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FTX Global Grass texture at airport and REX 4 textures problem


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Hello, I just bought and installed FTX Global + Vector + open LC Europe.

I experiment some blurry texture ( ground texture are slow to load even if my fps are high ) and also i want to know how to see the Rex 4 texture for the grass or concrete at airport ? I tried install again REX 4 ground textures but the only grass i see since i installed ORBX staff is blurry default grass. It's very uggly compared of what i saw before with REX and i can't change it doesn't want to replace it anymore.


Can someone help me please with this issue ???


Thank you !

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I search everywhere but can't find how to change this texture. Before i install orbx ftx global it was OK.

I found That the file is "detail1.bmp" in scenery / world /texture, but even if i replace it by the rex one manually it doesn't show the good texture in the sim. Also if i change by the one in aerotool, i dont see any difference.

I'm using fsx-se and I'm little disappointed as i spend much money in this orbx add-ons. If I'm not in the right place to get help then please tell me where to ask?!

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Hello Nick, and thank you to reply!


I have the land detail texture box ticked, i checked everything i can but don't understand from where it come.

It's like any bumpmap texture i try to use doesn't load in the sim. i feel like since install ORBX, this texture is not load at all and replaced by the uggly default one ...and for absolutly all airports....






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this detail box maybe make no difference, i don't really know as i always keep it active before, but I'm totally sure that the rex texture were working before. I use normally the concrete one for big airport and i want to see it again with orbx. In plus in the notice of ftx global it is written that orbx and rex are 100% compatible! So i just want to know from were this ugly texture load and from Were i can replace it!

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So nobody have any idea? I spend 150€ in your product but that's the kind of customer care ORBX give? I'm searching alone so where are the programmers who can give an answer about this point?

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I tried but found that for me, even in a default installation of FSX Steam

the enhanced detail1.bmp files do not give the same sharp grass detail

as they do in FSX.

You may be right but I wonder if the problem is with FSX Steam and not

FTX products?

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Sorry Nick but i'm little frustrated, i also saw that texture are less sharp in FSX - SE compared to FSX, as i always play FSX since 2006, also since FS 4 on Tandy HX 1000 i play Flight simulators so I didn't arrive on this game from FSX steam edition.



The point is before i installed ORBX global, REX 4 texture were working fine, i can change and choose any textures i like for bumpmap : concrete or grass in HD or not, everything is showing in the sim . Now, it's not, and i don't think it's acceptable because ORBX sell this addon's saying that it's 100 % compatible with REX textures. So I think ORBX use in fact another bumpmap texture ( maybe because on ORBX airport it's the same with 3D grass ??? ) . SO please ORBX team, be kind to give me from where this texture load, and can i replace it with the one i like ?



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Hi there,


I'm a bit confused what specific texture we're talking about here: the landclass grass textures adjacent to the runways, the base textures for the runways, aprons, etc., or the semi-transparent detail1.bmp "bumpmap" file that overlays all airport and landclass surfaces in FSX/P3D when the "land detail textures" box is ticked?


Only the first one is actually changed by FTX Global Base, the other two file types are exchanged by FTX Aero but only if you specifically run that tool, plus it has a backup function to restore your previously installed version.


Since you've stated that neither the land detail textures checkbox nor FTX Aero settings make any difference what specific type or aspect of the textures are you concerned about?


Cheers, Holger


P.S.: if you perhaps wonder whether the FTX Aero file exchange isn't working properly you can find the backups, including FSX default versions, in the \ORBX\Scripts\Aero subfolders. "detail1.bmp" belongs in \Scenery\World\texture and the other two in the main FSX \Texture folder. 

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Hi Holger,


 I'm a bit confused what specific texture we're talking about here: the landclass grass textures adjacent to the runways, the base textures for the runways, aprons, etc., or the semi-transparent detail1.bmp "bumpmap" file that overlays all airport and landclass surfaces in FSX/P3D when the "land detail textures" box is ticked?



I'm speaking about the landclass grass texture near the runway / all around airports



Only the first one is actually changed by FTX Global Base, the other two file types are exchanged by FTX Aero but only if you specifically run that tool, plus it has a backup function to restore your previously installed version.


Yes i'm talking about the first one.

I didn't want to run FTX Aero tool because i have REX 4 texture and it does the same normaly. Anyway if you read me from the beginning, you know that i do not see this textures in the sim anymore since i installed ORBX. I both tried to replace the grass texture by REX 4 or Aero tool, there is no change at all .


Can you tell me what are the name of the file changed by ORBX and the 2 others by aerotool please ?


Also for you to understand the problem, and because i have 2 partitions with 2 Windows and 2 FSX SE installed, on my other FSX i didn't installed ORBX so i can compare,  see what i get on the screen  :




I want to see this texture so i install it via REX 4 in my FSX-SE without ORBX and it works like normal, i can see the difference in the sim, i got the area with concrete and fine resolution grass :




That's what i see in FSX SE + REX 4 : concrete area and fine grass around airport ( here Paris CDG )  Every thing is good.


And here is what i get in FSX-SE + REX 4+ ORBX :




The concrete area are not there, the nice grass too.... it didn't change nothing with REX or not REX textures, it's always same since i installed ORBX the grass is bad quality and showing every where in the world .


And in big airports like here Paris CDG, grass around terminals is not really realistic so that's why i'm not very happy right now !


But i'm sure it's a little nothing to correct , and then i will fully enjoy this Orbx environement because the rest looks pretty nice !

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Hi there,


I checked LFPG on my PC with only Orbx Global Base, openLC EU, and Vector active, and the concrete surfaces are definitely there; see screenshot. Perhaps you have a third-party airport file installed for this airport that alters the placement of the aprons? It's hard to see at the scale of your screenshot but the apron layout appears a bit different.


FTX Aero only has options to change the semitransparent bump map overlay (which is only visible at very short view ranges), one of the runway textures. and the taxiway markings; none of those affect the presence or color of apron surfaces. It's possible that REX allows to alter those textures but none of the Orbx products do. As mentioned in my previous post the three files that FTX Aero exchanges are in the \ORBX\Scripts\Aero subfolders, including default backups.


As for the landclass grass texture, obviously there can be differences in opinion as to what looks more "realistic". The airport grass texture that ships with Global Base has more prominent "mowing/managed" patterns than the default version. Interesting though that you consider it "blurry" because the default grass texture is the one that's looks softer as you can see in my comparison screenshots. At least the Global Vector airport grass polygons get rid of that weird mottled blending of yellow and green grass types that the default version of FSX generates depending on the surrounding landclass types (visible in your screenshot on the left side of the airport). It was one of the main complaints about FSX after it was first released.


If you want to revert to the default grass textures then you'd need to locate the backup folder you selected when first installing Global Base, find the 25 .bmp files starting with 139b, and copy those into \Scenery\World\texture (might want to make a backup of the Global files first though). I just tested that and those are the landclass grass textures used at LFPG.


Cheers, Holger




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