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Aeropelican-couple of points

John York

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Firstly, what a difference a few birds flying around makes.  Now that's more like the reality we're all (Well, I suppose we all) are striving for.  So, thanks all round for that feature.

Secondly, I echo the others.  The scenery in this one is truly breathtaking and shows what can be done when a blend of photoreal is introduced.

However, there is one thing I really don't understand.  Having the FTX AI bundle not only enabled us to switch off the FSX AI but also to switch the GA traffic density to '0',  so why on earth have ORBX now introduced a minimum setting of 50% for Aeropelican?  Apart from being a frame rate killer, it also doesn't help those of us who try to maintain general settings for all occasions, so obviating the need for 'in flight' adjustments.

Actually, I've tried an experiment this morning and I find that setting 50% or 25% makes no difference to the frame rate but they both reduce the lowest frame rate by 3-5 fps which is quite significant at that lower end, changing a relatively smooth and comfortable 12 fps to a stuttery one at 7-9 on a Vista 64x machine. 


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I'm not sure I completely understand your point but I will answer what I think you are saying.

Each aircraft in a flight plan has a set percentage at which the aircraft will appear. When you set the various levels for both Airline and GA traffic within FSX, the system doesn't reduce the volume by the selected percentage but instead shows only those aircraft with a pre-set percentage at or below that that is selected.

In the case of Warnervale/Aeropelican there are 14 aircraft in the flight plan. Of those 14 aircraft, 7 have a pre-set of 1%, 6 have a pre-set of 5% and 1 is pre-set at 10%. This means that you can set your slider to 10% and still have all the Warnervale/Aeropelican aircraft operating, but with very little, if any, other GA aircraft. Modifying your slider to 1% will still give you 7 aircraft.

The recommended setting of 50% will give you all the Warnervale/Aeropelican aircraft plus a modest volume of other GA aircraft passing through. These settings are recommended but as each FSX/Computer set-up is different, the user will have to make the final choice on what is most suitable.

I like plenty of activity in my sim so I have all my sliders at 100% and just accept that my system will sometimes have frames in single digits. If you feel that the level of GA traffic at Aeropelican or Warnervale is taxing your system too much, then I suggest you reduce your GA traffic setting to either 1% or 0%.

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I had two questions:

1.) what? you can enable GA traffic? I thought that we weren't supposed to after installing the AI package. If we can, this would be super!

2.) Whats orbx brown (or ftx brown...I forget exactly) for the water textures? I read it somewhere but can't recall the thread..

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1, of course you can enable GA traffic, as the FTX_AI package only uses the Airline Traffic slider, There is no default GA traffic in FSX for australia, So at YPEC and other airports we have included some GA Traffic to add to the immersion factor

have a look here for a tool to create your own GA traffic http://orbxsystems.com/forums/index.php?topic=5306.0

2, ORBX Brown is a texture set from FEX

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:-[Just shows how innocent I am doesn't it? ::)  And from the sound of it I'm not alone.  Thanks for the explanations chaps.  So the GA goes back on for everything then.  By how much I suppose depends on how much it kills my computer! ;):-\


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...So at YPEC and other airports we have included some GA Traffic to add to the immersion factor

Tim, I have installed the default FSX traffic next to the FTX AI pack. Will this default FSX GA traffic get in the way of the GA traffic you guys created for YPEC and other fields?

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???Now this I don't understand. I've changed my Aviation Traffic settings as follows:  Airline Traffic Density from 75% to 50%, General Aviation Density from 0% to 50% and Airport Vehicle Density from Maximum to High.

Now I know I've compensated a bit but I've just done a Carenado Piper (which isn't exactly known for its kindly frame rates) flight from Aeropelican to Warnervale and my average fps has improved by, I would say, 3 or 4, with the result that even taxiing and looking round gives me just above 10 which in turn results in a smooth flight, but more than that, the places look so much busier with aircraft flying in and out and all that. ;D

I am very grateful to you guys for giving me the information about AI and GA traffic because following the FTX instructions to the letter that I now know are only guides I would have continued without any of it thinking that this is how it is when flying in Australia.

Thank you.


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