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England does not work


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I purchaced Orbx-FTX EU England 2014-08-26 it arrived yesterday 2014-09-08 I installed it and hoped to have a little fly before going to bed. But Humberside airport EGNJ is in the ocean there was even a yatch in full sail parked next to me. So I then went to Coningsby AB EGXC and at least managed to take off but discoved that most of the area is water with the odd tree sticking up. My order number is FSS0311694. I have no idea how to give you a screen shot. I do not seem to be able to uninstall the program. As I also bought Wales & Scotland I am a very disapointed customer.


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Hello John,


Did you click on Europe and press apply in FTX Central? It should be located on your desktop. If not then it's located in FSX\ORBX\Scripts\FTXCentral


Make sure that you've downloaded and installed the latest Orbx libraries.



See here of how to post a screenshot on the forums:


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I have done an uninstall & reinstall at the moment I have only put England on my spare PC not my main Flight sim PC. I followed on screen instructions to the letter. But same thing, the airport sits in an ocean. I have spent money on this as I was told I had to buy from a proper outlet and get an order number. I have done this and now I feel that I have thrown good money after bad. England does not work. I need help.


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Hi John,

You may have a corrupt terrain.cfg, first make sure you have all England patches and the latest libraries install. From there open FTX Central and cycle it to default, hit apply, then back to Europe and hit apply again.

If it still displays as water, follow this guide and let us know if it resolves your issue:




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I have supplied you with Order number & screenshot yet you still can not solve the fact that you seem to have sent me a defective disc. If this is customer support then god help me.You seem to be giving me the run around.


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I would suggest John, that you allow our support staff to work WITH you on resolving the issue with your installation of FTX England. Since we have sold tens of thousands of copies of all the UK regions it would be a major PR disaster for Orbx if indeed the product was defective and exhibits the behaviour you are describing.


You will get a better outcome if you refrain from being impatient and aggressive in your posts.


We'll get back to soon.

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OK but if you look at my previous posts it has always been "please supply an order number and a screen shot". My previous England bought from Amazon worked ok apart from clitches which involved water in inappropriate places but you refused to help me because I had no order number so I have played the game and spent even more money with Orbx but now have bigger problems. I am sorry that I am not as IT literate as some on here and do not know how to interogate cfg files and the like. I buy software put it in the drive and follow the on screen instructions. I have even had a supper graphics card put in my flight sim pc. So by getting these disks I hoped for the ulimate flying experience. The problem exisists on both of my PCs So sorry for my seeming inpatience. But when you have spent as much money as I have you expect things to work.


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I appreciate what you are saying but the problem is local to your PC environment and not FTX England so the reality is that we now have to work with you to find out what in your setup is causing issues.

The quickest way to identify problems is to disable all entries in your scenery library but leave only Orbx FTX entries active. That will help find out if another addon is causing the issue.

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No run around here, I barely have time to provide real support not to mention fake support. Anyway we need to go through basic troubleshooting steps to figure out the issue.

Switching to default then back to Europe cycles several core files which fixed issues similar to your own. Checking for patches and installing libraries ensures that we all know exactly what configuration your system is running. Please do that then follow the guide linked.

If the problem persists we'll troubleshoot it further, but we cannot get anywhere unless you follow the initial instructions and report the results back.

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Ok I get what you are saying But this problem is the same on 2 seperate PCs one of which has no add ons what so ever. It is just FSX + England. What patches do you want me to get? as this is the very latest eddition of England.

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Let's try another way of figuring out as to what's going on at your end,

I have a number of questions first, this so we the Team, can be able to determine what the issue could be at your end

1. Which SIM are we talking about fsX, is this patched to SP2 or do you have the Accelleration pack installed as well, or P3Dv1.x or v2.3 ?

2. Do you have the SIM installed on the C: drive or is it on it's own separate drive ?

3. Did you unzipp the installers in to their own folders BEFORE running them ?

4. Did you exclude your SIM install from continuous scanning by your AntiVirus program and if not which one are you using ?

5. Which OS are you using, W7 ?, and if so which version ?

6. Did you disable User Account Control ?

7. When you installed the sceneries Did you right click the installers and used the "Run as Administrator" option ?

8. After the install did you install the latest library files as well ?

9. Could you provide information as to what your system hardware specs are ?

10. Is the ORBX main folder located within your main Flightsim folder or does it reside elsewhere ?

11. Did you move the FlightSim main folder after installation ?

thank you in advance for your cooperation to resolve this :)

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Right lets begin. I do not have a BA in computer programming. The main pc for flight sim is windows 8.1. the other one is windows 7. Both are FSX no expansion. As for installing the disk I followed on screen instructions. If you had helped me with the first England posts that I made (the one that was bought from Amazon which worked well apart from clitches) we would not be here. Tried to play by your rules ie order number screen shots etc. but no luck.

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Ok here is the full story. I have England and Wales as seperate disks bought from Amozon which worked ok apart from some citches which I asked you guys for help with. But you would not help me because My wife had bought me them for christmas from Amozon. So to get the best from my flight sim I have had a super graphics card installed and I bought from Flight store, England, Wales & Scotland as disks. I am runnning FSX no expansion on windows 8.1. I get my new disks and install as per on screen instructions. Ok only england to begin. What did I get? well you have the screen shot and you can have as many more as you like. So I tried it on a second pc Yes I have 2 PCs, same thing water water everywhere. This second pc is windows 7. The windows 8 PC is virgin since having the graphics card fitted. The windows 7 is an old machine but prob is the same on both machines therefor the prob has to be with the supplied disk.

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Hello John,


Have you installed FSX SP1 and SP2? If not you can download them here:


FSX SP1: http://www.microsoft.com/Products/Games/FSInsider/downloads/Pages/FlightSimulatorXServicePack1.aspx
FSX SP2: http://www.microsoft.com/Products/Games/FSInsider/downloads/Pages/FlightSimulatorXServicePack2.aspx


These service packs are required for all FSX addons out there.

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Ok guys. Because we seem to be getting nowhere I have uninstalled the whole lot and reinstalled FSX. So now please advise me how to install England. Please remember that I am not as computer literate as you guys so please keep it simple and let's hope it works.


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This is directly to TubeFlyer. THANK YOU. I have just downloaded and installed the updates that you recomended onto my secondry PC (windows 7) and had a little flight in default. There use to be land under the Humber Bridge that is no longer there The Humber Bridge is now perfect. Latter today I will put in Orbx England and keep you posted. Once again so sorry for being computer thick. I did not know that these Microsoft service downloads existed.


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Thanks to all of you who have replied. Have just had a fly with England installed, looks really good. TubeFlyer had the answer and it looks like he proberbly read and understood that I am not as clever with this IT thing as people like Wolter and the others that tried to help me. But at least I now know how to do screen shots. But once again thanks to all that have tried to help me even if their help was way beyond my capabilities.


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Have just been flying on the main PC (windows 8.1) and so far so good. I am even seeing features that I know are there in the real world. Will try Wales and Scotland soon. Then I can fly my military DC3 from RAF base to RAF base. One little diddy request could one of you guys make a patch that gives Lincoln cathedal. Once again thank you to you all.


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