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FTX Central error message

Stewart Hobson

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I have uninstalled all ORBX stuff and started from the beginning with installing FTXGlobal Base.  Sure enough FTX Central pops up and gives the above error message.  I'm going to assume the terrain.cfg in question is in the FSX folder.  So is a re-install of FSX necessary, or just a repair?  And what happened to the [LandClasses] section in the first place?  Very strange indeed.  Any ideas, folks, because I don't want to proceed any further with installing the ORBX regions and airports without first clearing this up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have exactly the same problem and I have to click OK three times before it goes away.  However, I have continued to install everything and it appears to be working.  Trouble is there are several 'terrain.cfg' files around so not sure which one FTX central is accessing to get this error.  If I knew maybe I could fix it by copying some [LandClasses] from another .cfg file.


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Hi, Gary.  I ended up reinstalling FSX (ugh!), and it solved the problem.  For some reason that terrain.cfg file got corrupted.  It's the terrain.cfg in the FSX directory, I believe, was the culprit.  I hope you don't have to do a reinstall like I did.

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Hi Stewart,

Thanks for that. Now I know which cfg file is at fault I will attempt to fix it.  I have FSX installed on my Laptop without ORBX installed so I have a vanilla cfg file to compare it with. Hopefully another install can be avoided or maybe just run the FSX repair?

Will let you know the result.


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Hi guys,


the easiest solution for that error message is the same as described in this post in our FAQ: http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/79004-resolving-rapid-ground-texture-morphing/


I'd stay away from FSX's "repair" option as it will indiscriminately (=checking file dates only) replace altered files with default versions meaning you're bound to break more than you fix. Moreover, you'll never know exactly what was changed and thus lingering doubts often remain.


The vast majority of issues can be fixed with help from us or other forums. That being said, if something really goes haywire or appears to be in a downward spiral of issues then a clean installation is generally the best approach as it's usually quicker than days of hunting for specific bugs and solutions.


Last but not least if you keep a backup image of a stable base installation then you can skip many of the tedious initial steps of a complete reinstallation. It's what developers and Beta testers make extensive use of because they frequently require a "virgin" installation to test installers and/or features.


Cheers, Holger

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As Stewart had posted his message on the 5th December and there was no response up to today, I assumed that the error had either not been resolved or nobody loves us any more  ::)  I had also carried out a search of the forum for a similar error, but nothing appropriate came up, not even your FAQ.

So, thanks for the link but I had actually worked out the answer myself and was just about to leave a message for Stewart when your post came up!  

I realised that it was something like a corrupt file because, other than a few stray houses and fields where water should be, the remaining scenery looked fine.  I solved it by doing a search for all 'terrain.cfg' files on my FSX drive and making comparisons with size, dates, content etc.  It turns out my terrain.cfg file in the default FSX folder had no [LandClasses] whatsoever, but a backup did, so I guessed that something had messed it up.  I copied and pasted the missing LandClasses into the correct location in the .cfg file and the error went away immediately.

However, in accordance with your link I have 'applied' this to my FTX Central regions and all is well.



P.s. I always keep an up to date 'image' of my FSX drive, just in case.

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  • 2 months later...

Holger - help!!

Just had the same issue after a clean reinstall of FSX. I had got as far as re-installing global, vector and EU landclass, then installed the latest library.I had a trial flight and found  I was parked at Plymouth and got autogen all over the place, trees in the water; textures morphing etc. I was just checking FTX central  when I got the same duplicate landclass index 14 massage. I tried the replacement terrain.cfg suggested by Holger, but it persists. 

I had re-ordered the scenery library to get all the global and LC files below the regional entries as usual, but had to do this several times because every time I restarted FSX the landclass entries has jumped to the top.

Any ideas? 

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