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Products being installed on 'C' disc

John York

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I think I've seen this question before but I can't find the answer.


I've 500 GB solid state 'C' drive but in addition two 3TB hard drives.  The 'C' drive is getting worryingly full with FTX taking most of the space but the other two, specifically installed for flight simulation, have very little on them.


Is there any chance that you can allow us to choose the disc FTX products are installed on please?





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Hi John I'm no exspert but I think the ORBX products automaticaly install where your FSX is installed eg mine is on my G'drive along with all my ORBX products and anything else sim related. I'm sure one of our resident Gurus will chime in if I'm wrong (again)

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Ticker7 is right - the FTX files get installed into the root FSX or P3D folder. So if you installed FSX and or P3D or both on your SSD C:\ drive, then that's where the ORBX files will install to. The solution would be to reinstall your sims on to your other two drives.




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Sorry fellers but that's not quite right.  I have the operative part of P3D installed on my 'F' disc.  For some reason, its installed a couple of scenery items on my 'C' disc but that's all.


What I would like, and what I was asking for is a choice to install Orbx products on.  I know of no other supplier, well, of anything really that dictates to the customer what drive their product should be installed on and can't really understand why Orbx dictates that.



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Hello John,


They are indeed absolutely right.

The installers detect where the FSX/P3D

installation is from an entry in the Windows


Where this is IS a matter of choice for the user

but the choice must be made upon initial installation


They will install there regardless of where

the rest of the files are which is why it is vital that

the initial installation of FSX or P3D is done correctly

and not changed thereafter.


They DO NOT install by default to the C:\drive but

they DO ONLY install to the recorded FSX/P3D install location.


The installers are slaves to logic and if they really are installing

to the C:\ drive, it is because your registry is telling them to do this.


As to the compulsory location, every single aircraft developer

for example, requires that the aircraft be installed in Simobjects\Airplanes

because that is the only place that a default FSX or P3D

installation will look for them.


In the same way, FTX Central (and every other .exe file ever written)

requires the files that are to be manipulated to be in a defined location and as it is

also a slave to logic it cannot, as a less logical human being might, look elsewhere if they

are not found.

Instead it will generate an error message and stop.

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Hi, I am having this issue, P3D was installed on my C Drive, as it is running out of room I am moving all my programs to my E Drive so I have uninstalled P3D and reinstalled it on E no problems, then used CC cleaner to clear the registry, but FTX Eu points automatically to the C drive creates a Lockhead martin folder and proceeds to install its self there..... then un surprisingly it wont run 

Hi again, could FTX be looking at the apps/local/user/data to find P3D on C? 

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No, the installer looks ONLY at the registry entry.

Though you may have un- and then re-installed,

without doubt the registry entry has not been amended

to reflect the new location.


With thanks to Ed, these are the locations of the registry entries


In a 64 bit system, the registry for entries can be found under


FSX: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator]

P3Dv1: â€‹[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\LockheedMartin\Prepar3D]

P3Dv2: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v2]


32 bit systems will be 


FSX: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator]

P3Dv1: â€‹[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\LockheedMartin\Prepar3D]

P3Dv2: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v2]


Within each location there will be a specific path to the FSX, P3D v1 or P3Dv2 root folder

and it is this path that the installer will follow.

This is not unique to FTX by any means, especially where the location is vital to the correct

operation of the installed files.


If you use the registry editor to navigate to the location from the list above which is

appropriate to you, you will see that it remains as C:\*****

You can use the editor to amend this to E:\******, making absolutely sure that

the rest of the path accurately points to your new installation.

The installer will then do as you want it to.


Though this guide http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/83440-how-to-move-fsx-from-one-drive-to-another/ is for FSX, the principle is identical and you may find the references

to the operation of the registry editor useful.

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I quite understand that Nick.  However, when all's said and done Orbx is a scenery addon much like any other scenery addon (only better of course) the difference being that any other scenery addon can be shoved on to any drive you like.  


The big problem is disc space and FTX builds up to a lot especially when it's on the 'C' disc which takes on most of the operating stuff as well.


I accept that I've had my answer and there is no intention to re-program Orbx so that it can work independently on any disc we want regardless of where the flight simulator is located.


I wonder if I can get the rest of my P3D installation on the the 'F' drive instead of 'C'?  That would solve the problem for me because then Orbx would direct itself on to that.


All the best.



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Hello John,


I see no reason why you shouldn't be able to move it all to your F:\ drive,

amending the registry entry as I have described above will enable the

FTX installers to place the files there once the file transfer is complete.


I too have tried the basic FSX files on an SSD with the scenery that wouldn't

fit on another drive, as I expect you have at present with your P3D files.

Yes, it did start a little quicker and if only loading files from the SSD it loaded

a little quicker too but once it was running, it was really no better and I have

no reason to think that the present incarnation of P3D will be any different.


I have reverted to everything on a 2TB HDD and having reached a certain age

that I'm sure you will remember :smile: find I have more than enough patience to

wait a few moments longer.

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Yep, that's done it.  Transferred by cut and paste from 'C' to 'F' and changed the registry very nervously!


Anyway, it was easy really and I've had a two minute flight to make sure it works and it seems all is fine.  Of course the true test will come when I reload my Orbx scenery.  Will it choose 'F'?  Goodness me, I hope so!


Actually, my installation must have been a bit of a mess-up for some reason.  Some of the files were actually on both discs and duplicated!


FlightSimStore-here I come this afternoon for my downloads!


Thanks for your help Nick.  Greatly appreciated as always.



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