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monument valley


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Have installed Monument Valley 5 times and the latest library files (each time as well) and still have no 3d rock formations or cliff faces as depicted in the advertising shots. I have all buildings, terrain but thats it. I'm rather baffled.

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Can somebody confirm the installed Monument Valley folder size. The installed folder size on my system is 769Mb [scenery=595Mb/texture=174Mb]

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Your folder sizes are the same as mine, so it appears you have a good download of the product and it installed all the required files (although it may NOT have if even one missing file is less than 1 MB in size, which wouldn't change the reported folder size quantities).


It appears something else is happening preventing you from displaying the monuments.  But for now...have you been using the SAME downloaded installation file during your 5 attempted installs?  If yes, it's still possible you have a corrupted installation file, and trying a new re-downloaded file might work. 

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The monument are run by Objectflow


go to => ...\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\FTX_AU\FTXAA_ORBXLIBS\Scenery


then rightclick Moduleinstaller.exe


select "Run as Adminstrator"


the select to run the module


when firing up fsX a pop up should appear that asks to OK the running of the dll


hit OK and it should do it's things


UNLESS an overzealous Anti Virus proggy is throwing a spanner in the works

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I have tried everything but .............nothing. I even reinstalled as administrator and my antivirus off and still no rock features. Beats the hell outta me.

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I'm wondering if the rock formation files do not favour RAID 0 format [i have two 480Gb SSD's in RAID 0 which is where I have FSX installed ], and the files are therefore somehow broken or incomplete, or unreadable. This is only a thought !!! ???:DeadHorse:


I have never had this problem with sceneries from Aerosoft, tropical sim, Latin VFR, UK2000 and so on. WHY do I have so many problems with FTX ORBX. My Orbx England, Wales and Scotland have given me untold grief but after many hours I got it to work properly. FTX golbal and KPSP Palm Springs are the only one's that has given me no grief, and FTX Norway has been ok (as far as I know).

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to my knowledge running fsX on a RAID array has no bearing on the subject, have had a RAID array running for years without any issue with all FTX addons, so I'm afraid that it must be something else local to your system, what I couldn't tell you, but there must be something interfering with the running of the dll's assigned to make the FTX sceneries work

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Hi Wolter,


I was facing the very same problem and found the "guilty" (at least for me).


I order to try all you recommanded before posting (yes, I am that way ::) ), I runned ModuleInstaller.exe as "Other User" with Administrative Rights. (as I have disabled UAC, it's no more possible to use "Run as Administrator").


The success message alerted me : Moduleinstaller.exe%20message.jpg


The module was allready installed, but under the user with admistrative rights, not the user under which I run FSX !

So, I compared the two DLL.XML files : this ObjectFlow.dll was missing (as well as the ObjectFlow_SAK.dll previously installed) in the FSX user DLL.XML !

Manually updating the file did solved the problem !


For your information, when I launch cmd.exe as Other User, the current directory is the user directory under which I am logged, not the one with which I launch it as Other User.

Something you may consider to address this problem in the future.


Hope it helps other users ...


Cheers - Gérard


PS:  And now I am really impressed by the scenery ^-^

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Hi Gérard :)

Thank you for your info, although I must admit that I always install my fsX software using my own account so I never thought of the option you just clarified, one learns something new everyday, when we stop learning we need to start to worry ;)

I hope that this info also can benefit appie with his issue

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Did you checked your dll.xml located under   C:\Users\xxxx\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX (Windows 7)   where xxxx is the user you use for running FSX (not the admin user)


You should have somewhere inside


    <Path>your FSX directory\ORBX\FTX_AU\FTXAA_ORBXLIBS\Scenery\ObjectFlow.dll</Path>

This is what was missing in mine and allowed 3d rock formations to appear.


Good luck

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Re-installed FSX ......... Monument Valley still does not work. I give UP!

Just to ask the same question as above, posed by Ian, are you running the older disk based FSX, or are you running the newer Steam Edition FSX?

This could have a huge bearing on the issue... the mountains are controlled by the objectflow system developed by Orbx which currently does not work in the Steam Edition (work is ongoing to get it working).

If you're running the older disk version, be sure you also have either the Acceleration expansion, or SP2 installed...

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I have had a few problems with my win7 installation( its been playing up and I know I had a few gremlins) as it is on ssd's in raid 0 format and I read( a while ago) that you should re-install windows about every 9 months when installed in this format. Mine was 18 months and due a re-install, which I have done today. ::)  Soooooo I have just installed FSX & Acceleration (which I have always had), and soon I shall start on the FTX ORBX installation :-X, hoping all will be good!!!! I shall inform you all when it is done, and the outcome.Somehow I've got a feeling it will all be ok when i've done it. FINGERS, ARMS, LEGS and grow bags crossed.

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I would like to thank everybody who tried to help me solve the issue I was having with the Monument Valley installation. Knowing that I had a few gremlins in Microsoft Windows 7, I knew I had to do a complete reinstall of everything and that has solved the problem. Monument Valley looks good and am rather pleased. Thank you ALL once again (much appreciated). Here's a link to a screenshot. http://fsfiles.org/flightsimshotsv2/image/RVp


::) ::)::)

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  • 3 months later...

This tip thread has cured my problems with the rocks here and in Monument valley. It was definitely an incompatibility problem in my case - incompatible with me! Yes, I had turned off the virus scanner.

Well, the only one I thought I had active - McAfee Total Protection.

But it turns out I had a second McAfee installed. Not a payware version, but one of the freeware ones that get installed as part of upgrading Firefox. You know, when you install a new search bar or some other FF addon. One tends to forget these over the years and suddenly along comes a software installation that insists you turn the virus scanner off - which you do in good faith. But the "hidden" scanner is still active and buggers you around no end causing rude words to be sent winging through the ether at the software developers.

Please add this consideration Orbx, when you tell us numties to turn the virus scanners off, remind us that we may have other scanners installed, just because we forget to uncheck a box during addon installations to Firefox and co.

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