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software conflict


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Hello there,


     A few months ago I corrupted my entire FSX installation, was not able to recover, and in frustration went on a leave of absence.


     I am ready to try again now and I have appropriate back up and recovery safe guards in place.



     What happened was that there was a conflict between Rex 4 textures and Orbx Global and Vector. It produced vast areas of landscape submerged in water.


     There was, in September, a recovery thread for this problem but it did not help.



     What I would like to know is...



     1. Does this problem still exist?


     2. Is there any way to avoid it and run together both Rex 4 and all of the Orbx products?


     3. Are there any other software conflicts I should be aware of with Active Sky, Ultimate Weather, Ultimate Night?



Thank you,







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Not sure...there could be a number of reasons, I have no personal experience with that issue. IMO with your topic title of "software conflict" you will probably get a ton of response leading you in a million different directions. I would recommend a posting in a seperate thread with more specifics at the time of the issue with screenshots..would be very helpful :)





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Never heard of REX4/Orbx causing an issue with water being land, I have seen some conflicts with UTX which are usually resolved via running the UTX config tool again


Post up a screenshot of the issue, and also note any scenery products you have installed at the time

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I did a search for my September post and found it. Also the link to Holgers "fix".


It seems that the problem is incorrect or missing .cfg paths . ???


1. Perhaps this is not a specific product conflict issue?


2. How does it happen?


3. How can it be avoided?


The fix did not work for me.

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Hi there,


     Below is my September post. And below that is the link to Holger's note about morphing and the fix.










     I am really interested in learning how to avoid this mess.






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Hi Jeff


I still don't understand what mess you are talking about...your posts are so vague and generalized with no screen shots...which makes it very hard to zero in on what you were experiencing. Holgers fix obviously had nothing to do with your issue. I believe the responses you received then were an attempt to zero in on your issue at the time but did not receive any further follow up from you.


To avoid making a mess of your sim I would recommend reading the manuals provided with the software, take your time with one step at a time and restart your sim after each step to test and note any problems with specifics and take screen shots to post with any issues...this is a very visually based hobby and as the saying goes "a picture say's a thousand words".


Here is how to post a screenshot:




Also...trying to uninstall products in haste and frustration will usually make things worse, and yes...having a backup recovery option of a clean build is a very smart move. :)


Good Luck!





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Thank you for the notes.



There were other posters having the same problems at the same time and they were all referred to Holder's link.


They posted screen shots.


Basically there were large areas of landmass that were covered with water wherever one went in FSX. I do not have the ability to provide screen shots now, but they are some where on these forums.



I did follow exactly all installation instructions and all recovery instructions.



But the point  now is that I have a completely pristine install of FSX and I want to avoid these issues.


There was definitely some conflict between some other application and Orbx.


And so I am asking if there are any know softwares that definitely produce a conflict with or a corruption of Orbx. I think I even remember seeing a reference to this in a post some where.






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There are many addons which have some compatability issues.

In fact, there is an entire forum dedicated to the subject here



If you stick to installing each of your FTX products one by one and after

each installation install the latest library and run a test, as Doogles says

you should have no problems.


If you then decide to add in products from other developers, do so one at a time

so that you can tell straight away which one(s) are causing problems.

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I did a search and found these screen shots from an older thread on the forum here, that depict what happened to my FSX. The thread link is posted below. I don't know how to transfer the photos out of those threads to this thread.


Perhaps the problem was not associated with Rex 4 or any other addons...


but none of the Orbx fixes recommended helped me at the time.


I am just trying to understand what happened so I can avoid this in the future.









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Does anyone know why the water textures replacing the land textures problem occurs in the above linked screenshots?




The posts in that link state very clearly that it is a Vector issue that we can not do anything about, except to not use Vector. That being said, Vector has been updated and will keep being updated to continue to improve and resolve issues that arise...and IMHO the only way you can avoid this type of stuff moving forward is to remove yourself from the hobby. :)


Happy New Year! :)



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So....this is really weird......Am I understanding that you are saying the Orbx Vector product screws the Orbx FTX and/or other Orbx  products???


Is there some place in the Orbx Install Docs that says this?



I have to admit that I am totally perplexed by this discussion.


What do I need to know to get oriented?


All I want to do is use the Orbx products.

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There were imperfections in Vector that are being resolved and improved upon with updates...what don't you understand about that?


How do you put something in a manual that you are not aware of until after the fact?


You are already doing what you need to do to get oriented...but you have to be able accept the fact that with a massive project like creating Vector there will be imperfections that the flight sim community work together to resolve....is that really perplexing to you?


Please feel free to use and enjoy Orbx products and contribute to the community with your findings, which will be helpful to us all as they evolve. :)


Happy New Year!



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