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water elevated at LCLK...

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I was just checking the Larnaca intl airport and noticed that water appeared to be elevated as shown in the


I have no idea why this is happening. rest of the airport looks fine and no elevation issues. The coordinates are shown in the screenshot. Also i am not able to find LCLK in both AEC enabled or disabled list. May i please know whether this is a bug with vector 1.20 or some other issues?


thanking you


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Hello Govind,


                     I am not seeing this in my sim and can not replicate this anomaly. I will keep looking into this.





thanks richard for the reply. However i have to say, i am not able to find this airport in AEC enabled or disabled list. this being a default airport should have come up there during auto scan. Would it be because AEC have been applied for this airport due to which airport has sunken a bit elevating the surrounding water?? I am not understanding why this is not appearing in ur sim. Can u please post a screenshot of the same coordinates, so that i can compare and see??


thanking you


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Hi Coolgovind, I can't replicate this either and I have autogen buildings between the runway and the water.Looks like you have an add on airport, seeing the fence running under the Aegean Airbus?

As for bringing it into the list I have given you a solution to that in one of your posts but you thought disabling the Vector¨_EXX was a better way and apparently didn't bother with my answer, maybe try enabling the Vector_EXX and the problem will be solved and read up on your own posts.



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Hi Coolgovind, I can't replicate this either and I have autogen buildings between the runway and the water.Looks like you have an add on airport, seeing the fence running under the Aegean Airbus?

As for bringing it into the list I have given you a solution to that in one of your posts but you thought disabling the Vector¨_EXX was a better way and apparently didn't bother with my answer, maybe try enabling the Vector_EXX and the problem will be solved and read up on your own posts.



hey herman...


I tried ur method but disabling EXX was the only way to solve the anomalies of trees appearing on runways/taxiways. So which is better, to have trees on airports with EXX enabled or disable it to have aiports look like airports? so i went for disabling EXX. And yes, i will try to disable AEC for this airport by following ur method given in one of my post. And this is the default FSX airport, and i have no add on airport  for Cyprus. And i really dont think this has anything to do with EXX since, this problem looks like an AEC issue since airport appears to be sunken a bit compared to surrounding thereby casusing water to be elevated. Since this airport was not there in the enabled/disabled list i was confused. Moreover many people solved the problem of trees appearing on runways/ taxiways by disabling EXX. EXX is just excludes and doesnt cause any losses in objects created by vector.


And as per your telling of autogens appearing between runway and water, my autogen setting is set to normal, u might have set it to maximum or dense. that can cause this. also by comparison with google earth, my airport top view looks almost the same as google earth, except for this elevation issue, which i guess can be solved by your method. Can you please check and tell me whether you have LCLK airport in AEC enabled/disabled list in vector config tool?


Thanks for ur help




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I don't have it in the list either, as for trees on RWYS? I don't have that issue either, maybe you have the order of your scenery librarie wrong? trees on airports can be solved with drawing an exclusion rectangle using the free ADE program and save that exclusion to a separate folder in the addon scenery folder so you can activate it separetly in the scenery librarie and place it above all FTX entries exept the ORBX librarie file.

disabling the _EXX is like buying a new car without gasoline and leaving it in the garage to solve the problem of the car not starting rather then go buy some gasoline, wich one is the best solution?



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I don't have it in the list either, as for trees on RWYS? I don't have that issue either, maybe you have the order of your scenery librarie wrong? trees on airports can be solved with drawing an exclusion rectangle using the free ADE program and save that exclusion to a separate folder in the addon scenery folder so you can activate it separetly in the scenery librarie and place it above all FTX entries exept the ORBX librarie file.

disabling the _EXX is like buying a new car without gasoline and leaving it in the garage to solve the problem of the car not starting rather then go buy some gasoline, wich one is the best solution?



I guess many people who have downloaded the complete 1.20 vector and installed are facing trees on runways/taxiways. You must have updated from 1.10 to 1.15 t 1.20 but many others who directly installed 1.20 complete installer have this issue and eliminated this by unchecking EXX. Actually EXX essentially doesnt do anything and disabling this is not causing all these issues at LCLK. I just tested it.

Now after disabling LCLK in AEC the problem still remains. After enabling LCLK in AEC , the problem remains. And i think you have fsglobal 2010 mesh and thats why you are not able to see this problem, but i will post some screenshot which will show that the water is only elevated. Rest of the land is on the same level as airport, possibly associated with some bug with vector 1.20 without fsglobal 2010 mesh. Thats the only explanation.




you can see in the first image that, i too have houses between runway and water, just as you told...and the image looks exactly like that in google earth. Only problem is that water appears to be elevated. Land appears to be blending well with airport.

So i am confirming it as some issue with vector 1.20 with no fsglobal 2010 mesh as both Richard and you have mesh.



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The water what you see on your airport is in reality a saltlake that is dry most of the time but what I see is a conflict of 2 different sceneries and that is due to disabling the EXX option. the EXX folder contains all exclusion polygons wich exclude the default scenery wich you see really good on the top down view, the lines in the water come from default and the rest from GLOBAL. How do these exclusion polygons work; with ADE you can draw them yourself and then tag them with "Flatten" wich will adjust the altitude from that polygon to the same as the airports default altitude but leaves autogen trees and the underground in place, hence some are seeing trees on the airports ground, you can also tag as "flatten and exclude autogen" wich will take away the trees that don't belong there but still leaves you with a funny underground and you can tag them as "flatten, exclude autogen and mask landclass" wich is the option you want. Save these exclusion polygons in a separate folder named after the airport in your scenery addon folder so you can add it to your scenery librarie and place it above all ORBX folders except the ORBX librarie folder and your problems are gone in most cases so you see saying the EXX option doesn't do anything is a fantasy of you.

PS; disable the airport you want to draw a new exclude polygon for first in the AEC tool or it will be locked and unable to change it.

PS2; look at my answer to the LSZH post on how to disable airports not in the AEC tool list.


Hope this helps a lot of people with this kind of problems and don't blame the Vector team for a small slip up here and there because there are over 25000 airports in FSX wich is a lot.



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Here is a top down view from my FSX with the autogen slider set to normal and as you can see you have more taxiways and an extra terminal on the south end, that's why I thought you had an add on airport or some other scenery down there.




Now here is my top down view of the airport with EXX disabled...


and here is how it looks in google earth:


you have to admit, mine looks exactly like google earth only, the extra taxiway is present in the real airport too as well as there is a terminal in the south..i dont know y u r not having this because i have default fsx airport only and there is an extra taxiway and terminal in the south in the real airport too as u can see in google earth image.....

now as per your advice i enabled EXX and the water is back to normal..but my other airports like LFPG, VIDP, EBBR are all now having trees and buildings on the taxiways/runways!! So weighing down the merits and demerits of enabling and disabling EXX..i am finding that enabling EXX is leading to more issues since its affecting more number of airports with trees / buildings appearing at random places and disabling this is causing only this water elevated at larnaca..now i dont know y this is happening so..but if u have any solution of y enabling EXX is causing trees appearing on runways at many airports, which even others have observed, any help would be gladly appreciated.



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I don't know where you see the salt lake in the east opening completely to the sea? it's completely closed by land in google earth aswell as my picture. I checked the default airport with ADE and it's the same as in my picture so I think you are using P3D right? I am using FSX so with P3D I don't know anything about it and don't know if my solution a couple posts back here works for that too?



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Wich is exactly the same as mine, I should say govind check your scenery librarie, maybe you have some freeware addon you forgot about? or the wrong order from entries?



no freeware add on...and i have to say..the airport of mine looks closest to that in google earth...which is the real one....there are 2 taxiways in real airport in Lamarca as well as there is a terminal to the south...please see the google earth image i posted..

So its not an issue with the airport...and as i told..enabling EXX brings back the water to normal..but this leads to trees appearing on LFPG, VIDP, EBBR..and dont know how many more!!! so i dont know wht to do...and my scenery library entries had been already checked by Richard and as desired....i dont know why is EXX creating this trees appearing!!! some other people also are having this problem. so i think it must have to do something with vector 1.20 full installer as you must have updated it from 1.15 to 1.20.

Also i dont have any add on airport for Lamarca...its default only...

I hope richard will soon address this issue as i had already posted in a separate topic about EXX file problems...

and please dont mark this answered...it is still pending..and the problem is not solved yet...


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Hello Govind,


                    What Wolter is seeing is identical to me, perhaps the Exclusion file that you disable has fixed your water body issue when enabled, so I can only advise to leave it . As for trees on your runways, I will again visit those posts






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Hello Govind,


                    What Wolter is seeing is identical to me, perhaps the Exclusion file that you disable has fixed your water body issue when enabled, so I can only advise to leave it . As for trees on your runways, I will again visit those posts






Yes richard...Please do revisit about trees appearing on runways when EXX is enabled, as this problems appears for some others too. Enabling EXX will fix the issue at LCLK but it will destroy other airports with trees appearing on many taxiways and runways. So i have to disable it for the time being.


thanking you



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Hope you don't mind if I jump in here.    My top down view of LCLK is exactly the same as Wolter's last shot.  (in P3Dv2.4)   I have Pilots Global Mesh FTX Edition enabled, plus Vector 1.20, GlobalBase 1.30    Looking at some of the other screenshoots from govind I'm not seeing the same buildings even!   The building in the first screenshot doesn't look like what I'm seeing.


It makes no difference if I enable or disable Pilots Mesh as to how this airport looks.  I do not have the water step you are showing, nor do I see a fence that appears under one jet in your shots.



Even though I don't have a step up in water that looks like your, or any autogen trees where they shouldn't be I am seeing these elevation bugs.


First shot is looking East



Next shot is looking West.  You can see in this shot that if it wasn't for the landclass/autogen on the left side that the water elevation would extend the entire length.


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