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Posts posted by bernd1151

  1. 3 hours ago, wain71 said:

    great shots, and you have a flying zebra....

    Thanks Wayne, much appreciated!


    2 hours ago, Sniper31 said:

    Yes Bernd, the plane, the Dornier DO-27 I am most aware of. It was one of my favorite aircraft from the FSX days. Was so much fun to fly and trying to read the controls that were in German...lol, now that was fun for me :D I've never seen a developer make that aircraft for of the newer sims after FSX unfortunately :(  

    Exactly, Landon. That plane was developed by Digital Aviation and was quite advanced for its time. You could easily mistreat the engine, which would in turn die on you. That zebra paint was done for a DO-27 in 1959 for a German zoo director and his son, who were asked by the British government to try to count wilderbees and their annual movements around Kenya, so that better borders for the huge park could be established. They did not only do that, they also made a documentary from it, which btw won an Oscar the following year. a first for a documentary. I saw the movie as a young lad in the sixties in a German theater and since that day this livery is my favorite for that plane :)

    Like you said, I haven't seen anyone developing that plane for MSFS yet, but we shouldn't give up hope.

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  2. 15 hours ago, Sniper31 said:

    Wonderful set Bernd! And we finally get to see you flying in a similar livery to your avatar pic! Sweet! Sounds like your visits to Namibia were some fun adventures :) 

    Many thanks, Landon. And thanks for noticing: my avatar picture is a Dornier Do-27, built in the late 1950s, 1960s. Yeah, the trips were incredible!


    15 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

    Fine shots indeed. 



    Thank you very much


    14 hours ago, BradB said:

    I discovered Namibia a couple weeks ago in the Sim , I had never even heard about it . That must have been 

    a amazing trip Bernd . :):)

    Thanks a lot, John. There are so many interesting places to explore in our sim, but of course also in real life. But it's easier (and much cheaper) in our sim :)


    13 hours ago, paulb said:

    An interesting post Bernd :). I have spent time in Kenya and South Africa, but never Namibia. Africa is an amazing continent.

    Many thanks, Paul. I have been to those places too (as a tourist). Africa truly is an amazing continent!



    4 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

    Nice shots Bernd.  I wish I could have gone there, it must have been an amazing sight to see.

    Thanks a lot buddy. The place is fantastic, but not that easy to reach from the US, it's easier for us, as there are direct flights.


    3 hours ago, Stillwater said:

    Looks great Bernd. One should go for southern Africa exploring, it seems.

    Many thanks, Gerold. That's what I plan to do the next couple of days (or at least as long as I don't watch a documentary on tv, which tells me, that's a place I need to visit right now in the sim :))


    3 hours ago, adambar said:

    Excellent set Bernd, I think I need to expand my horizons a bit :D

    Thanks a lot, Adam. Trust me, it's worth it :)


    16 minutes ago, VH-KDK said:

    Terrific images Bernd and that must have been a couple of excellent visits you had:).

    Many thanks, Martyn. Those trips were great fun. 



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  3. The PC-6 is from Orbx partner Milviz

    I was fortunate to have been twice to Namibia, the first time with the missus on a guided tour and the second time with my son with tent and four-wheel-drive. It’s an amazing place to visit and I’m glad that this part of the world is fairly well represented in default MSFS, so I can explore it now further from my armchair with a glass of red in my hand :rolleyes:


















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