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Pro ATC x


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Hi. Been thinking of buying Pro ATC but after reading the information about it, it seems to be more for flying the the heavies than light aircraft flying. It did not mention about VFR flying. Would I still be able to fly VFR with it. Know some of you guys use it, so hoping you can give me a bit of feed back. Thank You. Derek.

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It comes with the facility to file flight plans and export them into FSX for certain aircraft,all of which are 'heavies'.You can add an aircraft yourself by inputting aircraft data.This option seems to be limited to jets and twin-engine.I did add the RealAir Duke with no great difficulty.

You can create a flight plan from SID to STAR and waypoints in between.This is quite simple(after reading the manual) and this plan can be manually entered into a'heavie' FMS if Proatc does not enable direct transfer of the plan into FSX.

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It's not suited for VFR and support is below par, at least in the days when I was still using it. It's one of those highly overpriced 'we-will-fix-it-in-the-next-update-addons'. Also called a 'give-us-your-money-and-don't-expect-too-much-in-return-program'. And there isn't much PRO about it. I don't have it installed anymore. (But maybe someone who is actually still using it can post something positive...?)

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I had this program in the early days when it wasn't voice controlled.


The program was good, but needed development to keep pace. Unfortunately, like some of the guys have mentioned, they didn't know how to run a forum nor keep to their promises and they almost had an overthrow. It got out of control.


I went away and trialled Pilot2ATC, which is also a good program with voice activation built-in.

The interface is not easy and it takes some time to get the best from it, but I found that it worked quite well.


Now, ProATCX has been updated, voice control has been added. I honestly haven't used the new version, but it was a free upgrade, so I will. 

There were a great many good points about the original program and I fly 737's only, so it suits me to the ground.....haha, pun intended!


I guess the best solution id Vatsim or IVAO, but even they have their limitations, but either of the two I've mentioned are definitely worth a look, mate,





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PATC is one of 3 actively developed atc programs. Vox and Pilot2ATC are the others. If you want voice go with vox. PATC support is a bit 'out there', but the moderators do their best to assist users. I dont think that either vox or PATC is geared toward vfr. Not sure about Pilot2ATC. You can setup any aircraft you wish in PATC. The program got dumped on, justifiably so, as development stopped for more than a year. Since revving back up, a number of issues have been dealt with.

Ken has a good idea with MCE. Also Frank's mention of Pilot2ATC is interesting. I've never used it, but the author continues to whack away at it. At some point, I think he'll get it to where it should be.

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It's not suited for VFR and support is below par, at least in the days when I was still using it. It's one of those highly overpriced 'we-will-fix-it-in-the-next-update-addons'. Also called a 'give-us-your-money-and-don't-expect-too-much-in-return-program'. And there isn't much PRO about it. I don't have it installed anymore. (But maybe someone who is actually still using it can post something positive...?)

I can't. Overpriced garbage! In my opinion, you'd have a better experience sailing on the Titanic.


But in all fairness to the original poster. Do your homework. Read the hype on their website and then read thru the forums to judge the state of the program and support.

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Hi Guys thanks for all your input. Not really interested in any voice operated ATC, so just need the basics really but a bit better than the standard FSX Atc. Will get into IFR later after doing all the VFR stuff. Cheers Derek.

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