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Hi anybody use Kapasky for their antivirus, not spelt right but you know the one I mean. Had enough of Norton lately. Even with a load of things in Norton to stop it it interfering with FSX , it still did. Thanks Derek.

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Hi Spirit. Think I would like a bit better program than the windows one, take it you mean windows defender was it. I mean I do my Banking online so need a good one. Norton was ok, just didn't like FSX. Derek.

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Hi Guys no worries have sorted Norton. It seems there's section in Norton called quiet mode. Turn that on for however long you want to, and it leaves your files alone, no checking no nothing. Wha hoo. Derek

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For years i ran NOD 32 and my renewal just came up . I finally found some one i can trust to work  on my sim rig so i took it to him and he went thorough the whole thing cleaned it, updated everything and so on .I ask him about Anti -virus programs , and he said he tells all his customers never to pay for a anti -virus program ,he said "if you don't open attachments that you don't know where they came from and don't exchange data you don't need one  and they update all the time so really your gonna be out of date . " He said just use Avast- free one and it has a gaming mode that don't use a pile of resources which we are concerned with cause we need all the power we can get . So just being retired and this hobby nickel and dimeing me to death i didn't renew and using the free avast and i don't bank or any thing except sim any way . 

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Well I only use my workhorse machine for connecting to the net I have used  Avast the free version for a couple of years with no problems, I download all my orbx or aircraft that I buy to this machine and after checking them I then install onto my flightsim machine which I don't have an antivirus installed on at all, Apart from windows defender as this only connects to these couple of web sites to install the products I have. Ive done it this way for a good few years and so far with no problems at all. I used to use Norton when I first started simming but found it very hungry on the system and expensive every year to renew but its everyone to their own and if Norton works for you that's fine.



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I just use MS Security Essentials.....Why??? It is free and uses very little resources and extremely effortless to use it. I don't see a need in using anything else.


Norton and McAfee are resource hogs so it comes down to picking one that uses minimum resources, but I wouldn't spend too much time or any money on it.

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Same  here but   than again if I were  to do any banking  on  line  than I guess I be  thinking    differently

Why? I doubt that any of the payware antivirus/firewall is better then what MS offers for free. But it's your machine and your money.


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One shouldn't mix up privat and professional needs. But if somebody thinks to be in need of high security, well - go for the most secure and expensive protection tools. Everybody can spend his money as he think it's worth to do.


By the way, does anybody have a bank vault at home because it's more save than a tin box?


I use now for some years the MS protection and got never any problem with stolen data or whatever and I use Online Banking too, of course. Before this I also spent money for such needless stuff.


Think a bit and be careful when you surf around in the WWW.


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