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Rodger Pettichord

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Everything posted by Rodger Pettichord

  2. John. Thanks. Off to Kindle I go. Dale and Gypsy--couldn't agree more!
  3. Hi John. Thanks for asking. Two friends and I wrote our first novel just for the fun of it. We sent it out one chapter at a time to friends. It followed a covert unit of B-25 crews through the major events of the war. Right now, we are nine chapters into a second novel that follows the same crews into the Cold War, this time flying a variety of planes in a variety of Cold War settings. Lots of fun for us, and our friends like it--kind of like enjoying the old Saturday Matinee movie series where each month you get a new episode. Fair is fair---tell us about your books!
  4. olderndirt, people of a certain deterioration are sometimes said to "have gone off to meet Demi [Demmi]. that is, dementia. Not to be confused with Demi the lovely actress.
  5. Having secured the necessary quorum and hearing no objections, we, the Old Coots' Club officially accept the Honorable Nick Cooper as an Honorary Member. Hip hip hooray!
  6. John, good memory! My wife and I got married in the school's student union building and went out for pizza afterwards.Honeymoon was at the New Jersey shore during a blizzard that closed everything, including grocery stores and restaurants. We had crackers and cheese for two days. Wouldn't change a minute of it. But yours sound nicer
  7. Hi all. Recently, I've had the privilege of being helped by Nick Cooper to deal with flight sim mysteries beyond my ken. I've also noticed his generous and gentle but firm moderatorial oversight of this forum. I have come to think that he has the profound wisdom, the unfailing good judgment, the unflappable perspective, and the wonderful humility of the rest of us Coots. That being the case, given his many contributions to our forum, I hereby nominate Nick Cooper for the award of Honorary Old Coot. I have said it. What say ye?
  8. JohnY not to worry. We've got each others' backs here.
  9. So what other freebies come with just being old? Parking stickers for us who are slowed up. Here in the USA, the Dennys Restaurant chain gives a 15% discount, as do a number of other businesses. Sometimes preferential boarding at the aircraft gate. Some senior housing options. Others?
  10. I'd be afraid to run away. They might not take me back.
  11. Having said this to his she who must be obeyed, Triplane is requesting medical leave from this forum until he recovers.
  12. An update on my doctor visit for which I had memorized the three standard "memory check" words. The dirty rat changed the words!
  13. Teecee, could not agree more. My problem is that the memories of youth are all too often embarrassing, cringe-worthy, or reprehensible. So if I'm going to brag at all, it has to be recent stuff. But then nowadays there's hardly much to brag about. Let's see--oh, this morning I scored the last biscuit before my grandson could reach it. Yesterday, I managed to understand four out of the sixteen words a young clerk rattled off at the grocery store. At church on Sunday, I remembered to cover my mouth just after I sneezed and blew askew the widow's wig in the pew in front of ours. How about this?...Tomorrow, I will go to an annual doctor's appointment at which as a dementia check I will be asked to remember the words "banana," "chair," and "sunset." I will remember them because I wrote them down after last year's standardized test and have been practicing all year. I guess I could brag about being one sneaky old dude when it comes to staying one step ahead of the doctor.
  14. This thread is beginning to remind me of the famous old story of the preacher who interrupted a parishioner's long confession/witness by saying, "That's enough, brother. You're not confessing now, you're bragging."
  15. Hot motorcycles. Trail and motorcross bicycles. Who cares these days? Let's compare powered chairs and deft walkers.
  16. Fizelle, thanks for sharing the video. Made me spit coffee out my nose.
  17. It's a paradox--whenever I remember my youthful escapades, I don't want to remember my youthful escapades.
  18. 75 as of February. Our General Practitioner Doctor is a specialist in geriatrics and feels that it's important that we know what to expect as we age. At my 75th birthday, he spent time telling me in detail some of the "normal" events of the 75-80 period--the aging of skin, the hiccups of internal organs, the medication reactions, the diminution of cognitive function, the joint and tendon realities. By the time he was done, I needed a reminder of whatever might be good about getting this old. Then I went on the Forum and saw The Old Coots' Club and was reminded of the best thing about getting old--the great peer group! Thanks y'all.
  19. Just turned 75. I would contribute something profound to the thread but I forgot what we were talking about.
  20. Great thread! I don't have a close-up picture to post but the small one at left says it all. I am 6'2" tall, 230 lbs, 73 years old, handsome as a movie star (Mutant Ninja Turtle), and love planes. I was a university instructor in English for my first ten work years, then returned to school and became a Presbyterian clergyman for my final thirty work years. I discovered flight sim with the 1998 iteration and have been an avid sim flyer ever since. My hobbies are reading, writing, and ORBX flying. I'm happily married to Trudy (41 years), no children, but one "adopted" grandson--a fine young man we met as he entered a local university and who has become our official heir and unofficial window into the millennial generation. I join with those who have said thanks to fellow Forum members whose work puts them into harm's way for the sake of the rest of us. All respect to you who serve in such capacities. I also say thanks to those whose work is less dangerous but no less valuable. There's a lot to be said for the behind the scenes folks who keep things functioning. I love this Forum and have developed a real fondness for those who contribute to it. Thanks, all. You make my day.
  21. The chair is fine. It's my butt that needs replacing.
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