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Posts posted by TigerTigerM

  1. Excellent set Iain.

    I stumbled upon Brest yesterday, not being aware that France VFR had joined the Orbx stable.

    I was about to purchase it when I noticed it was in a discount package of 5 good sized France VFR airports scattered around France.

    Bit of a no brainer after that:)

    So some shots to come from trips around France.


  2. Nice composition, even my old eyes can spot the tent:)

    If you look along the top of the wing from left to right & keep gazing to the right until you reach the trees & ground you will see what I would describe as 'blotchy' ground.

    One of the main difficulties I had with P3D, (& now & then in MFSF), is that ground textures viewed from a short to medium distance sometimes appear to be difficult to represent accurately. Often they are blurry, or non descript.

    Have you noticed any improvement by going to v5.2?


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  3. Took the H135 chopper out to get a closer look at Van Nuys & soon realized there is a stunning amount of detail, not only in front of the hangar rows that stretch down each side of the main runway, but for 2 or 3 blocks either side of the airport.

    Definitely a 'walk around' opportunity.

    But does MSFS have the equivalent of P3D's 'Bob'?


    Again, this is a must have if you fly in California.


    TTM (MSFS)



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  4. 9 hours ago, JohnnyJohnJohn said:

    How is that bird?  I was considering it but have to hold off a bit sadly.   Glad I got Van Nuys though, it was worth it!!

    Yes, Van Nuys is a must have.

    The DC-6 is also a must have if you enjoy vintage aviation, radials,  & an aircraft with layers of complexity.

    It is worth every penny of its price, IMHO.


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  5. Did a circuit & landing at Van Nuys in a Delta liveried PMDG DC-6B.


    Take off was smooth & controlled, landing was LYLBB.

    LYLBB for the uninitiated is a landing in the category, 'Lose Your License Bunny Bang'.

    A Bunny Bang landing is one where you come in too high & too slow & from about 10' above the runway, drop straight down on the mains.

    Of course the mains will have none of this & they promptly pivot the aircraft very hard in a forward & downward  motion, thereby banging the nose wheel onto the tarmac.

    The nose wheel reacts & rears upwards & if you put the wrong control inputs in at the wrong moment you can repeat the exercise whilst gamboling down the runway, until you somehow mistime an input & end up with all wheels on the ground at the same time, & then you feverishly stand on the brakes.

    So a BBL is related to a bunny hop, but without any finesse & it is a lot more violent.


    That aside, Van Nuys is a very interesting airport & there will be lots to see while the aircraft is repaired.

    Well done Matteo.


    TTM (MSFS)


    Nice controlled departure from Van Nuys.



    Arrival, & weather has changed to SoFly UK Spring Day, at dawn. A tad too high I suspect.



    Not only too high but too far left as well! (I like the blue accent lighting on the taxi ways at this airport)



    Despite appearances, the aircraft is dropping straight down at this point.



    This contradicts my narrative, but I have 'damage' turned off. Strictly speaking the DC-6B should be resting on its nose.



    Control tower at dawn or dusk, can't remember which. (BTW, anyone know where the Navigation lights switch is for the DC-6? I can't find it)


    • Like 9
  6. Over in the Optica thread in MSFS it was announced earlier today that an Optica update has been released via OC.

    There seems to be some confusion regarding whether it has or not as a few folk say they have it & others, myself included, have not seen it in OC.

    The thread there is going around in circles. 

    Could someone kindly advise what the the updated Optica file version # is?



  7. On 5/30/2021 at 9:31 AM, TigerTigerM said:

    Oddly, overnight I received an email from one of Orbx's primary competitors, entirely focused on Nordic destinations!


    On further pondering it occurred to me that perhaps with World Update V [Nordic focus], dropping in June, they are pushing Nordic airport titles, some of which may be rendered 'obsolete' if Asobo include better versions in their update.


  8. I'm probably preaching to the choir on this one, but my unsolicited observation on the MSFS World Update V, tentatively scheduled to drop June 15 though 29, 2021, is that it is a great marketing opportunity for Orbx Bromma.

    There will be increased interest in Scandinavia after the release & it is to be hoped that Bromma can take advantage of this interest.

    I don't know whether Asobo give Orbx an early look at World Updates.

    If they do & you can test Bromma against the pre-release, [if it is ready to go], then a concurrent release with the World Update should garner attention & hopefully, more sales.

    No pressure.:)



    • Like 3
  9. It has been a somewhat expensive long weekend & I am grateful for Orbx's discounts & sales.

    I started with Catalina Airport, then I had another look at EGKA, (Shoreham), as I liked the look of it & the 3 runway set up, which, I understand, goes back to WWII to allow landings regardless of wind direction.

    Then there is it's Art Deco heritage & it's location by the sea with a river flowing past.

    So it is an interesting airport to operate from & handy for jaunts to France.

    I also added LPVL, (Maia-Vilar de Luz airport), near Porto, as I discovered it has a 7,500' runway & when I looked at the map of my current holdings I realized it is nicely placed for long hauls into different parts of Europe, & Scandinavia.

    Thirdly I also took up CYBD, (Bella Coola), as it was one I enjoyed in P3D, plus a tweaked Stewart was thrown in.

    Finally I added an aircraft, a Caudron-Rafale 430 by Bluemesh, who I have never heard of, but in MSFS these days that is not unusual.

    From the marketing information: "The Caudron C.430 "Rafale" is a two-seater monoplane (or single-seater by closing the front seat), built by the company Caudron-Renault. It was designed by Marcel Riffard for the training of pilots who had to use racing machines like the Caudron C.362 or C450/460".

    Being a bit of a sucker for vintage and/or unusual aircraft, it caught my eye.


    The visual quality & sounds are very good. I have a few shots from Shoreham, where I endeavored to take flight.

    I admit that I haven't quite got it sorted yet & need a longer runway than the one I initially chose.

    I hope Estuary water in which it got a dunking won't dissolve it overnight!

    Shoreham reeks of a bygone age, as does the Caudron, & I trust I can put together a successful mating of the too, in the sense that I can take it off & land it there!:)

    TTM (MSFS)


    Instruments helpfully labelled in French. I just read the numbers.



    Side on, very sleek. Note the tail skid. I  need to keep off tarmac.



    The throaty exhaust sound exits via the pipes, LHS of the engine bay. Prop position suggests the engine is inverted?



    Taxiing out, grinding the tail skid down. Flaps are fairly massive & it can 'duck' wobble as you get up to speed prior to take off.


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