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Posts posted by bernd1151

  1. 5 hours ago, BradB said:

    Rockin set of shots Bernd . :D:)

    Thanks a lot, John


    4 hours ago, Stillwater said:

    You know I love this re- (or pre-!) vising places that we saw in reality. Stunning shots!

    PS: Do you have some real ones to compare?

    Many thanks, Gerold. I have hundreds of pics from all over Utah and Nevada, with and without family and/or motorhome. Problem is, they are all taken at street level and not from the air. So it's difficult to compare them. All I can say is, that above shot look very real. :)


    4 hours ago, John Mac said:

    Stunning set of shots! Enough said!


    Thank you very much, John


    3 hours ago, wain71 said:

    superb set there, I read somewhere that people are using the sim to explore places before going there in person, not sure how true this is but I can see it being used via drone camera as a tool for showing off places or even in education...

    Thanks Wayne. I can imagine that people would do this. Can you remember, where we have been with our sim three years ago and where we are now? Unbelievable :D


    1 hour ago, VH-KDK said:

    Excellent Tropical images Bernd and those rock formations are stunning.:rollmyeyes:

    I flew around the Grand Canyon a few days ago and they are depicted really well too.:)

    Many thanks, Martyn. I have been there too, fascinating as well :) 

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  2. We all remember the superb Orbx Valdez scenery for P3D. Nowadays it comes from Gaya Simulations, an Orbx partner, and was offered free courtesy of Microsoft with the latest World Update 10.


    So, this is a flight out of Valdez with the equally new Carenado Beech DS18 and the Orbx Alaska mesh.


























    It doesn't get any better :):)

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  3. Many thanks, Landon and Wayne for commenting!


    Sorry Wayne, the plane, I have forgotten to mention it, is the Dornier Wal (whale), a quite successful twin-engine German flying boat of the 1920s. The Norwegian polar explorer Roald Amundsen used it for his (unsuccessful) attempt to reach the North Pole in 1925. He landed at the wrong location.




    On January 22, 1926 a Spanish crew took off from Spain in the Wal to cross the Southern Atlantic and arrived in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on January 26. They stopped over at Gran Canaria, Cape Verde, Pernambuco, Rio de Janeiro and Montevideo. The 10,270 km journey was completed in 59 hours and 39 minutes. In 1930, a German aviator started on a transatlantic flight in the same plane, Amundsen had flown, establishing the northern air route over the Atlantic, flying from Sylt (Germany)-Iceland-Greenland-Labrador-New York 4,670 mi (7,520 km)) in 47 flight hours.  Later these planes were also successfully used on regular mail runs between Spain and South America.


    It would be quite something to repeat some of these adventure flights today in MSFS :)

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