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Posts posted by TigerTigerM

  1. 20 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:


    the history behinds this goes back to the first simulator update, before which, Orbx LOWI successfully

    excluded the Asobo version.

    The most common support requests are for a severe bump in the runway but a closer look reveals two of 

    many of the airport features, not least the terminal building.

    I understand that it affects all addon airports, where there is also an "enhanced" Asobo version.

    The solution used to be to remove the files only, which prevented the Content Manager from automatically writing them back.

    The most recent change is that the simulator now writes them back if the files are removed but does not

    do so if the Asobo version is removed using the Content Manager, as it did before.

    Support staff try to keep up with the changes, but it is a moving target.



    Apologies for coming back to this Nick, but your comment:


    "I understand that it affects all addon airports, where there is also an "enhanced" Asobo version."


    Is there a quicker way to identify where MSFS has an enhanced Asobo version & I also have an Orbx version loaded, other than searching Content Manager for each Orbx airport to see if the search also picks up an Asobo version, & deleting the latter?



  2. 50 minutes ago, stiletto2 said:

    I just uninstalled Asobo LOWI using the Content Manager.   Very easy!. Works fine. 



    I have done the same.

    Although it is a tempest in a tea cup, the reason I sought clarification re whether it was LOWI only, or not, was I began to wonder if other Orbx MSFS products I had loaded into a Scenario, were in fact the Asobo version.:)


  3. 21 minutes ago, John Dow said:

    No it's pretty well a one off, due to some issues with the Asobo LOWI not being fully excluded when the Orbx one installs.  I'm sure if one day the MSFS SDK provides enough information on file structures permissions and hierarchy, the problem will be solved and an update provided.




    "Pretty well a one off":)

    Thanks for clarification.

    Its only a LOWI issue, yes/no?:)


  4. Included in the update notification is the statement:

    "Note that the default Asobo LOWI is still required to be removed from your content manager."


    I'm a bit confused by this - it suggests I need to manually remove Asobo LOWI in the Content Manager, (CM), whereas I have always assumed that Orbx Central does that. (Or somehow manages priorities so that the Orbx LOWI shows up)

    & if manual CM intervention is required for LOWI then does that mean that it is also required for each Orbx MSFS product I have installed, or their updates?


    • Thanks 1
  5. Mr Filbert has also posted a shortish  pre-release video for Bromma

    I give the link below with some reluctance.




    Although overall his opinion is very favorable, he does have some reservations about satellite ground textures & the night lighting.

    I have my fingers crossed that that does not spur Marcus to delay matters while he tweaks them

    I would exhort him to release this week because the reality is that a masterpiece is never finished.

    & no doubt some punter will complain that they found chewing gum under their seat on the airport Light Rail train & could it be removed please.

    Night lighting, ground textures & chewing gum can be dealt with in an update.:)


    • Like 2
  6. Amazing what one misses when one is buried in the bowels of a P3D v5.2HF1, Envtex & Rex 5 Sky Force shot gun marriage.

    Time consuming & eventually somewhat futile.


    But to the important matters: Bromma

    Stunning approach, (shot 1) 

    Fidelity & detail everywhere.

    I even checked the Braathens Regional Airways ATR 72 registration & it matches shot 14.

    Nice touch.

    I see The Lady in Red has company. The Lady in Blue. A kebab fan, no less.

    Waiting patiently for this one. :banghead::)

    Septuagenarian patience is a thin commodity.

    Every new day is a surprise!



    • Like 4
  7. For my PC, SU6 required an Xbox update, which was messy as I couldn't find it in the updater.

    After several iterations in Xbox & rebooting the PC, MSFS Updater showed it had a mandatory update ready & that ran ok. (SU6)

    However more updates were sitting in the Content section of MSFS & after I had run those I got everything. (It updated earlier updates, such as UK & Nordic)

    Have you lost your MSFS icon from your PC's Home screen, [where all the icons sit]?

    On your home screen bottom left, should be a search box.

    Put MSFS in there & see if you get anything.


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  8. 3 hours ago, flying_fish said:

    Since MSFS launched I've only bought one payware product; a helicopter. 

    Why? Because landclass is old tech for most of the globe now, and freeware developers seem able to produce amazing airports and regional poi's mesh and aircraft mods.

    It has shot Orbx's fox, as we say in the UK, unless there is some unique specialism left to offer, which seems unlikely. I agree with others above; the incomplete SDK has leveled down the possibilities so that anyone can bring new content, and Orbx has nothing more to add at this stage.


    There appears to be a mismatch between ASOBO's promise to open up the SDK to developers; and the lived reality of, for example update 5, given the way even their close affiliates get caught by surprise.


    I'm not saying Orbx is not as good; it can't move forward as it wants because of these restraints in the SDK. It has become, by default as good as the best freeware, and therein lies the dilemma.



    Succinct & accurate, & I just noticed on another Forum, Asobo/MSFS recommending a freeware airport from.to.



    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  9. On 8/30/2021 at 10:50 AM, Julio Garcia said:

    I repeat my statement again: Orbx please back to the roots: small to medium size high quality airports (for P3D & MSFS). Im very disappointed about my last 2 purchases here (1x Orbx & 1x Gaya Simulations).

    Disappointment - Which & why Julio?


    With P3D I mainly fly GA & still consider Harvey Field with its smoking BBQ & the train going past, (set up in W16), & the moving hot air balloons, as one of the airfields that has the Orbx 'magic'.

    Mainly through the aforementioned items. & the moving truck & taxiing GA aircraft.

    & up one end of the airfield, on the roadside, there is a plane spotter by his vehicle, plus the timber yard is always a good VFR lead in.

    So I suspect the 'magic' comes from the inclusion of many items of detail, some moving. some not, but the sum of them makes Harvey a go to for me when a PNW GA departure is being considered.


    In MSFS I am developing more interest in Tube flying & having recently come to some semblance of understanding of the FBW A32NX, I look more closely now at the 7,500' plus length runway offerings, such as Split.

    I suspect it's harder to make a large airport as interesting as a small GA that has a lot of detail because the 'detail' you put into the larger item can get lost in its vastness.

    So I tend to look for buildings with some character - rust, grime, weathering: authenticity. Or locations with interesting approaches.

    Such as the Balkans cluster.


    It can be difficult to  define 'magic' in a simulator product. It probably means different things to different people.:)

    Here endeth the ramble. 


    • Like 2
  10. Norwegian Airlines Bredok3D 737 Max on its way from Split to Malmo, full of sun burnt Scandinavian tourists, I imagine. (The weather is SoFly typical English Summer Day so it is a bit unfair to Croatia to have used that one)

    This is an initial flight out of Split & from what I have seen of the runway surroundings, the Orbx Havant team have turned out a quality product.

    I'll have a closer look around the terminal & so on, later.

    I like the setting with all of its vegetation & various structures, & the landing approach challenges.

    I watched a YouTube video of a full size approach & was very impressed at how the pilot brought the aircraft low along the face of the hills in the background & at the last moment swung round 180 degrees & dropped it on to the runway. 

    TTM (MSFS)
















    • Like 3
  11. Nice set.

    I was having a look at a promo video for the real Split airport & was pleasantly surprised to see that SAS & Norwegian fly in here, as well as British Airways & aircraft out of a variety of European countries. A further incentive to acquire it.


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  12. I took an amphibian Cessna from PAKT to PANT, Annette Island, which is about 19NM South of Ketchikan.

    Short but pleasant flight.

    I originally headed North, then swung back over PAKT to head to Annette Island.


    TTM (MSFS)












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  13. A few observations.

    Prior to MSFS, in FSX & P3D, Orbx could run the 'Wedding Cake' model.

    Layer upon layer of purchasable add ons. (Check the Product page Global section to see what I mean)

    MSFS has pulled that rug out from under them to a certain extent as many 'layers' are provided in MSFS out of the box.

    So new ways of creating revenue have needed to be found. The Partnerships arrangement running off the back of Orbx Central is a good move, IMHO. Clip the ticket as a Partner product goes out the door.

    But MSFS, with its legion of freeware scenery & airport creators must be a nightmare for Orbx.

    There are some very creative people churning out freeware that can match payware, & it must be galling to have a team working on a payware airport for say 6 months & find someone has beaten you to the punch via releasing a good freeware version before the Orbx version comes on to the market.

    In that respect Orbx may wish to consider an 'in the pipeline' section of the forum which outlines the airports & scenery & anything else being developed for release in the next, say, 12 months, which could alert Orbx customers & encourage them to hold off from an alternative source purchase, if the quality is there! (Quality - very important)

    (I suspect there might be something like this now, but it doesn't hit me in the face on the forums. Perhaps it needs more prominence or I need new glasses) [2021 Roadmap - I should read that]:banghead:

    Finally, it may behoove Orbx to run some sort of survey in its forums asking readers to rank what they look for in an airfield that triggers them to make that purchase.

    The buildings, weathering, clutter, moving objects such as tarmac vehicles, shuttle trains, interiors, A1 aircraft, detailed surroundings encompassing the airport,  POI on the approach paths, tarmac/taxiway markings?

    And so on. 



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