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Hi every one have just got a new SSD for my birthday so decided to do a reinstall and put FSX on the SSD. Can any one point me to the topic to delete orbx software. I know FTX Global has its own uninstall but how to do the rest would help. cheer's guys. Derek

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Unless you are having problems with your present installation, you may well save a lot of

time if you simply move the whole thing to the SSD.

I wrote a guide on how to do such a thing.



As a caveat, you will see a small decrease in loading time but you won't see a discernable

difference in how it performs once it has loaded.

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About the only real advantage of the SSD is to put the operating system on the drive which will shorten the start up time. As Nick said, you won't get anything noticeable from FSX (or P3Dv2) for that matter.  With that said, if you have ever thought about going to P3D, this might be the perfect time to start over....new drive, new install of OP and new FS and a clean install of ORBX.  From time to time, this keeps things all in tip top condition although time consuming to be sure.  And Nick offered you the other option in his link. Good luck


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It does not help the framerate but my SSD actually did cut the loading time of both P3D and FSX quite a bit, after the dreadful 6% pause of course. I put FSX on an SSD with W7 and it was so much better that when I went P3D I bought another dedicated SSD !  It really depends of  your sim load (sceneries, mesh etc.) . Also remember that fragmentation is never an issue for a SSD. Last but not least, your SSD is supposed to work better under a 80% fill so look at the load you want to install.

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It does not help the framerate but my SSD actually did cut the loading time of both P3D and FSX quite a bit, after the dreadful 6% pause of course. I put FSX on an SSD with W7 and it was so much better that when I went P3D I bought another dedicated SSD !  It really depends of  your sim load (sceneries, mesh etc.) . Also remember that fragmentation is never an issue for a SSD. Last but not least, your SSD is supposed to work better under a 80% fill so look at the load you want to install.


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