VECTOR

folder and then installing.

I suspect that this will be the solution.


I cannot make either airport look like yours do, whether they are

enabled or disabled in the Vector configurator.

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The screenshots I added. There are a ton of other files in both the Vector AEC and  APT Scenery Folders. The screenshots I took I only showed the KDMA and KTUS file in question?.


In the mean time. I'll go to each of the two Vector folders, and take another screenshot of what they find it finds, than I'll post what it finds. Am I saying this correctly??.




Is this the search you wanted me to do?.



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Yes that's it.

You seem not to have any of the ABP_****_default files

that you can see in the screenshot of my search.

This is probably because at one stage, the installer at

the FSS had these files missing.


As above, I think you will need to return to your account

download page and download the version that is there now.


Once you have done that, delete the entire FTX_VECTOR

folder and run the new installer.

You will then have all the missing files and the Vector Configurator

and everything else will work as it should.

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I've already re-downloaded my FTX_Vector from FSS.


I'll delete my current FTX_Vector Folder from my FSX.


When I reinstall it. Should I re-run the vector auto configuration?. Also My central is currently set to NA. Should/can I leave it there when I re-install vector?. Also when it's reinstalled will it put vector where it is now in my FSX Scenery Library. Currently its down near the bottom of my scenery library in FSX?. I'm dreading having to redo my library insertion points. I've never tried it with/in FTX Central since it came out etc. Currently all the ORBX products I have are where they should be in my FSX Scenery library.



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It doesn't matter what FTX Central is set to but Global makes sense.

I suggest that you install Vector and visit the two rogue airports

before you run the automatic configuration.

Unless you have addon mesh, they should look fine.


The Vector installer I believe, will check the scenery library and

if it finds the entries already there, leave them alone.

(It might write over them but either way, they won't change.)

Your scenery library will otherwise remain unchanged.

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Is it possible. The re-install of vector will overwrite everything in the vector folders, if I don't remove my current FTX_Vector Folder from my FSX?. Otherwise I'll uninstall my current FTX_Vector Folder from my FSX before I start the re-install process. Just curious.



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In short, the file structure is no longer the same as the

installer creates and it needs to be deleted.


Please do delete the folder before you start.


If you don't, firstly the installation itself may generate

error messages that it cannot create files that are already



Secondly, because you have already run the configurator,

when you try to use it, the installer will have created

files that it needs to create and it will stop, generating an

error message saying that it cannot create a file that is already


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I'll delete my current FTX_Vector Folder from my FSX.


I re-set my central to global mode.


I'll re-install vector shortly. Than I'll go have a look at KTUS and KDMA to see if it's back to normal for default. I'll report back with results. Good news or bad. 



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My KDMA and KTUS basic default fields are good to go. After I completed the install. I didn't run the vector auto-configurator.

I'm adding two shots of something I do see.

I guess it's what could be called plataue's, that shouldn't be there. The first shot is at the end of runway 30 at KDMA. The other one is at the end of the runway at KTUS. I guess it has something to do with flatten files?. I'll need help fixing this issue as far as what and how to do the fix.

My FTX Vector did stay where it was located in my FSX library.




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Nick and Voyager.

How do I disable the file you are referring to?. I've never done this kind of disabling before?. I'd need instructions no dought.

I also found. Now that I have both default fields back. When any AI planes land at either of the fields. They stay about 10 feet above the ground while they taxi around. When there at there parking spots. They stay 10 feet above the ground.

I'm assuming the problem is with elevation?. How do I fix this?.

Here is a couple of screen shots of the issue.





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Thanks Voyager.

Now I understand the procedure.

If I try this. Will or might it correct the elevation issue I appear to have seen when AI planes land, as seen in my last three screenshots?. Unless the AI plane issue is another problem etc.


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Hi Stew


Probably there's no difference (the AI "moto-core" is the same). However I cannot guarantee this to GrayRyder, he's a little insecure. It is better someone with more knowledge (Nick, for example) give an opinion here.



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I know there has been numerous other topics with questions related to houses, buildings and planes sitting way above the ground. I'm sure those topics in the past were related to an elevation issue of some type. But I don't know what the fixes were. 


Mine is finding out why and how to fix it ,when planes land at KDMA or KTUS they stay 10,20 feet above the ground when they taxi to there parking spots, knowing the two air fields are default fields. I'm not positive that the issue is related to field elevation etc. 



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For what it's worth, I just landed at Kingman Airport, AZ, KIGM, a FTX NA Freeware Airport, and on final, one can easily see the airport is on a slightly elevated plateau.  Not serious and landing was not a problem.  I am interested in going back to KTUS and watch the AI land and taxi there and see what transpires there.  Maybe something, maybe nothing.


Hi Stew


Probably there's no difference (the AI "moto-core" is the same). However I cannot guarantee this to GrayRyder, he's a little insecure. It is better someone with more knowledge (Nick, for example) give an opinion here.



Just curious.  I run UT2 for my AI as it seems not to interfere with airport elevations, afcads, etc.

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Update on KTUS:  I was able to watch 4 airliners taxi and take off from KTUS terminal.  All ops were at ground level, no floating aircraft.  The two GA aircraft stayed parked on the ramp and I didn't hang around long enough to see what would happen to them.  No aircraft landed at KTOS while I was there watching.

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That's correct. When I start my sim and go to KTUS. All planes that are there at the time. None of the planes are floating. They do taxi and takeoff as normal. I only get the floating when any planes land at KTUS. They never do hit the runway on landing etc. 



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That's correct. When I start my sim and go to KTUS. All planes that are there at the time. None of the planes are floating. They do taxi and takeoff as normal. I only get the floating when any planes land at KTUS. They never do hit the runway on landing etc. 



Rider,  What time of day can we observe this bizarre behavior?  Waiting around for an airplane to land is like watching the grass grow.  8)



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have you actually disabled KTUS and KMDA using the VECTOR configuration Tool as shown by Voyager's post? 

If not then please do so and I believe you AI problem will disappear as well.  Before disabling the airports the runways are at a higher altitude than the surrounding ground so aircraft will appear higher (or lower) than your A/C.

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I have disabled KDMA and KTUS in the vector configuration tool last night. Before I disabled them.  I was getting the floating action of planes only when they land.


I will be checking the two fields today and watch the planes as they land, now that I have disabled both fields in the configurator tool. I'll reply here with my findings.



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