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Corrupt downloads/installation issue


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I had to have Win 8 reinstalled on my computer this week. To get things in the right perspective I re-installed FSX first :) Works fine no drama's. I then downloaded FTX Australia AUSP4003 and did the install and was greeted with a window "Region Files Validation Report" which lists a heap of files "not found". I then downloaded YMMB Moorabbin with the same result, message read "scenery.config file error. local scenery directory(orbx\ftx_au\ftxaaymmb\scenery) in scenery area.129 not found".

I find it pretty odd that two files downloaded one after the other to be corrupt, so I had a good saved  AUSP4003 which I then installed. It also installed with missing files.

From day one I have used IDM to download all my ORBX and addons mainly aircraft, without any problems. I don't believe I am having a download issue as they all appear to download 100% without any notification of a problem, I feel I have an installer problem, is that possible? Oh, and the software runs. I briefly took to the skies to check that out, but I would assume that on a longer indepth flight I would run into problems.

Thanks for any and all assistance. Please keep in mind that I am not a computer guru and need advice in plain english. :wacko: 



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Further to my original post, I pretty sure I have a computer problem. I have installed YWVA Warnevale form a DVD no problems. I have downloaded my A2A Cherokee 180 - BIG problems the fuselage has no wings or tail feathers and the pilot is floating in space. This would be funny if it wasn't so serious.So guys please put your help on hold, I'm off to see ANOTHER computer Tech, hopefully this time one who knows what he is doing.



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Thanks Adam, right now I'm I'm I'm so angry with the Tech I'm speechless. He had my rig for a week and brought it back "all fixed". When I rang and said no its not, he came back and spent another two hours on it - "it's okay now mate".

It did appear to okay at first, doing normal computer stuff, but when it came to downloading etc it bombed. I'll keep you posted on the out come. I wont get it back until next week, hoping.



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